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hallo loves

greetings from a field beyond right and wrongdoing somewhere in aoteroa....

i hope you've been enjoying my self-portrait rumi posts. rumi-nations?

as usual, the harder and harder my heart beats, the more i have to say what i, myself, most need to hear to calm it.

and.....thank you all for the beautiful poetry you've been leaving in the comments....it is all being cut and pasted and saved for the soup.

you are all so fucking lovely and real.....and getting to know you all better has been an unexpected boon in these COVID-times.


quick/first and foremost, an immediate invite: 

my dear friend lance horne, who was the leader of "mondays in the club" at alan cumming's "club cumming" in the east village - a favorite haunt of all us new yorkers - is now doing mondays in the club as an online offering...and i thought it might be a nice place for patrons to congregate, chat, wave....why not. 

let's go party on someone else's platform....!!!!

it starts in 90 minutes...at 9 pm NYC time.


here's the link to RSVP and join the stream:


i'll be there.....and if i get my shit together, i may do a live interpretive dance to "i will survive" in my underwear....live from new zealand.


we can't all be in the club....but meanwhile, we can all tune in there and have a sing if we're online. we need that. togetherness. so come on over. (i just RSVP'd. and i'll let lance know to expect a few more people than usual. quick: make a cocktail and put on some spandex).

 here's the description from lance's IG:  Monday Night Fever? In honor of #Studio54 anniversary, it’s #FarmToDisco @MondaysInTheClub from 9pm, direct from our piano to your party. 

Four solid hours of live music, antics, and the celebration of how to use chemicals the right way— brought to you by @doublescorpio , here to clean your VHS heads in an artisan, bespoke manner. 

Not since Herb Ertlinger has a local vintner been so ready to take your requests as @lancehorne on keys. From #RayOfLight to #CleanBandit, come sing a song of #SickPence with a pocketful of #lye From #Oklahoma to #Georgia, we’ve got the #bootscootinboogie for you. On @mondaysintheclub on @crowdcasthq, #free #donate #livemusic Cohorting: @lauren_elder Supporting: @elliajgarlands Back of the bar: @huntercanning Design: @claybythebay photo: @austinyourface pictured: honoring @katlizkramer and her team on the frontline delivering food to those in need.

lance is also on patreon and trying to weave his real-life club community into something more digital. i'm going to help him.

here's his patreon page, for those who want to get in on the ground floor: https://www.patreon.com/lancehorne 


related: i did a little zoom chat yesterday with about 40 people who'd attended the omega retreat last year, and victor, aka prince johnny, was asked to check in with the group about his songwriting and music progress....and that led to a chat about the AIDS pandemic, what it did to the queer community, and how there are echoes and ricochets and triggers abounding right now. 

victor said he's been feeling the slow beginnings of a concept record that explores all that...and he's started a patreon for himself, which i'm happy to support.

meanwhile, lance - who once had a partner who was HIV+ - and i had been talking about this very topic last week....how all the stigma and distancing is bringing up all this old trauma and anger. 

and as victor put it...the loss, the loss, the loss, the loss of stories, the lost narratives, the things that didn't get passed down because the stories went into the coffins with the beautiful bodies that carried them.

my biggest accomplishment of this week to introducing lance to victor so they could collaborate and share these stories of the soul. this is how we stay alive. connective tissue. threads, threads, threads, and art, art, art.

and.....if you want to help one of our own, please join me in supporting him:



two nights ago, i showed xanthea "harold and maude"....she'd never heard of or seen it (how is this possible?)

if you need a movie this week, it's my top recommendation....the ultimate celebartion of life over death movie of the century.

this is harold, our hero, with his souped-up jaguar-hearse.


on the zoom call, victor also made me (and i think, all of us) tear up by mentioning that in his apartment in brooklyn, NY, there's a single window, and across the street is a funeral home.

and everytime he looks outside, it's just hearse, hearse, hearse, hearse.

to hear those words spoken by him...to know that that is what he is seeing with his eyes.

i could see it: the never-ending parade of hearses.

each carrying a body, a loss, a set of stories untold.

each sending a ricochet of pain out into the concentric circles of human beings in new york.

i've been reading the news, i know how overbooked and overflowing the funeral homes are in new york city. it's fucked.

the very idea that you have a single view to the sky, to the outside, to the sun, but in order to look out the window, you also have to see


tears ran down my face.

and then, as victor was chatting with us from behind his little brooklyn screen, he said....

you'll never believe what is going past my window right now

and i braced myself

for the dark

and he said:

a little kid on a pogo stick. an actual pogo stick.


and this is our life right now.

as it always is.

duck, duck, goose.

hearse, hearse, pogo stick.

hearse, hearse, pogo stick.

hearse, hearse, pogo stick.

wash, rinse, repeat.

hang in there everybody, i love the fuck out of you.

(and hopefully see you online at lance's party).





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. A NEW IMPROVED FORUM IS COMING BUT FOR NOW…..please join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Hearse, hearse, pogo stick is sort of the ultimate metaphor for now. Thank you for that.


Harold and Maude was the movie I watched on my first bad night of quarantine, when I was struggling. Maude is an absolute chaos godess and Harold is terrifyingly funny. The bleakness of her past, of their present, and our own present all lay so heavy. But everything gets washed clean for a moment at the end for me.


Never heard of this movie. Just watched part of the trailer and might give it a shot later. I'm having, strangely, a very hard time watching series and movies since the beginning of the lock-down (which started March 17th here in France). It's strange because usually, I'm a BIG-TIME consumer of series and movies. But now I'm just... I can't decide what to watch. Or rewatch. So thanks for the recommendation! Have a blast at your party!


Coming back to the picture of the flood of hearses. The picture which still gets to me for this Pandemie is the parade of military vehicles helping to move 600-700 dead people to their grave in Italy. It’s a dark and sad poetry making me cry for my brothers and sisters in Italy and for all of us...

Carmen J

That hit me right in the chest. Oof.


Wow. Make a song out of this some day. Hearse, hearse, pogo stick. I almost already hear an operatic suite "just a ride" meets "killing in the name of" right now.

Fanny von B

I love you. I love, I have all this love and I want to hug, hug until I'm squeezed so tight we all fall asleep in a safe and warm slumber, without panic, without fear. With more pogo than hearse.

Martha Mountain

when we moved into the city the most important things on our wish list was light and outdoor space. I have never been more grateful for our floor to ceiling windows and our balconies than now.


Ms. Palmer,


Thank you for sharing the story of Victor and how the current pandemic is affecting him. I turned 18 years old in 1983 and AIDS was starting to hit the gay community . Eight years later when I turned 25 years old half of my friends were dead. Surviving that period gave me the tools to deal with the loss of others in a way most other people cannot. I must confess, the current pandemic has returned some of the feelings I had not experienced since the 1980s. Unfortunately, the current U.S. president is as inept at handling a pandemic as Reagan was, but we did slow the spread of AIDS as best we could by preaching safe sex and not sharing needles. It was we the people who took it upon ourselves to save ourselves and the government just kinda followed. I hope people will take the advice of someone who has already survived one pandemic and follow the lessons learned from the past. 1). Listen to the advice of medical professionals, not politicians & preachers. 2). We practiced safe sex. You should practice safe distancing and hand washing. Thank you for your time and listening to advice and concern.

Stefanie Oepen

*sighs dramatically* why does all the good stuff always happen while I am asleep (or at work)? But kidding aside, it sounds great and I hope everyone had a brilliant time. Thank you for the invite!


Victor, aka prince Johnny is such a beautiful soul. I'm going to pull up his music on spotify as my background music (although it will likely become the foreground) as I prepare for my AFY training tonight. Thank you Amanda so much for everything you do, but especially for all the introductions to all these amazing people at Omega. Never has a rock star been so real... painfully so. And as many rock star crushes as I've had, I've never loved or felt more cosmically connected to any of them as I have you. And Harold and Maude has always been my absolute favorite movie, until you introduced me to The king of Hearts one night years ago in Harvard Square. That movie absolutely tickles! Remember that night? You and Neil hosted a movie night. Anthony was there. It was beautiful and real.