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(patrons only)

**EDIT: DON’T WORRY IF YOU MISSED IT. the whole webcast, which was wonderful, is archived here for all patrons forever. go watch at your leisure. bring a hanky. really. it was that ... feelings-y. https://www.crowdcast.io/e/april-20-2020**

hallo loves

greetings from aotearoa....

here i be !! yes - it really did take one full month of lockdown for me to get my shit together enough to do a webcast. and here we go. 

piano is ready. ukulele is ready. 1,000 people have already RSVP'd and we have some questions ready. hayley and michael are going to hop in and i will also bring some guests (you) up on screen....

i have some help. 

this is ash’s “book of feelings.“

we will be reading it. 

and this puppet is going to represent all of your demons. 

why not 

also, here’s goodnight moon 

we will need that 

tune in now:


be mindful that there may be some technical hiccups as the webcasting provider, crowdcast, has a high volume of traffic now that folks are moving over to live streams over real life events. we'll use this post to update if the link breaks or if anything goes awry.

crowdcast recommends that you view streams on the web in the chrome or firefox browsers. you can use your phone (mobile web for andorid, or ios app for iphones) but you may not be able to be pulled up on screen if you're not using a desktop web browser. and one last note....if your audio or video freeze or you have any tech problems, try refreshing your browser, that usually fixes most things right away.

if you miss this live webcast, it'll be automatically archived at the same link to watch later.

see you on there.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


monday, april 20, 2020 - Crowdcast

Register now for Amanda Palmer's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Monday April 20, 2020 at 6:00 pm EDT.



That was the most beautiful night in weeks! I really needed this. Well, okay - I really am tired as fuck now, but I'm about to hang with my partner and her daughter, the sun is out... it could be so much worse. Lots of love.


I don't think the replay URL should have the ** at the end. That said, I can't get it to load with or without.

Elizabeth Claassen

Yeah, I can't get the replay link to work at all, nor can I search and find it. What a terrible search over on Crowdcast. I searched on Amanda's name, and literally nothing came up.

Elizabeth Claassen

If I click the picture of Amanda at the top where it said to RSVP, that takes me to the replay page now. Good luck!

Elizabeth Claassen

Ahh, If I click the picture of Amanda at the top where it said to RSVP, that takes me to the replay page now.


Thanks for the pointer, but all I get is a loading bar for about half a second, then a blank page. I suspect that Crowdcast is overloaded at the moment.


Just tried to watch it, but I guess the servers are still being wonky. I wasn't able to get it loaded. I'll try again later, hopefully it will start working soon.


Awesome webcast thank you :))) I cant find the complete poem of Rumy in the order you read it, can you share the link please?


Thank you so much, I cried and laughed so hard. I had sunk into a morass and it didn't feel bad .... It just didn't feel like anything. Thank you for helping me feel again.


Ten years ago, my son Liam was Ash's age. :) Playing zombie tag in our backyard with his sisters. Seeing Ash brings me back. (My sweet boy is now over six feet tall.) Liam found music as a way of expressing himself when he was going through rough times in junior high, and he has devoted himself to it, especially now, while missing his friends and "regular life". Music and seeing his friends online is what he turns to right now to cope and make sense of the world. I’ve been thinking a lot about the ways that our kids are coping, from the young ones who are Ash's age to the teens who are Liam's age. It's hard on us. It's hard on them. Watching your webcast last night, I was finishing up my own blog about all this and thinking about the ways we show up and try to be present for the people we love. I talk about your music and career often, because much of your path is paving the way for future musicians like him. Thank you for that. He was writing a song every other day the first few weeks of quarantine and just released his ep today on spotify and soundcloud and other platforms. Can you imagine having access to that when we were kids? Especially at a time like this? I wanted to share the way I ended my blog: Everyone is wondering when things will go back to “normal.” Will they ever? I don’t think we can know what normal is going to look like. I do believe that this time will irrevocably transform our children and what they do to shape their future in ways that we cannot even imagine. I feel like Liam’s music and the other things people are doing right now to express themselves, to connect creatively with one another, to be as present for one another as possible—these will be the touchstones we have to remind us of this time and why we reshaped the future accordingly, hopefully for the the better.  I'd like to be a proud mama and share a link to Liam's soundcloud here, if that's ok? It's 4 instrumental songs, and I thought you might like to listen. ( Liam composed the music for one of the songs back when you had that contest what seems like a lifetime ago. :) ) Be well, Amanda. You are making important ripples, even now, even from New Zealand...for Ash, for Liam, for your community. We are all connected. xxo https://soundcloud.com/hyrix-official/sets/insomnia

Laura Wellner

If I have NO meetings tomorrow, I'll plug in while I do data entry. :)

Kathryn Drew

I just listened to it. Please tell your son it really helped me as I crying processing the fact that my mum, who was visiting me in NZ from England and got stranded here, has just decided to take one of the repatriation flights being offered back to UK next week


Thank you, Kat. I shared this with him, and he said that it really warmed his heart to know that his music helped someone. We send love, and we wish safe travels to your mum. <3


I just watched the webcast and need to post. Ash- your singing is the bestest! Your drumming gets better every time!! Your book of feelings inspired me so much that I’m going to help every person I know to try it themselves!! AFP- I pinky swear I sang along to every song while psychically projecting to add myself into the soup. Michael- Eeegads it was glorious to see you!!! I got misty. Thank you for surviving IT. Hayley- I cried with lumps in my throat when you appeared on screen. Knowing you’re not ok. Knowing you’re physically alone. Knowing you pull on your bootstraps to roll out the Shadowbox and QT it all by your lonesome for US. Knowing all of that and knowing privately there’s more had my face wet with tears. I Love and Respect YOU so fucking much!! My heart is hugging you tight. I See You. Thank you sincerely for EVERYTHING you do before, during and after this fucked up moment in time that I have benefited from over and over again for the past decade and into the future. I bet this reads pretty cheesy but fuck it, it’s truly how I feel. I appreciate you a fuckton!


amanda here because i just needed a judgement free place for a second. i’m so scared and it’s nothing relatively to covid but both my dogs got bitten by a water moccasin & they’re at the emergency vet. we took the yorkie (Evie)immediately. she was lethargic. we didnt know the dachshund (Luna) was also bitten & when we got back two hours later her mouth was swollen. she was responsive and everything & they’re getting antivenom but theyre both so small. we moved to this house thinking we wouldnt get as much vermin as the previous one. (we worry about hawks swooping down to grab evie) as if desantos didn’t make me hate florida daily. apparently a water moccasin (mom just set up the pond) is better than a rattler. hemotoxins more than neurotoxins. (it probably wasnt the pond. fuck florida). i didnt realize until tonight that i say snakebit & rattler instinctively. (i am from north florida after all. all the hicks of the south in an everglades-lite hell climate.) whenever I called ahead to the vet I got a rationally annoyed when they misgendered Evie, even though I don’t think i’d used a pronoun yet & it’s not like dogs really have genders. just, she’s her. she’s evie. she’s not any other dog especially not some hypothetical “he”. there’s so much inherent sexism in the assumption dogs are male. but. really. in that moment- any moment—it didn’t matter. still bugged me. panic induced peevishness i guess. no. panic-peeved. panic-irate. panic-indignant. “panic” is a film coating the secondary emotion. we say “grief-stricken”, because the condition of grief is all-consuming, panic overwhelms us in the same way i think. a guy in the parking lot was giving one vet tech his information via speakerphone while another opened the door then told him to get a leash. he snapped. “this is a cartoony operation. Sit Evo (i think that was the dog’s name)sit evo. sit evo. sit evo. sit evo. —-no that’s not my freaking number! “ I wished I had gotten the number so I can text him to be nicer. When we got home &, mom left with luna, i yelled at my little brother for not having eaten. he growled back. we were panic-argumentative. panic-irritable. panic-invigorated. now im just panic-drained. mom overheard parking lot guy in the exam room, and he was as nice as could be. panic-gracious he was clearly panic -flustered in the parking lot, scared for his friend, and his family member, his companion on this rocky path. His dog was also snakebit waiting up like this for my mom feels so much like the night before dad died. the dachshund was born exactly a year later. part of how we knew she was ours. evie’s birthday is close enough to that for them to share their birthday party. (They get a treat and a toy, we're not Those People but there are hats that genuinely seem to annoy them. we are Those People) i havent slept well in days bc im in between med scripts. wont get sleeping ones til tomorrow. my older brother’s dachshund is with us sleeping in Luna’s spot. he’s a chubster so he had to use evie’s stool to get up here. he’s staying with us this week because my boat-captain brother’s boss is in town but usually he’s here on spring weekends because there are too many snakes in the ground up by the hunting camp they go to. i’m afraid I’ve posted this a dozen times train edit itl. I just want it here once. all of it. a panic-confession before tomorrow brings either joy or grief (joy should also be a film that changes the color of the world.) I type out patreon post in notes first but it still tries to delete them. maybe it’s telling me something but I’m not listening for a long time I didn’t use ampersands because of your song. now i try to use them all the time. probably for the same reason. love you🐶🐶


Hoping for joy for you today. Joy ride home. Overjoyed snuggles. Joy drunk.

Kathryn Drew

Hi, I just want to say I read your post and I see you. I hope your dog friends are doing ok and that your nervous system is feeling a bit calmer. Sending love from New Zealand x


thank you so much. they’re at the vet’s at least one more night, so hopefully tomorrow or the next day all will be well.


thank you. i’m better today. still a little scared—the boat captain brother has a wildlife specialist friend who id’ed the snake as a rattler, but afaik their symptoms and treatment haven’t changed. hopefully in a couple of days this will be a thing that happened.


my babies are home!! we got them at six am haha sleep me nooo. they’re tired and on a couple meds, but see okay. it was definitely a trauma but they have a follow up with our vet so that’s good. leash in the yard for a couple of days, but we need to get snake repellent type stuff anyway before i want them loose anyway.


they’re home now. a little medicated a little traumatized but on the mend!


I'm saving this to my birthday next week ❤️ and will probably get bit tipsy, too. I really couldn't guess that my forties will start like this. Wine is ready and I'm not alone so music and emotions, please visit 🖤


Chelsey, I'd not want to live there either, and I see and hear your fear and sadness. I feel for you and your furbabies. I have three small ones too. It was better when my partner was alive and we both worried about them when something happened. It is a new world facing big decisions and scary events alone. I am so happy that they were able to save your little ones. I didn't know it was even possible.


thank you. I moved home after grad school for good reasons, and if I hadn’t these two wouldn’t be in my life this way anyway, but it’s hard sometimes, especially when our government is doing things that I find abhorrent. Alabama is doing better than us, and that is crazy


I can't find it either!! Can you let me know if you find it?!

Nicole Ives

Thanks so much for this webcast - meant more than you can know! And Thank you to Michael for his honesty and sharing - inspirational :-)