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hallo loves

i just finished, a few minutes ago, reading all almost-2,000 comments on the post i put up last week. why did i think it would take me an hour? 

it took me 12 hours. 

can i just say? before i get deeper into it.....i fucking love you all so much. 

holy fuck, what some of you are going through right now. 

i can't even....i don't know what to say. 

so many of you are so okay, and so many of you are not. my heart broke open. i see you all.

it's dark and light and collision and poetry, it's life and death and realness, it's us, it's everything. i'm feeling...all of you. out there.

i am working on a long reply....i don't really want to rush it. hopefully tomorrow. my working days are short. i took care of ash most of today, and managed to squeeze in three phone calls. 

and then we will start all over again. 

i also need to post the state of all things....to everything turn turn turn.


here are the final poll results


for the first time in my life, i have decorated the windowsills of a air bnb. 

martha stewart move the fuck over. but seriously ... it’s the small things. 

waking up to this today made me happy. 

it is amazing what color did to my mood. i need to see it. color. color therapy. it’s so real. i hadn’t realized. i scoured our recycling and used an olive oil bottle and some leftover wine. everything else was picked outside or found in the bowels of the air bnb pantry closet. 

looking at green shimmering inside the house. looking at purple marbles. looking at color, at color. looking at flowers. it changed things. i always wondered why poeple had these things in their houses. 

i usually hate shit like this.

but now i know why. most are not used to traveling every day and being outside of their houses 99% of the time, barraged by color they didn't select, blaring from billboards and ads in the back of taxicabs and painted in dressing rooms.

i'm usually happy to see a blank hotel room.


i am choosing.

next up: my new reality show, “how to transform your quarantine air bnb on a budget with amanda f**king palmer.”


this was tonight's sunset.

hand-colored by god....whoever she is.

as above,

so below.



p.s. speaking of sunset



1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. A NEW IMPROVED FORUM IS COMING BUT FOR NOW…..please join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Wendy S. Katz

Thank you for the reminder that little things like a windowsill composition can bring joy. I was communing with my indoor flowers today and enjoying the sun shining through their petals. Hugs...


I completely understand the windowsill! I'm currently living with my partner and our cats at his parents house. We're buying our own place (and it's taken way longer due to a bunch of reasons). My in-laws are very kind people, but I've realised we're very different, and I am craving any sort of change/creativity that I have had a hand in. Last weekend I got to make a pie, by myself, and I was giddy at the thought of it! It's a strange chapter we're in at the moment, and it's really tricky when you're in an unfamiliar place, so for me any small act that gives you some sort of peace or clarity is welcome.


Amanda, a bit of really lovely news coming out of Vancouver Canada. Our amazing top doctor, Dr. Bonnie Henry has been honoured by having a Fluevog shoe named after her and all presale proceeds are going to the food banks of BC, both of which I know are close to your heart. A bit of rosy in a dark time. https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/bc-news/dr-bonnie-henry-fluevog-shoes-2257075?fbclid=IwAR2f8QoawwjDG_d92oHO3niFEBRV_2QmdsiV3fY2o4iOp-6JPFH2xg_b-_Y


I cannot wait to hear the music you will make out of this ❤️


Color is energy...light waves at various frequencies...how wonderful that we can have a hand in it...all that to say: Amanda...the windowsill looks amazing. :)

Laura Wellner

I'm growing veggies on my kitchen window sill, they're from the veggies that I've received from Misfit Market (they send me a box every week), I have the root end of two bunches of celery, the end of two types of lettuces, two ends of yams, a yellow onion, and three green onions! The lettuces and celery are sprouting already! I'll plant them in the garden as soon as the stupid snow stops! It snowed up here on my hill again, and at one point this afternoon it was sunny and snowing at the same time, FUUUCK! Come on, enough already, I've been cooped up all winter long, and I haven't left my acre of the world since March 22nd, at least the weather could have the decency to warm up a wee bit, not a lot, just a wee bit. Sweater weather is acceptable! I have been putting the sprouted bits of potatoes into grow bags outside, if any sprout, I'll put them in the new garden that I'm digging up in the lower part of my yard next to the barn. I have seeds for broccoli, pole beans, carrots, okra, kale, spinach, and more lettuce, and I'm sure my roma tomatoes will reseed themselves, they always do! When it isn't snowing, I've been admiring my daffodils, tiny blue squill, and the violets that I was able to transplant from my mother's garden have spread, and are mingling with the white violets that came with my house. The violet's from mom's were from the ones that I dug up for her from the woods behind their house. The woods would be so full of violets at this time of year you could smell them all over the neighborhood. They also come in a variety of purple and even a lovely pink, I'm so happy that they have survived and are spreading. The best part will be in a few years time, the white violets will cross with the purple and pinks and we'll have white violets with painted spots just like when I was a little girl, I loved them best of all, they're going to be so awesome! It has been hard keeping my head together, even tho' it doesn't seem so bad here, it could get worse. The mind worries too much about the things we can't control, I'm trying very hard to stay positive, but my teeth, my jaw, and ears hurt from clenching so much! I really want things to be all right. It's possible that this can go on for months. It's exhausting. I decided tonight that I needed to draw something, so I found a new sketchpad, dug out my chunk of raw graphite, and scratched out a mess of dark random lines. Tomorrow I will make more marks. I intend to make as many marks as it takes to put my brain into a good place, even if it's for a little while every night, just before bed. I look forward to your missives, and I love seeing the posts from New Zealand on Instagram! I love your chicken Debs! (She looks like the one that used to ride on my wee donkey's back! Her name was Goldie.) Love & hugs!!!

T Nonya

As a cancer and a chronic window sill decorator, I am glad you now get it. Feeling home is so important when stuck at home. My job is such I'm often laid off for long periods of time, it's strange that the world is now with me. Decorate your windows folks, it's good for the heart. Love from Detroit.


What a beautiful post. Thanks, Amanda.


Donald trump doesn’t really talk in sentences that make sense . I don’t think he is cognitively all there, he a ridiculous puppet serving other moneyed peoples agendas.


Also loved you mum comment, we will keep doing this, made me think of the mum song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hDMhpapZcoU

Deniz Bevan

Week 5 or is it 6 here... Back to homeschooling after 2 weeks off over Easter. I have work, my daughter has school, the toddler needs attention... Each day is a new challenge and the days are LONG. Somehow I do manage to carve time for a bit of writing and knitting... I never have time to sit and read for hours with a bowlful of apples, a la Jo March, though...