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too weird not to share. 

it feels so weird to put on stage make-up and a costume after ambling around a house for 18 days in sweats and a t-shirt on but the children’s author oliver jeffers just single-handedlt text-cajoled me and neil out of BED to play the role of two crayons via video for his children’s broadcast of “the day the crayons quit” on his instagram live tomorrow (6 pm GMT). 

i already took most of my costume off and am back in fucking bed. i was so tired. i got up. i played the green crayon. the green crayon is the peacekeeper crayon. you’ll have to tune in for neil’s surprise costume. 

hint: he plays the black crayon. 

the black crayon, as played by neil, is the passive-aggressive and evil crayon. 

what has happened to my life. i was asleep. i am dreaming.  i didn’t even get fully dressed for my own webcast but i got dressed to be a crayon this is really all just a goddamn dream isn’t it

it is 

it is a dream 

i’m the green crayon

i’m the green crayon 

i’m the green crayon 

all work and no play makes amanda the green crayon...




Thank you, Amanda. I am appreciating all of your posts so much right now. This one really made me laugh. Feeling the "what has happened to my life? Is this a dream?" feeling so much right now. I imagine we all are. So many weird moments. Going for walk the other day and a kid was playing in his front yard and his ball bounced out into the street. He stood on his trampoline to spot it over his fence. On a normal day I would have gone and picked it up and gave it back to him without even thinking. Instead I had to resist the urge to do so, give him a sympathetic look, and keep walking. Just one moment in a series of weird moments that has been the past week or so of life.

Amy Tobol

I dread this exact thing happening to me so much! How do I not return the ball? I can't not give the ball back. I would have tried to toe it up, maybe, like those fancy clever soccery types can do, but with my lack of athletic skill, it surely would have ended with a face full of COVID19-impregnated ball.


Ohhh we love that book in this house;) Will have to watch!

Carmen J

Ooh even my teens want to see that! I hope you can sleep in more. I hope you can find calm. I hope you can find grounding. Much love to all! x

Julia Mason

Be the green crayon. Goals.

Laura Wellner

Periwinkle was always my favorite. Green is the peacemaker for sure. This was a fine message after my awful day-job hell. Love & hugs.

Laura Wellner

And...of course, Neil would be the black crayon...how could he not be?

Molly McEnerney

What does Ash think of his parents being crayons?


This really is the world right now.

Nicole Ives

That's a beautiful photo :-)


That was so gorgeous! You and Neil went above and beyond - you are also my favourite colour .... 💚💚💚


I'm glad you are letting yourself rest. This is quite a heavy thing on top of end-of-tour exhaustion. We are all taking everything one day at a time, an hour at a time, a minute at a time.


Rest Boo . I love you , but I now have to donate my time, money and talents to my people of New Orleans I am still on for Boston in June.