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dear ones 

thank you for that ... oh my god, what a theater and what an epic night. please leave any thoughts / comments below...i am reading. 

after sydney, which was lo-fi but high energy, this night was all listening and hard core high class sound and ohhhh those llights. massive thanks to michelle, our lighting op, for doing last minute tricks to make everything look SO PRETTY. 


WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW PATRONS !!! if you are just joining - here is the page where you can get the new bushfire record:


and perth ... photo of us all forthcoming - if you’re the magic photog, hit me up at management@amandapalmer.net!






Also, a couple of interesting "coincidences"... both the Auslan interpreters at your concert have signed at events I have co-organised over the past two years AND you have embroidered hankies as merchandise and I gifted you a hanky I had embroidered <3 I have been umming and aahing over a new path my ongoing feminist activism is taking and last night put the fire under me, so thank you - I asked you what I should do and you answered (sorry Anthony ;) ) <3


Last night's show was phenomenal. I have always been a huge fan of your music, but I never realsised what seeing you on a stage would awaken in me. You spoke so openly about abortion, in a way I had ever heard anyone speak. I had an abortion 10 years ago, and have only ever been able to tell a few people. When you asked those of us who had had an abortion, or assisted someone in getting one, I wash shocked. I honestly didn't expect to see so many hands in the air. I never expected my best friends hands to rise. I never knew. You allowed us to open a dialogue, to speak without shame. I have a disorder that will make it hard to have children, and despite having been very resolved at not wanting children, I feel guilty about having terminated a pregnancy when I was young. But in a way, I am relieved that I don't have to make the choice to become a mother. I wasn't ready then, and I don't think I ever will be. But there was always the feeling if guilt. After last night, I no longer feel this way. I would have loved to stay to tell you all of this in person, but I also have a chronic pain disorder, and am still recovering from a car accident two weeks ago. Thank you Amanda. Thank you for everything. Thank you. 🖤🖤🖤


I brought my 23yr old daughter along last night and now she GETS IT...she understands the connection that comes from knowing someone else who 'loves Amanda Palmer' Thank you so much!


Amanda, my partner and I just got back from Neil’s show tonight. I was in tears for a good deal of it - he read all three of my favouritist of favourites of his stories. Thank you for asking him to read the July tale, and think him for us for a magical afternoon of storytelling. Between the two of you this weekend, I have cried so many tears, and I’ve felt so very seen. xoxo

Megan Rubenstein

I’ve already started packing for Omega in May!! Hopefully more details are forthcoming soon!!

Dollar Dazzler

I loved how the acoustics of the space and the fantastic lighting made what would have been a great show an absolute phenomenal show. Listening to how haunting your voice was during “drowning in the sound” I don’t think will ever leave me. The dark stories but the darker humour about your stories made it fantastic. There were reflective moments but not self-absorbed moments of neuroses that you see in other one woman shows that is not intentional, just a by product of women not being allowed to stand their true size. A brilliant end to the major tour of Oz for you. I hope Neils show was great today as well 💕


Any chance you and Herbie Hancock can get in the studio together? I think it would be magical.


The space was magical and the way you held the space for 4 hours is testament to you as a perfomer. Thank-you for being so raw open and honest, hearing context for some of your songs that I wasn't aware of was enlightening. A mother's confession is aways particularly raw for me and my partner since we can't say "At least the baby didn't die" and it always makes us cry. Thankyou to the woman who gave my crying partner the merch hankie she had bought before the gig.


Hi Amanda, thank you 🙏 for going into the dark and making light. Thank you for the mantra ‘if you can, you must’ that resonated through your show. For the longest time I have been stuck between ‘can’t’ on one hand and ‘must’ on the other. Your light pointed me towards a half way point that leads out of the darkness. I love you. Also thanks for signing my ukulele with your classy gold sharpie, even though you were exhausted, it looks amazing! Enjoy your time in Perth ❤️


I always feel bad getting her to sign stuff when she's exhausted.


that backdrop is stunning. Love it.


How I wish I could've been there! But it's a lo-o-ong way between Perth and Philadelphia (18,672 km = 11,602 mi, and that's great circle), and no way on, in, over, under, or through earth I could make it.