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i am exhausted 

the show was incredible and the second half was bizarre and beautiful - i stitched it together on the fly 

flight to perth & record out tomorrow 

photo by hayley 

i love you all insanely 

write your hearts out -

also beware tomorrow is album drop day 






I voted for anarchy in Brisbane and saw a magically weird show but the Sydney show blew me away. I can only echo Neil, you’re at the height of your artistic powers and the show is a masterpiece. So glad you’re part of my ride through life. 💕


I love that pic!!!


It’s like I’ve just made this earth shattering discovery. My first show, had no clue what to expect and have only been watching from afar through here. I love the way you interwove your stories; there were moments I ‘got’ before the crowd and moments where I was completely lost. I loved it!


Thanks so much for a whirlwind show of every emotion I think I’m capable of experiencing in a public place. And thanks so much for obliging at the end when I asked you to record a get well message for my partner, he has been in hospital all week and although he missed the gig, seeing the video cheered him up when he was woken up in the middle of the night for antibiotics. ❤️


Holy fuckballs! I’m wrecked. I don’t know how you do it night after night, and such an emotional heart shattering show. I came last night on very little sleep. Went to see Tool on Monday and Tuesday night which truly turned it up to 11, my ears are still ringing slightly. Then add my general shitness at sleeping & fuelling my body (not that you can tell) meant last night could have been extremely messy for me. I held my shit together though and weirdly enough I think I laughed more last night than at the Melbourne and Springwood shows. Last night was fucking weird though. Not on your part, you were on fire, but some people in the audience elicited some audible “what the fucks” from me. At the other shows where everyone gasped at parts that were so heart wrenching I was shocked to hear people laugh. Alcohol and/or discomfort maybe? I also don’t know how you manage to stay focused when people are yelling shit out at you so much and with babies crying, the latter I didn’t mind at all though! Anyway as German Goth Dahhhvid would say, Amanda- you are the shit! Going on that ride with you 3 times was a heartbreaking but also heart mending and beautiful experience, and you revealed something new at each show as well! Thank you for bringing it here and sharing it with us. I missed you. LOVE


You are the first artist ive met that instead of asking for a signed something i gave u something instead. Backstory to the claddagh ring. Ive worn one for many yrs. It was even my wedding ring. The day i took it off for the first time was the day you dropped voicemail for jil. I sobbed. The one i gave u last night i found only hrs before the gig. I dont know wat made me take it with me. But i knew once i saw u i had to pass it on. Last night i was an emotional fragile grieving empath in a room of other emotional empaths. It was intense. I cried. I healed. Thank you for everything. I love you


Your album was the soundtrack to my morning ride. INCREDIBLE!!!


Thank you for singing your fucking heart out! Am listening to the fab new album right now. 💋❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Thank you for telling the Truth. I feel emboldened to tell the truth, and capable of holding whole galaxies of emotion. My partner also thought that you wrote Part of Your World until I enlightened him this morning 😂


Love you! This show was the perfect thing. You were my "the cure" when I was growing up (my "beach boys" and "the Beatles" was "the blues travelers" and "Santana" oh no). I've been feeling unmoored and confused and this show reaffirmed who I am and that person is a sad theater goth. Warning, complicated stuff below: I'm here from the states with my family and the close contact is reminding me that they really don't like me or want to get to know me (so dramatic, I know). It's weird to be 30 and feeling like a mopy teenager. I've gotten tired of trying and have been staying the last few nights with my partner's long lost great aunt who we only met on Monday. She's been wonderful and amazing and in 3 days learned more about me than my own parents. I feel guilty for feeling this way. The first half of your show was a release for all of that conflict that I've been holding in. I'm crying right now so writing this as well. I feel surrounded with love and ready to enjoy my last few days of Australian sunshine before heading back to the snow. Trying very hard to accept my family for who they are and still stay myself. Love you! Meant to add: I feel sort of shitty and whiney but I actually had really good seats when I first looked at tickets. My sisters kept waffling on whether they'd join me and by the time they'd given me an official "no" I ended up in the back pretty close to the audience member who got really enthusiastic about yelling to you. It kind of sucked but also was a lesson. This mistake of waiting for my family won't happen again.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 23:23:28 Amazing, one of the best nights of my life, thank you for the tears and laughs. A real emotional rollacoaster <3
2020-02-21 02:33:02 Amazing, one of the best nights of my life, thank you for the tears and laughs. A real emotional rollacoaster <3

Amazing, one of the best nights of my life, thank you for the tears and laughs. A real emotional rollacoaster <3


Deanne Kennedy The show last night was beautiful and I am so happy that I found your wonderful music so many years ago, which has helped me cope with so many things especially when suffering with post natal depression after my son was born in 2003. As a new mum I battled with the concept that I was a bad mother as I didn't immediately have that bond/connection with my child, plus problems with breast feeding and the pressures of feeling inadequate as a woman and mother. I didn't have a lot of support, except my husband who is and still is a great father. I was put on antidepressants and although they helped with the depression it turned me into a zombie that really had any emotion at all. However, when my son was about 3 months old I heard coin operated boy and girl anachronism for the first time, and after attendingThe Dresden Dolls in 2006 I felt that I had found a community that could truly understand me. I am in awe of your ability to open yourself to a crowd of strangers and pour out your heart and soul to them, sharing some of your own personal experience, trauma, fears and heartbreak. You are an amazing person with a beautiful soul. Also if you are wondering why I gave you that strange movie Welcome to Woop Woop, please try to watch it, particularly as there is a my favourite things reference in there. It is so very Aussie and so totally messed up too. Love