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hallo loves.....

greetings from the back of a cab in melbourne. if you’re still keen to have a yarn, i‘m going to be at the arts centre at 2pm for the bushfire charity Q&A. it’s $15. fairfax theater - under the spire. just rock up, there’s about a 100 spots left. 

if you WERE AT THE SHOW IN MELBOURNE at hamer hall - oh, my dears.....it was epic, and please use this space to say hi and check in. i will read all the comments later today. i want to know how it went and felt. happy for questions. ill answer. i can say this: you were perfection as an audience. just amazing. thank you. thank you. and to everyone i met after the show, thank you. for all of it. 

i usually post these virtual-signing-lines at the end of the night of the show or the morning after but i was dead. D. E. D. DED. i’ve been close to dead for the past two days. it’s been all i can do to take care of little ash and answer the critical emails and do some basic life shit. 

**and before anything else: reminder to webchat tier patrons that we are doing a long chat this MONDAY at 10am, melbourne time. that’s 6pm new york. see you all soon**

this photo was taken by mandy hall at the melbourne show at hamer hall. i like to call this photo “cringe festival“. 

i have no idea what i am cringing about but it’s a damn fine cringe. 


if you’re brand new to the patreon because you signed up in melbourne - there were about 50 of you - HELLO!!!! 


welcome to the eternal compassionate festival of fringe and cringe and singe and minge, where the wine and coffee flows freely and we get to all cry, laugh, fear and cringe and whinge at the same time. 

oh you all. 

so...the show in melbourne was...really wonderful. i was so tired by the time i hit stage i’m almost not SURE how it was. but i am pretty sure it was good. 

we sang “beds are burning“ by midnight oil as a choir, and i played the new song from launceston, tasmania ... as yet untitled. “emotional map of tasmania“ just won’t cut it. 

the show was over four hours long. 

with one intermission. 

i’m planning to hit the studio this week to record the new tasmania song and possibly do a studio version of the midnight oil if there’s time. want?

and then we can detonate a charity post. everyone i’ve told in australia about the generosity-based approach of this patreon, - about the requests of the patrons for me to make and Thing a Thing for bushfire relief efforts - has just been so touched and blown away. it’s a good way to do things. messy. confusing. yes. what’s new in amanda-landa. 

we started at 7:30 and ended around 11:40. the love in the room was palpable. we sold over 2,000 tickets. almost everybody stayed to the end. id been warned about everybody fleeing at 11:45 to grab trams. i tried. 

(all photos below by nicola bernardi....an amazing local melbourne photgrapher. 

after the show, i got an epic group hug from the melbourne patrons....

i like this tradition:

thats me:

and here we all are, me & beloved melbourne patrons, post-show. 

we had a good chat. 

i was so tired after the show that i barely remember anything. 

aldo: just in the nick it time, we created this CHARITY POSTER for firesticks alliance, image donated by michael kemp, and we raised about $5k in sales. thank you all...

(photo by mandy hall)

people have been asking about us putting it online. hold. yes. we are also designing a very bushfire-specific piece of merch. 


and heads up: later today or tomorrow i am going to thing jack and gabrielle’s second piece of Foreign Tour Correspindence, so you’ll all have a nice sunday long-read. 


i have a lot of feelings at the moment. i feel overwhelmed but strangely stable. 

i woke up this morning to a tweet that felt particularly poetic. 

someone was asking - unsarcastically - if amanda palmer had been canceled for some reason or other. they just didn’t know and were looking for guidance. 

this has been one of the most interesting conversations i’ve been having with other artists, writers and journalists down here. this particular topic is so real for so many people - so many people struggling for control of their own stories and narratives...so many people trying to do good, so many people trying to avoid fire - literally and metaphorically - so many people wondering who gets to decide where the blame lies. 

so many people angry at the anger. so many people wondering who is ultimately in control of the story. it’s madness. 

as an artist on tour ..... all i can do at the moment is keep remembering that our job has always been like this. 

not to know anything, and to keep asking everything. 

i love you all a lot. a whole lot. 

more very soon. 




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Amanda, Would you please post another pic of you in the tee shirt you are wearing, reclining on the edge of the stage with the Melbourne Patrons; I'd like to see that tee shirt better. Thanks!


I know this is totally beside the point, but that first picture is ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Nathan Rose

Amanda - Please, please, please don't record Beds Are Burning to support bushfire relief. The song is not about fires, it's about the treatment of Aboriginal Australians. It's very important to the reconciliation movement here in Australia. By associating it with literal fires, you would water down its original meaning.


I love this and I love that group hug 💖


I was there and loved it! Such a great show. I laughed, I cried, I sang along, I bought merch. My wife was away and couldn't make it so i invited a friend who I thought might appreciate the show and she also loved it. And that's me in the group photo in the hat. I joined the Patreon after seeing you perform at the NGV in Melbourne a few years ago - here's a link to my blog post about the gig https://philliprtaylor.com/amanda-palmer/ - and I've enjoyed the ride through the recording of the demos, the album and the tour that finally came to Australia. thank you for a thought provoking and moving performance.


Hey Amanda! I was at the show on Wednesday and came to the Q&A yesterday. May sound strange, but thanks for not coming to Australia earlier for this tour! Not because I wasn't pumped to see you, but knowing it was going to be an emotional night I'm glad the timing seemed to work out . My mum died last year unexpectedly in an accident. It's 5 months today. I don't know if I would've been able to see or hear much through more tears had you come sooner! I just wanted to say thanks for being so generous with your time, I stayed for group pic and hug at hamer hall, it's the back of my pinky-red ponytail just one person or so behind you in the group hug! The show was so good. I laughed, I cried, I somehow lucked out and was second row. My best friend came with me, not knowing much about you and she loved it, even laughed and said 'Gee, I wonder why you bought an electric keyboard over the Christmas break!' Busted. I'm dusting off my high school music reading skills, though they are not great- a former drummer and percussionist, now trying to learn piano. My counselor says it's great for grief, and it's nice to do something old but new. Last thing coz i don't think one family has had this affect on me in such a beautiful way. Both you and Neil have made me cry this week. I have been reading his stuff since i was 20, now 33 and I only just finished the graveyard book and tweeted him a thanks and how much it meant to read that particular story right now and he replied. Cue the happy tears of my favourite author seeing me for a moment, and it being the same week as seeing you, my favourite artist, was just lovely. God dammit you two and your ART. Thank goodness for Storytellers. I hope you do the ice bath you mentioned and I hope I can come, maybe by then i won't choke and not be able to speak and say thankyou without tearing up! Or I'll blubber my way through it and it'll be OK. Love Lea


Hello Amanda, Loved the show, bit darker than I expected, but Coin Operated Boy after intermission lifted the mood. Really loved participating in the Bed are Burning choir. What happens to the footage recorded at the venue. I would love to see that. Thanks for your show. Thanks for supporting Australian Bushfire related charity. Thanks for welcoming me to you Patreon community. See you next Melbourne visit.


Darling the show got me feeling quite emotional, many things don’t. Even the Q and A had me reflecting on the timing of my children’s arrival in my life. You are amazing I love you. Sending you all the gratitude 💓🌸 love the way you see life the universe and everything 🥰. Also wish I had stayed for the partrion photo instead of going home for work and my teen miss ladybug. Note to self, put self first more. Ironically it is part of my work to teach people to do self care, I have a whole thing I do with glasses of water 😆.


It's been a few days, I'm back in Nhulunbuy. (It's remote.. literally across the country from Melbourne). Your show was spectacular. I got some serious Hannah Gadsby vibes with how you pieced it together. I thought it was really cleaver how you told your story and worked that into the songs then the song into more story. I felt it flowed *really* well. I hung around for the patreon photo thing at the end and was awed at how, immediately after saying you're going to take 5 everyone started trying to get their quick "I need to say this thing quick!!" thing out and not for a split second did you look like you were too tired to give full attention to whoever was asking for it in that moment. Not a flash of "I'm so tired just let me have 5 and I'll be with you". Just fully present. And after playing a 4..4.5? Hour show that's not only physically demanding in songs but emotionally heavy as fuck. I dno. I dno how you do it. I even had my "quick I need this moment" and squeezed in a hug and a thankyou as you started to make your way out of the crowd and I'm *so* appreciative of that. It felt like closure. It felt comforting. To have watched so many emotions and engaged in them it would have felt empty not being able to just get a quick thank you out. And again, thank you. :)


I too have finally found a moment to breathe and write. It’s been 14 years since I last had the pleasure of hearing and seeing you in the flesh and you didn’t disappoint. I held back tears and laughed aloud as you talked so candidly of everything that was important, from the fires across my adopted country, to “nice” abortions and punctuated with the music I have loved for years, and I could have listened to you talk for hours more. Again I say: what you do matters, AFP. Thank you for helping to shape me from a 19 year old misfit medical student-cum-musician to the strong woman I am now. You once told me you loved my ‘cello (in the toilets, at Moshulu, Aberdeen, after a sound check with Jo McCafferty where we were supporting you as you did a solo set in place of the planned Dresden Dolls show), if you should happen to want some strings if you record the Midnight Oil cover this week please reach out. Remember the self-care this week x


ill post it asap ! it’s a bernie sanders shirt. if you head to twitter or IG you’ll see it.


Thanks. I like the Black Flag motif, mashed up with Bernie.