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hola dear comrades.

greetings from a table in an air bnb in melbourne. michael and hayley are in town with me (they came all the way from new york!) and we are trying to slog through emails, accidental record release plans, and other boring-exciting stuff before all heading tomorrow for my shows in canberra, the blue mountains and sydney for a quick “ask amanda in a church”. (see all dates/info below).

here we iz. we haz coffee.


i love you all a lot and i appreciate you more and more every moment. this tour has made me realize deeper and stranger things about the patronage system that just hadn’t felt so apparent before. i am lucky. we are lucky. this thing is amazing. it’s revolutionary, in a quiet way. i don’t think anyone quite understands it yet. I DON’T UNDERSTAND IT and i’ve been using it for almost five years. there’s so much more to learn and figure out and i am so glad you are here for the grand weirdo experiment.

if you are a NEW PATRON, and i know there’s a bunch of you who have hopped on during the Australia tour, WELCOME TO PATREON-LAND! it’s good here. this is my monthly long-ass blog, the “state of all things”, or the “Althing” for short. years ago i asked the whole community if they were okay with me having a single charged blog/newsletter per month, just to keep everything smooth and operating, and pretty much everyone said YES. so this is how we do it. it also means that i never have to “rush” out a piece of art because we have a blank month. its nice. and it’s a chance for the whole crew and staff to muse directly at you about what they’re up to. we dig it.

these monthly Althings are a great way of giving me and whole team a good perspective too - we all have to slow down for a second and look at what's happening. we read all the comments, so feel free to say hi, introduce yourself if you're new, and just wave at us. we're here and we love you. 

if you’ve been here SINCE THE BEGINNING…and i know that’s a few thousands of you: NEXT MONTH IS OUR FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!

i’m gonna try to do something special. hold the phone. i still owe you a naked cover song for going over the 15k patron point. i’ll do that this summer when i’m home and can run around naked on the lawn.

but while we are celebrating, here’s a REAL QUICK IMPORTANT THING:

**************SAVE THE DATE!*********

WE ARE GOING TO DO A PATRON-ONLY MEMORIAL-DAY WEEKEND PARTY/RETREAT IN UPSTATE NEW YORK AT OMEGA, A BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN THE CATSKILL MOUNTAINS ON A LAKE! THERE IS ROOM FOR ABOUT 300 PEOPLE. there will be talks, ideas, music, swimming, yoga, writing workshops, sharings, amazing food, songs songs songs, jello fights, late night hangs, communion, community. basically: camp for AFP patrons. 

more info coming soon, but if you think you can come, please do SAVE THAT WEEKEND - friday, may 22nd through monday, may 25th. check-in is friday night and check out is monday morning. the cost will hover between $500-1300 depending whether you stay in dorms, in private rooms, or camp. all lodging, food and workshop materials are included in that.  (vaguely - don't quote me on this, it may be more....we're working on it, including possible work/study/volunteer scholarship-type things). we are looking into whether we can make it 100% family friendly so people can bring kids and get daytime childcare!

here's some pictures of omega. it's so goddam beautiful.





happy january althing! it’s almost tour wind-down time for me and the team. i will be honest: everybody is fucking fried.

we put some incredible projects out this month, and i’ve been touring my ass off while we do it.

the final crash is coming. 

it’s been a long almost-two-year process getting this record and tour on the road, and as usual, the last leg is a limp to the finish.

i’ve got michael and hayley with me in australia now, and we were chatting about this the other morning.

i was hoping the australian tour would be the easy, pleasant, cheerful, grand-slam finish, but a few things have made tings here a little weird.

the fires, obviously, and on top of that, my desire to add a project to my plate to help (the bushfire EP, more on that below).

and there’s the fact that the australian tour isn’t close to sold out, which is a kind of ego-blow, because i assumed that this was the territory where the tour would be a slam dunk.

so many things about this tour have mystified my expectations, from the way things feel to way things sell. i’m especially shocked sydney hasn’t sold out yet….and i wind up wondering why. is it me? is it the promotors? the show content? is it the fires? are people too burned to sit and see a heavy, emotional offering? i don’t know. the austrailans were like WE WANT ALL THE TICKETS TO BE SAD!!! ADD MORE DATES!!!! the australians are maybe like: WE ARE ALREADY SAD LET’S JUST GO TO THE PUB.

canberra, coming up this week, isn’t even half sold. it’s kind of shocking. but also: they were the hardest hit by the fires. i can’t imagine these things are unrelated.

so….the australian leg of the tour has transformed from something that i thought would feel like a skate to the triumphant finish line to a real challenge, work-wise and emotionally. when shows don’t sell out, i feel the need to wake up every day and promote the shit out of the tour, even though i know it sometimes makes only an iota of difference. but i am a hard fucking worker and i refuse to let go. this used to be easier when my time was my time. but now i have a kid. so any time i take to do promo or make benefit art or do something spontaneous is time away from him. this is shit i did not have to use to balance and measure in a painful cost-benefit agony-chart. on the upside: it’s really good to see the cracks and the plusses and minuses of certain decisions before i head on tour with the dresden dolls…which is (whooo!! shh??) like the next big-ass road show i’ll be putting on.

photo by mandy hall

there’s also the **feeling** here. the feeling here, in general, is hard. i chose to open a real pandora’s box of pain and truth in tasmania (see below for more details about the “locked in a box with amanda palmer” project). from the micro-personal to the macro-political, it’s getting harder and harder to shut my eyes to the climate crisis, to colonialism, to capitalism, to the way our choices are really wreaking havoc on the planet. 

photo by nicola bernardi

i’m an artist, with a huge community.

what is it i should be doing?

who’s going to tell me i got it right?

nobody, i know.

so i just keep hoping that if i keep working and thinking and listening, that’s better than nothing.

i know i won’t get it right.

i’m gonna do it anyway.

we never get it right.

photo by winona scott

this shot was taken after the brisbane show #1, some of y'all gave me some beautiful gifts. i've been given gifts all through this tour....rocks, letters, shirts, art, bras, badges, jam, tea, picture books for ash....it all comes with me. i wish i had time and energy to thank you all for everything you give me.

thank you for everything you give me.

i hope i give enough back.

speaking of which....

some of you have expressed a really beautiful and authentic concern for my well being, because i’ve sounded too burned out for too long.

and, i mean, dudes, you’re right. i’ve been really burned out for a few months. i know the end of tour is also always like this.

i am happy to report that i took an ENTIRE DAY OFF IN THE BUSH yesterday at the artist sarah beetson’s family compound-farm and did nothing but walk around and eat fruit and play with a bunch of kids. here i am taking a bush bath and reading john waters’ book “make trouble”.

photo by hayley rosenblum

here is my favorite page:

…and this is me and etta, age 6, working on her first song. it’s called “i am spining (sic) around  leave me alone”.

i am really proud of her.


the rest of february is going to be spent racing around australia delivering the last handful of THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION shows while neil and ash stay in melbourne (except ash will be coming to adelaide with me for three days, and the whole family will be in perth, since neil also has a show there), and then i’ll head to new zealand/aotearoa on my own for a week…..somewhere in there i’ll release the flash-bushfire-benefit record.

and at the very end, neil and i are going to unplug our shit and take a FULL WEEK OFFLINE and finally just be a fucking family for the first time in ages. i think we’re gonna head for the beach. 

then we head home to upstate new york around the end of march.

i am taking april through september OFF THE FUCKING ROAD. neil and i are gonna hunker down and make a little life. 

i have a really fancy gig in june (coming soon - but it MAY be with a certain symphony in boston and it MAY be june 11 & 12...but you didn't hear that from me, and it MAY be going on sale to patrons soon) but apart from that, i’m gonna be a fuckin' mom and an at-home artist for a bit. 

one of the things that i hope to do is WRITE MORE, because i haven’t had any time to actually write out what’s happened on this tour. 

i’m too busy doing shit to really talk about what i think it all means.

i have so much to process, so much to write, so much to say…..so many dots to connect.

i’ll get there. 

wait for me.




i've been busy working with lots of different australian press outlets from print to tv to radio to share and curate some of my favorite music.

here's a few big ones that are coming up:


every sunday afternoon in february, my take-over of double j radio as their Artist In Residence will air, with a different theme each week. you can tune in on sunday afternoons from 3pm AEDT, repeated Wednesday evenings from 10pm AEDT and online anytime here: https://www.abc.net.au/doublej/programs/artist-in-residence/

the first week already aired and you can hear the archive, and i'm particularly looking forward to week three: "the dark side of the womb", where i play songs about reproductive rights and talk about songwriting and influences on the record. it's REAL GOOD.


i'm taking over RAGE!!!! this is also a huge honor here in australia. MTV is long dead in the sattes, but oz still has a full-time video channel that's been magically kept afloat, and they let artists guest-program/host once in a while. i chose a HUGE load of videos and talk about stuff. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND A PARTY! here's the airing info:

tune into ABC TV on Saturday, February 15 from 10am AEDT to catch the broadcast. it'll re-air  later that night from 12:10am AEDT.


the sydney morning herald...
i was IN IT, on the front page of the weekend mag, spectrum...and the article is REALLY GOOD. read it here:



as promised, here's the link to stream my RRR radio take over:

this was a REALLY fun hodge-podge of DJ'ing, talking about local stuff, and bringin gin patrons and local musicians.....give it a listen. it's two hours.




it seems so long ago now, but woodford festival was a miracle. four shows and talks and a whole lot of love through the whole week there....

photo by josephine cubis

then i went to launceston, tasmania for a week at the MONA FOMA festical and LOCKED MYSELF IN A BOX WITH A BUNCH OF PEOPLE AND WROTE A FAST SONG AND PLAYED A SHOW (more on that below in the projects section....but here's an exhausted photo of me after the show itself:

here's me in the confessional booth that mona foma built for me. i talked to almost 100 people for anywhere between 5 and 45 minutes. 

it was dark.

i'll have a lot to say about this in a separate post. watch for it:


then melbourne at hamer hall...here's our patron photo, taken by nicola bernardi

photos from the show below are also by nicola....

it was stunningly beautiful.

we got a LIVE video of the whole audience singing "beds are burning" by midnight oil and we're gonna thing that one soon, for charity....see below.


then i did a little melbourne "ask me anything" event at their arts centre...and i listened, and we talked, and i learned. we talked about some hard things. i loved it. i want to do more of these. 

.....i actually enjoyed this so much that i added a similar event this weekend at a tiny church in sydney at the pitt street uniting church, this sunday (feb 9) at 3:30. i'm stopping by sydney after the blue mountains gig, so why not, and i made the tickets absurdly cheap ($15): https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=595147


then we did BRISBANE....!

all photos below by hayley rosenblum.

dudes. what's up with brisbane?

three separate people got arrested on drunk and disorderly charges AT MY SHOW ON SATURDAY NIGHT.

who does that??? who does that at a four hour show with a sad piano lady????

on the bright side....here's our patron--ninja gig photo from new farm park right before the second show

(photo by hayley rosenblum)

we had a yarn in the park. it was nice.



all patrons can watch the archive of it here.....

neil and ash make a brief appearance, and i pulled hayley onto the screen to chat.

if you have a second, you should watch this. it was a really good chat about art, how, why, and what artists do in times of crisis. and other silly stuff. we talked about plates a lot.


we put out two pieces of content as "official things"....

this was the first.


i did an experiment this tour and brought a writer and photrapger on tour with me (jack nicholls and gabrielle motola, respectively) and let them create a piece, on our dime, about what it was like to be on tour with amanda palmer & co. i think they did a gorgeous job and i'm really, really proud of us. the experiment continues....

if you missed part 1, you can read about it here:

here is part 2:



this is one of the strangest and most beautifully odd thing i've ever thang-ed. 

you just....need to watch it. it's about 4 minutes long. grab a hanky.




we have added a last-minute "Ask Amanda Literally Anything" in SYDNEY at a little church.

Pitt Street Uniting Church

feb 8th
starts 3:30pm

tickets and more information:



the "how did this just happen?" AUSTRALIAN BUSHFIRE CHARITY ALBUM....



photo by xanthea o'connor

it started out as just the tasmania song, then we added a midnight oil song, then i asked if you had any ideas, and you did, and then....well....it's an eight song record.

i also roped in a bunch of friends from all over the world.

because i can do that sorta stuff.

because patreon.

this one is gonna be for charity, too.

i love my live.

i'll be talking about this a LOT in the coming weeks.

here's me flexing my might in the studio....

photo by xanthea


and......more! here's a round-up of a few other things happening and being worked on behind the scenes and have been simmering on the art-stove.


the video for this song off There Will Be No Intermission has been in production for FUCKING EVER. 

we started filming almost a year ago the day after we shot the drowning in the sound video, and had some more footage shot in upstate new york and in london. we're getting closer. i have never had a video take this long. o well.

art takes time.




this is coming along. i am trying to set aside time to write an introduction to it that makes sense...and we are maybe gonna include TOUR PHOTOS now that we have them....

stay tuned.


also coming down the pike: a very special SONG with THE BBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.....

autsralia projects bumped this one down the line....but hold the phone...arranged by jherek bischoff, performed by the BBC symphony orchestra and me at one of neil's radio events in london at the barbican....and recorded live.



this is still in the works....hang in there. it'll probably be MAY.

everything big is on hold while i finish up tour and i don't want to fuck up the launch of my podcast. 

but meanwhile....we are working in the background on a video to promote the podcast, and that's fun....



projects done!!!!!!!!!!!!!



patreon bills credit cards on the 1st of the following month so we usually see a couple hundred people drop off in the beginning of the month due to payment errors and credit card issues, it takes a few days for this to adjust once people fix their accounts. it's life.

as of this writing there are about 14,833 patrons pledging about  $50,701 for the first THING of the month. 


shop talk....

patreon charges you monthly & retroactively.....meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior (for example, you were charged for the Things released in december on january 1st). 

so i don't have the final figures for this past month (january), as they're still being processed, but here's december:

(i say this every month, but if you're new....)

because people have their pledges capped (HAVE YOU NOT CAPPED YOUR PLEDGE? if you are on a budget, you should. here's the tutorial again), the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. (I LIKE THIS. it means i never feel too guilty!!!!!).

the numbers below are gross. not net. basic math. meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected. 

also, none of this reflects the money i SPENT MAKING THE ART, running my business, paying all the collaborators and my staff, etc. 

i don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because i assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even. so be it. this is awesome.


last year patreon changed their pricing and fee plan, however all creators who've had accounts up until may 7, 2019 are considered "founding creators" and for the time being are locked into the original fee structure with the 5% patreon fee and the 5-9% credit card payment processing fee.


in DECEMBER, i Thanged Three Things:

Union Chapel Live Streams DEC 13 & 14: were the first Thing and it earned about $59,746 from 15,113 patrons

The State of All Things: NOVEMBER 2019 was the second Thing and it earned about $27,223 from 9,131 patrons

STAR OF WONDER with AFP & Friends was the third and final Thing and it earned about $16,902 from 5,917 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

them's the numbers, peeps.


and now.....


from hayley:

January has started off quite slow and cold and has sped up to the speed of light quite quickly.. The bulk of the month felt uneventful for me, as I mostly worked solo in New York while Amanda began her Aussie tour and Michael headed down to join her a couple weeks before I did. Things really started to pick up during the last week, however, with our webchat, and then a day later, I hopped on a few planes to Australia to join Amanda and Michael at the Brisbane shows.

when you're traveling over 25+ hours you do so in the dark of night. just as i was landing into austrailia i peeked out the window of the plane and saw the beginning of a beautiful sun rise:

I have said it once before here and I'll say it again - I truly appreciate the moments I have spending time meeting fellow fans and patrons at these shows. I've been part of Amanda's community for 15 years and it's truly special to experience a show in a new city, new country and to meet so many of you in the flesh. I was extraordinarily jetlagged at the Brisbane shows, but truly happy to be there, meet some of you, and to talk about what our community is and what it all means.

We had such a spectacular day off with Sarah Beetson and her family in the bush, and now we have a short pause in Melbourne before we pick things up and head to Canberra, Blue Mountains and Sydney. I am sure my dispatch for February will be quite more eventful than this very one for January as there are much more exciting things to report from the road than from my desk.

In Patreon (the platform itself!) news, we're now testing a new feature that they're working on to allow patrons to search a creator's published posts. If you head to Amanda's Post page: http://patreon.com/amandapalmer/posts you'll see a small search bar at the top where you can enter keywords to search. Take it for a spin, try it out, and if you have any feedback about it, leave a comment below. This feature isn't available to all creators yet, it's something new that they're testing, so there may be some bugs or hiccups here and there, and finding out what's working and what isn't in this test period will help Patreon fine tune this to make it work the best it can. If you leave any feedback below in the comments, please be sure to share the type of internet browser you're using and your computer operating system. For example, you could say: "the search feature worked great but it loaded pretty slowly for me on Chrome in MacOS."

Until next time....



from michael:

Hello Patrons! 

And an extra special hello to all the New Patrons who signed up in Launceston, Melbourne, and Brisbane!  It was wonderful to meet you and to give you such great high fives!

I’m writing to you from a lovely house in the suburbs of Melbourne and it’s still partially surreal to me that I am on this side of the PLANET!  This is my first time being in this part of the world an it has been such an amazing experience (with the exception of people trying to convince me that I just haven’t had vegemite the RIGHT way yet.  I have.  I’m not a fan.  It’s ok, really.)

We’re all in work mode over here trying to juggle tour and so many amazing and exciting projects that are coming down the line for you all, that I want to just give a very quick recap of my month for those of you who are interested.

January was a weird month!  The first week was spent recovering from the Holidays, I celebrate Christmas and kind of celebrate New Year’s Eve, and this year there was a lot of bouncing around the Northeast and working in the cracks trying to get everything ready for Australia.  The second week was spent working long hours in preparation of all things Australia and adjusting my schedule later and later in the day to try and minimize my jetlag.  Then I was finally in Melbourne and had such a great time exploring, acclimating, and meeting all the amazing people who came to Hamer Hall (what a phenomenal gig that was!).  The final week of January was spent on VACATION!  It was a little weird taking a vacation so soon after the holidays, but I was already on the other side of the world and I have ALWAYS wanted to go to New Zealand, so Jordan and Amanda were kind enough to give their blessing for me to disappear completely into the land of the Kiwis for a full week and it was everything that I could have hoped for and more!

Hello from the Shire!

Sunsets on the South Island are incredible!

Then it was right back to work to finish off the month with two shows in Brisbane (and one show in February, but we’ll get there next month!

It’s definitely been challenging to be so far from home.  I’ve spent a LOT of time on the road this year, but a 16+ hour time difference can be incredibly difficult to navigate when trying to stay connected with loved ones back home, but being at the shows and meeting so many new people and seeing both of these wonderful countries has been a truly amazing experience. 

I know there’s a lot going on in the world right now (like I said in my last post) but there has been such an outpouring of love and support on the ground here in Australia that it’s been truly spectacular to watch and in some small way be a part of.  You have all been a part of it too, so thank you.

I know this post is a bit rambly and for that I apologize, but today I am feeling quite homesick, tired, and I’m trying to write this while multitasking admin work next to Amanda and Hayley.  I love you all and thank you for all your love and support.  You are such an incredible community and I am so happy and proud to be a part of it too.



from alex:

Hey folks!

Deeeeeeep breath. It's a new year. My stretch of tour has finally finished, and so..... rest?? Oh no. 

Merch life extends beyond selling, and dare I say the stress and jam-packed days of touring are the fun part of the job. Now comes the aftermath... THE ADMIN.

I spent the first 3 weeks of the year doing a FULL STOCK AUDIT. Since there were several legs to this tour, it meant that by the end of it, I'd accumulated around 15 different boxes that had 'odds and ends' in them - mixed up boxes containing assorted left-overs from one show or another, all piled on top of each other creating a hellish nightmare any time I needed to find that ONE SPECIFIC SHIRT that somebody has ordered online. 

So it took me a loooong old time to go through every single box, fill out many spreadsheets, and work out exactly WHAT we've got in the UK stock, and WHERE it all is.

I counted many things. I labelled many boxes. And finally, I have a beautiful stock room, all clearly labelled and easily accessible. HURRAH!

This also means that the UK store is now fully updated with all the leftover tour merch, including signed CDs, signed vinyl, signed art books, tour posters, tour shirts. There are also a few miscellaneous THINGS leftover from tour (some of Amanda's handwritten signs, some damaged items that were stapled to our displays) and I'm currently thinking up fun ways to disperse it out to the people who will treasure it. Stand by for that, on a day when you least expect it.

And in the meantime, now I am FINALLY having some time off to recuperate and recover and tidy my own fucking house!! But first I'm headed off to the US for a little holiday next week. I'm going to see my teenage idol Gwen Stefani at her Vegas residency, and then I'm going to see the Jagged Little Pill musical on Broadway, and in between those things I'm packing myself a new cross stitch and reading Game of Thrones, which I have started becoming uncharacteristically invested in. 









we've collaborated on a lot of Things, art, posters and merch throughout the years... here are a few examples:



if you're at fringe....GO!!!! he's a pal. i'll be there at least one night!!!

february 14th through march 15th:



if you're in LONDON....go see "QUEER LATES X QUEERSTORY"

THU 20 FEB 2020

Artists announced so far:
Hosted and curated by Mercury
Felicity Furore / Tallulah Bankhead
Demi Noire / Josephine Baker
Joe Morose / Noël Coward
Peter Groom / Marlene Dietrich
Rosalind James / Ma Rainey and Dusty Springfield
Adam Perchard / Klaus Nomi and David Bowie 
More announced soon...



@pinetreeesaremyfriends on instagram. look at these cute lil ukes:


@jenniy122 on twitter

voicemail for jill lyrics. i shared this on instagram and wrote:

it means a lot to see these words staring back at me. it isn’t just a song about abortion. it’s a song about the jury that infests our minds when we have been raised to feel overwhelming amounts of shame and of fear. every night when i sing these words i think about 17-yr-old me. and 27-yr-old me. and 37-yr-old me. and me at 43, still trying to flee that courtroom and jury in my head. it’s still always a project. but my legs are faster.
love to you, jen. keep going. (and props to whoever inked you, it looks beautiful.) the full verse is: “i don’t know if you’ll get this in time / i don’t know if you’re checking your voicemail at all but in case it’s the morning / and you’re off of the green line and walking through copley / i want you stop for a second / i want you to listen. / you don’t need offer the right explanation / you don’t need to ask for forgiveness or beg for redemption / and you don’t need a courtroom inside of your head / where you’re acting as judge and accused and defendant and witness.” 🔥💃♥️


this is so beautiful. read the whole story by @filipavargastattoos. art and words and feelings and movement and ink and love and bravery are an ecosystem. i love all of you. don’t be afraid. or...wait, no. be afraid. being afraid is so powerful when you own it and stand inside it, all atremble, feeling reality and fully ready to step out when the trembling stops.


more art begetting art. all of this hand-drawn instragram-inspired art is forcing my game up. “basically tired af”, pen and marker pen, by @tortoise.vortices. i love how these lines look like audio/soundwaves. and by the way, if you’re an artist and post something up and tag me, always try to include the process information (materials used, size, and inspiration and backstories always welcome, we love them).


@ouijabirdd on instagram



p.s. the photo at the top of this post was  taken in brisbane by hayley



as always, all info and tickets can be found on our tour page:



Fri. Feb 7 - CANBERRA, ACT - Canberra Theatre

Sat. Feb 8 - SPRINGWOOD, NSW - Blue Mountains Theatre (SOLD OUT)

Fri. Feb 14 — Sat. Feb 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thurs. Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre (SELLING FAST)

Sat. Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Concert Hall, Perth Festival 

Sat. Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs. Mar 12 — Fri. Mar 13 - AUCKLAND, NZ - Auckland Arts Festival: Hollywood Avondale (FIRST NIGHT SELLING FAST, SECOND NIGHT ALMOST SOLD OUT)

Sat. March 14th - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ - The Piano 

Mon. March 16th - WELLINGTON, NZ - St Peters Church, Wellington Fringe 

if you're on facebook, you can RSVP to the official event pages, invite your friends and more: http://facebook.com/amandapalmer/events

and SPREAD THE WORD, always......


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Toetsie Zwitserlood

Man! what a long all things! I only wanna shout now: YEAHY! RADIODJ! Im out, listening and working on writing the bills for costumers.. yesssss! Thanks!

Jake Marcus

Amanda, please pretty please don’t do Omega again unless they provide gender neutral bathrooms. Puleeese?

Heather Hernandez

Oh Amanda I wish I could come to the camp out. May 22 is my birthday and that sounds so amazing. Other plans prevent this time. I'm getting married this Halloween and my soon to be husband and I are putting all our money that way. Maybe some other time we can come. I hope that this one goes so we'll you do another and maybe we can come then.


Wow! I have tried hard to read all the posts and keep up with all the things, but January was astonishingly busy in AFPlandia. You should all be proud of the amazing art you're producing, the jobs you are performing, the order you're creating from chaos, the artists you're supporting and boosting and the community you're nurturing in so many ways. We are all happy to be here for you guys. You mean the world to me and to everyone here!

Nicole Ives

Glad to hear you’re taking some serious time out Amanda. So sorry to hear about your Australian shows not being as sold out as you would like. I think we are mentally overwhelmed in Oz right now. The bushfires, the destruction of wildlife. I’ve heard people say to me they want to give more to bushfire relief but they can’t as they have other bills to pay. I’m glad you’ve been here with us through this time to ask the questions.


Hi Amanda, I'm so sorry it's been such a slog for you here. BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU! January is a bastard at the best of times here, because everyone goes away to the beach or camping or whatever, and just disengages. As a journalist, I used to dread it. It was like the whole country was in hibernation. This year, it was made so much worse by the ongoing trauma of the fires. But I just wanted to say that your presence and what you gave meant a huge amount. I ran the whole gamut during your performance at Woodford - tears, goosebumps, laughter, anger... - and I realised you were providing a massive and NECESSARY catharsis, for me and no doubt others. No wonder you're exhausted! Being the midwife to so many people's previously unspoken emotions is hard freakin work. I thought your honesty in Brisbane,. when you said you were just fried, was so necessary and brilliant. We need to start talking about the negatives, the shit we push down. Having you there as YOU was so much better than having a performer just going through the motions. Not long now until you get that breathing space. Stay well. xxxxx


Whilst I enjoy the updates, I really want you to finish this now and get some rest. Rest the body, rest the mind, rest the soul. That goes for everyone else too. It's been a rough ride, it's probably going to get rougher, R&R before going back out to tackle hate with love 😘😘😘


Loved this months posting. Keep making art.


OMG! The news of the Memorial Day Weekend has this Aussie so excited!!!!!! My hubby and I are going to be in LA for a conference the week before, so we're now looking at what we can do to make to it NY and attend the AFP party :D NY peeps - we'll need a place to crash in NYC (I promise we're delightful guests :P), and if you're going to attend, could we hitch a ride with you???

Megan Rubenstein

Ever since I read about the Memorial Day Weekend plan, I have thought of little else. I really hope to make it three and meet some of you wonderful folks! 😍