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(public post)

hallo loves 

i was going to catch up and write to you at length today. it didn’t happen. the fires and other internal dramas have put us behind - we are on the move and everything feels so strange and fragile. 

midnight oil. i remember the song well from high school one of australia‘s finest band in those days. 

how can we sleep when our beds are burning? 

the fires here. trump hovering over the world war three button. ash refusing to go to bed. neil looking like someone hit him with a human pause button this morning. the sky...  

and i just saw the news that koko in london is burning, too. 

what is up with you, universe?

no idea whether the damage will be total or the theater reparable...but i have played so many shows there. with neil. with my dad. with the grand theft orchestra.  its where i was standing when i found out my friend becca darling died. it’s a place close to my heart. it’s a lot to see. it’s hard. 

to my UK friends and london people - i love you. may we revel in the spaces and moments we can before they burn. jesus. 

share memories. share hopes. 

the flames everywhere. 

today we ordered masks to wear in melbourne. the smoke hangs. 

the dick-ish PM of australia finally committed 2 billion in aid to the fire catastrophe. it makes me wonder if i should really put the effort into printing up a poster for charity - or spend my time on bigger pursuits and bigger ideas and bigger undertakings. spend my time figuring out how to galvanize my self and my community to address what’s really going on (hi, global climate crisis) instead of fretting about what printer and ink to use to raise $2k to add to the $2 billion. i just don’t know. i don’t know. help. 

reading all your comments last night made me happy. thank you for being here. i love you all a lot. 

i saw that lizzo left twitter. she said: 

...i relate. 

it’s like : with everything that’s going on, climate burning, world collapsing, crisis everywhere looming, it feels too hard to also engage on twitter where someone is always yelling at you for being too this or too that. i’m a strong woman and i’ve managed to fend off trolls and bad vibes over there for over 12 years. and even i am almost at my limit. and i have you, this, here. 

i am tired of being around people yelling at each other. i’m exhausted. it’s exhausting. the left and the progressives are eating themselves. 

tomorrow is another day. 

i love you all. 

i also finally brushed and washed my hair. and i still believe in you. 




p.s. here’s one idea. a midnight oil cover to thing for charity. couldn’t be too hard. maybe...


Out where the river broke
The bloodwood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty-five degrees

The time has come to say fair's fair
To pay the rent, to pay our share
The time has come, a fact's a fact
It belongs to them, let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?
How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

The time has come to say fair's fair
To pay the rent now, to pay our share

Four wheels scare the cockatoos
From Kintore, east to Yuendemu
The Western Desert lives and breathes
In forty-five degrees

The time has come to say fair's fair
To pay the rent, to pay our share
The time has come, a fact's a fact
It belongs to them, let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?
How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

The time has come to say fair's fair
To pay the rent now, to pay our share
The time has come, a fact's a fact
It belongs to them, we're gonna give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turning?
How do we sleep while our beds are burning?


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5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Amanda, my heart is breaking for you this day. Such personal tragedies coinciding. Please take time for you and your beautiful family. Thank you for using your unique and profound art to create something larger than itself. Whatever you choose will be the right option. We will work together, alongside you to grow the message and bring about genuine change. I wonder if Mellisa Etheridge’s “Bring Me Some Water” might be tweaked as a powerful ‘B-Side’. I get tingles down my spine at the thought of your delivery of that song...


Hi Amanda. I'm joining the thread late, and haven't read many of the other comments. About the cover: From here in Oz, my first reaction was that it would not be cool to repurpose a land rights song for climate change purposes. My second reaction was that you could call Peter Garrett and ask him. My third reaction was that you could call Archie Roach and ask him. Consent is everything.


Hi again Amanda. Just an afterthought: if you haven't met Peter Garrett yet you maybe should - he's an Aussie muso who stood up by getting elected to our Parliament for a period. I reckon you could have some interesting conversations about standing up.

Heather Hernandez

I'm not sure I can put it in to words but for some reason that last picture of you, when you said " i still believe in you. " feels so intimate. Not sexual, but intimate none the less. Maybe it's because I'm a little drunk and maybe a little raw from all that has happened both on the world stage and in my own little corner. Whatever the reason, I have never met you and I might never meet you, but I felt in the picture and words your love for me, and all of us. Thank you Amanda.


Big hugs. I love you.


Thank you for the reminder that it’s okay to feel things publicly. It’s hard to remember, sometimes.


Nice hair! And yes, please cover that song. It was such a frequent play for me (actually the whole album) I'd like to see it revived.


I feel you. I'm in Melbourne and the unseen weight on everyone's shoulders are enormous. I've haven't slept right in weeks. In regards to your thoughts on raising money- this is going to be an ongoing issue. It wont stop when the fires stop. This is going to impact Australia for a long time and gosh- if things dont change it will probably happen again next year. There are amazing initiatives being set up. Check out ones for First nations people https://au.gofundme.com/f/fire-relief-fund-for-first-nations-communities and this project is amazing- https://www.mycause.com.au/page/213881/sheds-of-hope-bush-fire-building-program?fbclid=IwAR0go5A9wrahHexNrXuV4QAEtaxWZSDquVcSNPWY8vEQqN3S_jzl72MHP7g Its the "Shed of hope" but people are so horrible their things keep getting deliberately destroyed or stolen. Why people do this I do not understand. Thank you for your support. Side note- looking forward to your interview on Sunday on Triple R. I volunteer there and it truly is a special place. x


Hi Amanda, Yes please spend your ‘... time on bigger pursuits and bigger ideas and bigger undertakings. spend my time figuring out how to galvanize my self and my community to address what’s really going on (hi, global climate crisis)’ Yes, that! I’m ready to do something, just need someone to lead the charge! Thank you and love, Winthrop


Can you use some "influence" on the political system or gather friends who feel the same and pull together to create more of an impact?


How you from


i love your content, love it.