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(patron-only post)

hello my loves.

greetings from tasmania. let the map puns begin. 

first off: if you're a new patron, WELCOME!!!! this is the MONTHLY ALTHING, a sort of monthly newsletter and update from me and team AFP to all patrons to just let everybody know what we're up to, how it's all working, and even when it's not working, oh, we will tell you. we were putting these out at the end of every month for a while, but then we started stressing, so now we just aim to put them out once a month at....some point. organized, we are not. WE ARE ARTISTIC. anyway. we've been aiming for the start of the month but often getting waylaid. if you want to do some catch-up you can read last month's althing HERE

these monthly Althings are a great way of giving me and whole team a good perspective too - we all have to slow down for a second and look at what's happening. we read all the comments, so feel free to say hi, introduce yourself if you're new, and just wave at us. we're here and we love you. the artwork you see in the header, by the way, is a pen and pen-marker drawing done by an artist named @tortoise.vortices on instagram. if you ever have art, send it to me there and tag me (@amandapalmer and #amandapalmer) or email it to art@amandapalmer.net.

second off: if you're in the webchat tier (or higher), i just sent new webchat times (and a little video), if you missed the post, it's here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33166568

third of alll....oh my loves. 


what a month. 

what a TIME. 

december feels like a dream from another era. GREETINGS FROM LAUNCESTON TASMANIA where i am hoping to be sending you LOTS of posts, because holy shit i am about 5 posts behind and so much has log-jammed. 

two nights ago i hopped aboard the spirit of tasmania, a ship that ferries people between melbourne and tasmania (it's about 9-11 hours), because i'm trying to cut down on flying whenever humanly possible, because climate crisis. it seems like a drop in the no-pun-intended ocean....but yeah. i tried to take more trains in the UK and europe, and i am doing what i can here in australia, though i must say the rail service leaves a few things to be desired.

and speaking of climate crisis, JESUS. we are literally surrounded by smoke here. neil went for a jog in melbourne this morning with a mask on. ash has a fever. and between the bush fires and the news of a young gay man in brisbane who took his life after getting heat for protesting drag storytime (who does that?) at the local library, it feels like we are entering the End Times.

or the beginning. 

let's decide.

i have so much to say to you and so little time, but i'm trying.

meanwhile, let's get down to business.


today i had my first meeting with the MONA FOMA folks and checked out the "confessional booth" i'm about to practically live in for three days. it's pretty amazing. i'll be posting all the news from inside the booth - and we're making a Thingable documentary about the whole process because....why not. things are gonna get weird. might has well film.

on sunday, i'm going to write a song based on what happens.

the patreon has inspired me to do this weird project, don't you forget it.

here's me doing a photoshoot today for the Australian newspaper, the big national here, who think this story is interesting enough to cover. go us! and that back belongs to jordan verzar, my beloved australian manager from sydney, who helped make all this happen. 

it's hard to explain to people outside the patreon how much the patreon itself has evolved and motivated me, but you guys have been here, and you get it.

it was my experiences writing drowning in the sound and the ride that made me think that there's really a logic to writing fast and furious with a ticking clock, and this time, instead of doing it over the internet with comments i read on a screen. i'm going to be collecting feelings from real live people. real live TASMANIANS! 

and honestly, all of this work i'm about to do is technically "unpaid". the confession both, the songwriting, the recording....in the old days, there wouldn't have been any payment for this. but because of patreon, i can get THIS WEIRD and still GET PAID. this is the miracle of patreon.

and you're funding the miracle. so thank you.

for every person who walks into that confessional booth, i won't forget they are being supported by me, and this festival, and also by ALL OF YOU. because i wouldn't have done this without you. so....thank you. 




well.....i closed out an epic and exhausting run of european and UK shows with four sold-out goddamn shows at london's union chapel.

here's our crew group photo on the stage at the chapel.....THE GANG ALL IN ONE PLACE!!!!!!

(photo by the effervescent gabrielle motola, who set a timer and was able to jump into the picture......)

from left to right:

top row:
alex (team afp & uk merch queen), michael (team afp), hayley (team afp), yours truly, jack (writer, our foreign tour correspondent), jordan (team afp, my manager), calamity (our union chapel livestream hostess)

bottom row:
connor (alex's partner and fellow merch helper), gabrielle (photographer, our foreign tour correspondent), subul (our amazing lighting designer), and david (our resident shintaido instructor)

this was hands down the best crew i've ever had.

we ALL went through some really hard times for so many reasons internal and external on this tour and i swear to god, i wouldn't change a beat. everyone became closer, softer, wiser and better for being on this tour. i know i did.


thank you to every single one of this lot for going on this ride.

may we live to ride another day!

we got a stunning four-star review of the show in one of london's biggest paper, the telegraph.



while we're in london....


WHEEEEEE. we did TWO NIGHTS OF EPIC LIVE-STREAMING. all funded by the patreon.


here's a behind the scenes look at the livestream production room, which was in the venue's sunday school room. it's tinted red from space heaters, it was very cold......



all the above photos by gabrielle motola....

you can watch the archived livestreams, links for patrons below.

night 1, december 13th:

night 2, december 14th:


don't ask why but i wound up making a song with BRIAN ENO, one of my heroes.

it wasn't part of a patreon project (although i think eno would LOVE patreon and he could have put this out on a brian eno patreon and given the money to a political charity, and i'll bend his ear when i get some time....) and it was called "Everything's On The Ups With The Tories"!

we were also joined by jason webley and jherek bischoff:

brian's official funny little video is HERE:


and you can read the post about how we wound up doing this weird thing HERE.


STAR OF WONDER....a patron christmas song. 

photo by gabrielle motola 

if you missed it, i made a little collage-present for all of you patrons for christmas.

it's here....and it was a real joy to record and make. and it raised a ton of money for a charity back home called Family of Woodstock. you can hear/read/everything about it:





many of you have asked for one. 


i'm working on it. 

stay tuned.




the song inspired by this whole stunt i'm doing at MONA FOMA will be written THIS sunday afternoon (i may post while i'm writing, so watch out) and we will video-and-audio-record the first performance live at the princess theater on monday night.

i can either thing the filmed performance or i can thing the official recording of the song, which i plan to do in melbourne in a week and change. not sure which is gonna happen. wait for it. 



there will be a new, LONG-FORM piece of writing & photography care of our foreign tour correspondents jack nicholls and gabrielle motola (above, both photographed by gaby)...out within the next few weeks (we hope). it'll be thinged here and published on medium, and if you wanna gear up, make sure you're also subscribed to our medium publication We Are The Media.

if you missed part one, it's here on medium. 

it's a great, long read, the kind i always hope magazines will do but they never have the funds of the staffing. so we did it DIY. 

gabrielle is an exceptional photographer and jack is a fantastic emerging writer who i am proud to be supporting with your funds. go read what you paid for.....



more! here's a round-up of a few other things happening and being worked on behind the scenes and have been simmering on the art-stove for a while.....


the video for this song off There Will Be No Intermission has been in production for many many months. we started filming in april (I KNOW!!!), the day after we shot the drowning in the sound video, and had some more footage shot in upstate new york and in london. we're getting closer on this. it's taking a long time. it's gonna be worth it. 

rome wasn't built in a day.

some art is fast.

some art is slow. this one is proving to be a slowwwww one.

i'm JUST about to pop open my email and watch a new cut of it. i get excited every time.




this is coming along, we have a few more things to do on this to get it FINISHED, but it's on its way there!!!!

you're all going to love it, i hope.

hold tight.



a very special SONG with THE BBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.....

this one will hopefully be coming out by the end of the month!!!

arranged by jherek bischoff, performed by the BBC symphony orchestra and me at one of neil's radio events in london at the barbican....and recorded live.

wheeeeeeeee, all hail the patreon! 



this is still in the works. some of the episodes are going to be near a year old when i finally launch this fucker, but i don't care. i wanna get the launch right, and there are no episodes that won't age well. i had some great chats in london and plan to have more while here in oz, especially given what's happening to the country.

hang in there. it'll probably be february or march if we can get it together, or april or may if we can't.


OKAY. projects done.



patreon bills credit cards on the 1st of the following month so we usually see a couple hundred people drop off in the beginning of the month due to payment errors and credit card issues, it takes a few days for this to adjust once people fix their accounts. it's life.

as of this writing there are about 15,122 patrons pledging about  $52,452 for the first THING of the month. 


shop talk, office talk, money talk....

patreon charges you monthly & retroactively.....meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior (for example, you were charged for the Things released in december on january 1st). 

so i don't have the final figures for this past month (december), as they're still being processed, but here's november:

(i say this every month, but if you're new....)

because people have their pledges capped (HAVE YOU NOT CAPPED YOUR PLEDGE? if you are on a budget, you should. here's the tutorial again), the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. (I LIKE THIS. it means i never feel too guilty!!!!!).

the numbers below are gross. not net. basic math. meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected. 

also, none of this reflects the money i SPENT MAKING THE ART, running my business, paying all the collaborators and my staff, etc. 

i don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because i assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even. so be it. this is awesome.


last year patreon changed their pricing and fee plan, however all creators who've had accounts up until may 7, 2019 are considered "founding creators" and for the time being are locked into the original fee structure with the 5% patreon fee and the 5-9% credit card payment processing fee.


in NOVEMBER, i Thanged Three Things:

The State of All Things: OCTOBER 2019 was the first Thing and it earned about $62,131 from 15,530 patrons.

jack and gabrielle, our foreign correspondents' There Will Be Some Introspection — On The Road with Amanda Palmer was the second Thing and it earned about $27,769 from 9,252 patrons.

The Mushroom Hunters (animated video) was the third and final Thing and it earned about $17,619 from 6,059  patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

them's the numbers, peeps.


and now.....


from hayley:

December was a wild ride of a month. It started off with Michael and I hopping on a plane to London to spend about two weeks working alongside Amanda and the team, helping out with all four sold-out Union Chapel shows and helping to put on the two livestream webcasts.

Here's a snap of Amanda, Jordan, Michael and me working in Amanda's kitchen. We're rarely together in the same room, let alone in the same timezone, so it was great to have some time to work alongside each other IRL.

{dude! mac owes us some money for showing so many macs at one time, -afp}

Of all the shows I've been to on the USA tour, I hadn't actually sat down and watched the full show. So I picked the second London show to save myself a seat and actually watch the performance. I was really glad that I did that, because it helped inform my work during the livestreams, and gave me a chance to really see how the show had been shaped since the warm up shows last February.

I helped produce the livestreams for the last two shows and monitored the chatroom on
Crowdcast. The room we were in for production was very, very cold, and it was an interesting experience to watch a concert on a screen while it was happening in the room behind me. There's about a 10-30 second delay on the livestream, so the audio I was hearing was from our director's speakers (which he used to help inform which camera view to pick for the broadcast) and that meant it was not synched at all to the video I was watching on Crowdcast, it was such an interesting experience!

Here's a picture Gabrielle snapped of me and my computer screen while I was following the chatroom.

It was awesome to work these shows, I really enjoyed meeting so many of you, and helping in all sorts of capacities to make the show happen, and to make Amanda's magic happen. 

There's never a shortage of things to do or tasks to help with on the road. Here's a good example - we had to load the merch from Alex and Connor's rental van into the venue from the back of the venue and carry all the boxes from backstage all the way through the chapel into the lobby where the front doors are. Everyone pitched in to help. 

And I mean EVERYONE! :)

One last Union Chapel snap I want to share, is an iPhone photo I took on stage of the venue while Gabrielle was taking the crew portrait. She set the camera on a timer, but knowing that Amanda would share the group photo, I thought it would be neat to share what we saw alongside it. This is Gabrielle standing on a pew, setting the camera up. She then climbed over the pews and on to the stage and posed with us, all before the timer set the shutter off. It was very impressive! Subul turned the lights up high to help light the photograph, and so you can see some lighting flare in my picture, which I think is neat. What a beautiful venue.

I want to give a special shout out to Kate, or, London Kate as she became affectionally known at Amanda's Omega retreat this last summer. 

Kate asked if I was going to these shows while we were at Omega, at the time, I was not, she offered to host me in London and I'm pretty sure that helped entice Amanda to invite me along for the ride of this 4 show run. So thank you Kate for being such a wonderful host and friend. I love the way this community brings people together IRL, and through these posts, and I'm thankful to be part of the team and the patron community. Truly an amazing group of people.

I had a rough time on my way back to New York (all of team AFP caught a plague, I happened to catch it the night before my flight. No fun.), but was back on my feet just in time for New Year's Eve.

While in London, Amanda invited me to join her in Australia to help out with the shows and get some more team time in to kick off 2020. Unfortunately I'll miss the Melbourne show, but I'll be in Melbourne for most of my time while I'm there. I'll arrive just in time for the Brisbane shows, where I anticipate being jetlagged as fuckkkkkk. I'll be there up until the Sydney show, so if you're in Oz and coming to these shows please say hello. I feel like an Aussie AFP show is something to experience, and I can't wait to meet more of you fellow patrons.

And to wrap up my little text section with a Patreon.com updates - I've been working closely with Patreon to help resolve some issues that have been reported to me/us with the site - like the email notification that didn't go out last month, and other odds and ends. Nothing important coming up feature wise, but do be rest assured that I'm working hard to keep things working well for you, and for Amanda and team.

When I get some time to sit down with Amanda next month in Australia, we'll be talking about Patreon strategy, revamping the text on Amanda's Patreon Overview and reward tiers, and working to update the page into 2020 to keep things clear and concise. I have some ideas on how we can improve your experience, the reward offerings (and frequency), and messaging. We'll roll up our sleeves and work to oil and fine tune this page and how it runs. As always, if you have ideas or feedback for us on how to make Amanda's Patreon the most fun it can be for you, hit us in the comments below on this post or shoot us an email at patronhelp@amandapalmer.net - we're reading!

Keep on keeping on!


{dear hayley....you remain an invaluable part of this whole team and it's so good getting you on the road and actually in situ at more of these shows. WE CAN'T WAIT TO WELCOME YOU TO AUSTRALIA! you're gonna love melbourne. xxx afp}


from michael:

Hello Patrons!

I apologize in advance that this is my second month in a row where I’m giving you something super short and last minute, but here goes.

Greetings from Melbourne!  I stepped off a plane 10 hours ago after a 23 hour trip during which I slept about 3 hours.  You’re getting me with zero filter.

To be honest I still can’t believe that it’s 2020.  I saw the ball drop, I drank sparkling wine, but I still can’t believe it.  Looking back at this time last year when we were just starting to prep for Tour, it all feels so surreal.  

I’m sure I’m not alone in this feeling, but everything feels. . . faster and more urgent.  Volcanoes are erupting, earthquakes are pummeling Puerto Rico, Australia and South Korea are burning, political assassinations are becoming the norm, and, and, and. . . it feels particularly dark and overwhelming at the moment.  

Which just means that our connections are even more important than ever.  In times of trial and strife we deeply and viscerally need to feel the strength and support of our friends and community in order to keep going forward, to keep affecting positive change, and to continue to help those in need.  Of course it’s also important to prioritize self care if that means turning off or isolating, but when you are able and it’s safe, reach out to that friend, support that colleague, validate your struggling family member.  Hold each other close and feel the strength of community and connection.  Spread love, spread joy when and where you can.  If you can, you must.

I know this isn’t so much of an update of the behind the scenes and *what* I did this year, but it’s a look at *how* I do what I do and what it is that keeps me going.  I hope it helps.  If that doesn’t, just know that I’m here sending some love your way.  


{michael, you are a prince among humans. see you soon, we are gonna rock some oz socks  -afp}


from alex:

ohhhhhhh maaaaaaan, december feels like so long ago, even though apparently it was literally less than a couple weeks ago. I guess that's what happens when the world is on fire, in both the metaphorical and the very literal sense.... happy 2020 to us.

But existential, catastrophic misery aside - December was a hectic whirlwind of an end to the year, and to the tour. 33 shows in 30 cities in 12 countries, and I have to say, getting to wrap it up in my home city, and get to go home to MY OWN BED after each show, was a pretty lovely feeling.

What was not such a lovely feeling was the election that happened in the middle of the 4 shows... I dunno, man. The world is on fire. Fucking LITERALLY. The UN has reported that half a million people in the UK live in poverty. HALF A MILLION. One of the contenders for Prime Minister hid in a fucking fridge instead of doing a televised interview. I am not shitting you. I got off my ass and I went campaigning for Labour, and I allowed myself to feel one tiny, tiny, tiny spark of hope that maybe, MAYBE, we would see a little change.

But........... people saw no reason for change. I stayed up til 4am the night of the election, and saw an absolutely devastating majority for the Conservative party. The highest majority of any party since 1979. 

My heart was broken.

I texted Amanda. The country's fucked. Can we give some merch proceeds to a food bank, and try and help some of the people who are going to feel the brunt of this election?

So we decided to give 50% of merch proceeds from those final two shows to a local food bank. With a little further investigation, it turns out that Union Chapel itself has a wonderful charity called Margins Project, that works with the homeless community right there in Islington. They offer drop in sessions twice a week to help with employment, and during the winter they run a winter shelter, where 15 people a week can come - absolutely free - and get a bed, a shower, a hot meal, breakfast, and spend the night. They receive a tiny grant that doesn't even cover the cost of running this. 

We've just finished doing the maths, and we've raised £4,000 to give to the team to go towards the winter shelter, and they are over the moon about it. I'm going down there this month to hand over the money, and to talk to them about volunteering. If you're local to London, you can read about volunteering with them here

If you are anywhere in the world, you can donate to the project here

Sorry if this monthly round-up is slightly tangential. Sorry if it's a little morose. But it's easy to feel helpless in this sea of catastrophic news. Sometimes it's nice to know that we can do something. Even something relatively minor can make a huge impact for someone somewhere. 

We keep fighting.




{alex....we miss you! you are not only a merch queen, you're a merch queen humanitarian and i am so glad you are on our team. the way you care about other people fills me with constant hope and love. thanks for everything you brought to this whole tour, especially london, and don't despair too much. the spring will come....and hope springs a turtle. xx - afp}



i've got a few for you this month!!!


i just ran into this lovely duo of sisters called CHARM OF FINCHES in australia (we met at the airport!) and their music is just deeply sad and lovely. they started busking the streets of melbourne when they were 8 and 11 - these are my people....

find them on bandcamp, and watch for them on tour. (they are about to head to new orleans!).

this song, "fish in the sea", is particularly awesome:


they're like a folk fleetwood mac.




i met sarah because she was playing in tim mnchin's back up band in london and OMG her work is just stunning. here's her site: http://www.sarahbelkner.com

watch this video for "susanne" and cry at beautiful ancient crone eileen kramer dancing her heart out:




i love this one...just posted the whole story on instagram yesterday:

braga is the gift that keeps on giving.

have you ever wanted to see a painted portrait of me with a cockatoo? 

look no further....


the painting below is from alice cao (@alicecaoillustration on IG) and she shared this story:

"A lifetime later, it was October, and there I was at the Cambridge Corn Exchange, the same building I was just at two days before for my graduation ceremony, and I got to see Amanda. Is it necessary to say that the show was incredible? Seems redundant at this point. I do know that for a whole month after it it was like Amanda was narrating life. Everywhere I looked I could hear a line from the show describing it. Everyone around me had to put up with me bringing up something Amanda said in every single discussion. It’s remarkable.
After the show, Amanda substituted the encore with a balcony performance and it was the most connected I felt with complete strangers, standing there in the Corn Exchange singing along about the power of the ukulele. And then I got to meet her, and I didn’t realise my voice was three octaves above normal. I got to give her all my art of her, told her this whole weird story to the best of my ability. She smiled and she hugged me and it was cold outside and the butterflies in my stomach carried me home. .

So thank you, Amanda, for being the accumulated peak of my year, for being such force, for sharing so much, and for being such an inspiration. I finally joined your Patreon at last because I wanted to support your art with the money earned from my art, and now I can. Here’s to the 20s, where I doubt there will be any intermission at all!
Watercolour painting based on a photo of Amanda by @kahnselesnick. Swipe for timelapse and a little bit of that awesome balcony performance 😄"



as always, all info and tickets can be found on our tour page:



Thurs. Jan 16 — Sat. Jan 18 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Mona Foma Confessional

Mon. Jan 20 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Princess Theatre, Mona Foma

Wed. Jan 22 - MELBOURNE, VIC - Hamer Hall (ALMOST SOLD OUT)

Fri. Jan 31 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Sat. Feb 1 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Fri. Feb 7 - CANBERRA, ACT - Canberra Theatre

Sat. Feb 8 - SPRINGWOOD, NSW - Blue Mountains Theatre (SOLD OUT)

Fri. Feb 14 — Sat. Feb 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thurs. Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre (SELLING FAST)

Sat. Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Concert Hall, Perth Festival 

Sat. Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs. Mar 12 — Fri. Mar 13 - AUCKLAND, NZ - Auckland Arts Festival: Hollywood Avondale (FIRST NIGHT SELLING FAST, SECOND NIGHT ALMOST SOLD OUT)

Sat. March 14th - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ - The Piano 

Mon. March 16th - WELLINGTON, NZ - St Peters Church, Wellington Fringe 

(photo by allan amato)

if you're on facebook, you can RSVP to the official event pages, invite your friends and more: http://facebook.com/amandapalmer/events

and SPREAD THE WORD, always......

this tour is gonna be a new kind of epic.


i love you all. thank you so much for your patronage, your love, your support, your time....your everything.

thank you for BEING HERE. this is an incredible community and i really mean that from the bottom of my heart. 

see you here next month.

comment....i'm readin'.

so is hayley.

oh and here's one last inspirational thought to make your day brighter. i posted it up on my socials because i was feeling it...and it went crazy.

apparently people can really relate to this one. i know i can.

i love you all to the bottom of my toes.

more soon.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Julia Mason

Great to hear from all of you! Looking forward to the pdf version of the book, hope you all get some time to relax in the sun (she writes from a very chilly and damp Portland, Oregon).


wow! You guys have done so much - do you ever get a chance to sleep? It is amazing to hear about all that you have accomplished and I am getting to feel that I am beginning to know you all. Thank you for inviting us into your lives and letting us know that it is ok to feel the way that we do when so many others just don't get it. I am honoured to be a part of it.


The world is big, the world is small, Your Company by Charm of Finches produced by the lovely Nick Huggins ten minutes drive away from where i sit

Jim Lloyd

Great update! This all-thing idea was a good one.


Thank you for live streaming the concerts. It was the only way I was going to get to see it, and I was so excited!

Hayley Rosenblum

it's incredible because there are EVEN MORE projects up in the air and being worked on than the ones that are closer to materializing (and are shared here), so I hope that it's evident that Amanda, as such a creative force of nature, and team afp, which is very tiny, are cooking up lots of things at any given moment and that these updates help illuminate some of the background happenings in a way that makes it clear why some things take longer than we'd like or why some stuff Amanda has mentioned wanting to do hasn't been done quite yet. we are often moving forward quite fast that it becomes difficult to stop and reflect on all that we've done, but it's important I think to admire and reflect on what's been accomplished, so as not to get too bogged down by what's on the list to be done. There is a very long list haha


after a long stint of unemployment, i’m back and happy to get these again. they are a relief in this burning world smothered in 'influencers' pushing their trending versions of a fake sense of closeness in this expansive digital landscape, pitching a flashy 'social and ethical responsibility' which ironically fuel the consumerist self-destruct party further. the price tag ist ass-tronomical. the (afp) message here of spreading love and that celebrating uniqueness is beautiful - instead of knock-off ::insert expensive brand label here:: and #mylifeisgorgeousonfb&amp;instagram there is this tiny group of weirdos that grows continuously in this magic digital place - where the only thing being pimped out is a sense of togetherness and omg check out this THING. one-click to a local organisation helping their local communities or perhaps something bigger. one-click: here’s a new/old band, a new/old book, a new/old anything that shows we are fucking human and that it will be okay or it won’t right now but here’s someTHING… i wanted to show it to you cuz i like it and thought you might too. THAT. i missed that. and i’m so fucking grateful this is still happening and it’s not all shit. there is something beautiful happening here and there are people being people out there but in here it’s nice. thank you. i’m glad to be back. and now it’s time to pull on the adulting pants and get back out there. xo


Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the All Things updates and hearing from the team. Taking the time to say this as I gear up for some favourite things at MONA FOMA. Amanda Palmer, Paul Kelly and Laibach on the bill. A dream line-up.

Lynn Anderson

Wow. Such wonderful things ✨


Love it 😍


Gosh. Thank you. I'm new here, new to Patreon and AFP. So happy to be here, so happy to contribute. This feels important. Radical. Radical with honesty and kindness (my kind of radical). I'm writing a book, hoping to make some people feel less lonely and change some things. You are helping me, Amanda. I'll let you know when it is done. Also, before I leave, I must mention the amazing woman who pointed me your way- another Amanda- Amanda Bennett. She is helping me with the book. I think you'd like her.


Wow. I have been sick which would be the time to catch up on the medias but I am usually late to the party anyway. I wrote you an email four months ago and it was about Somethjng that happened a year early (Harlan Ellison) so im never quite on date but at this point I just have to say that: After missing days at work and having thus to go to work today (sat), and at work I was the only one in the office and I put my amanda on shuffle and MY GOD! You make my life better. Thank you thank you. Love infinity Your ethics. Smooch!


Even with all the things going on in the world, all the overwhelming fearful feelings, ... I am super super excited for the podcast release!! Love the light that this community and art in general brings.