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hallo loves. 

a reminder. 

you can do nothing. 

or you can do something. 

if you do something, you will be told you are doing it imperfectly. 

you will be scolded for getting the tone wrong, the sentiment wrong, the wording wrong, or the timing wrong. 

do it anyway. 

do it anyway. 

keep doing the things.

the only alternative is to do nothing, and nowadays that’s exactly what nobody needs. 

keep doing. 

get it wrong. get it wrong. get it wrong. 

and keep going. the enemy of progress is perfection. keep going. keep doing. 

i am amanda palmer and haven’t brushed my hair in a long time and i believe in you.





D. Franklin

I personally am so inspired -- not only by this post, but by Amanda Fucking Palmer's entire approach to life and her career -- and BTW I have been on the scene for while -- that today I am taking my guitar out for a little stroll to the center of Prague in I joke you not Bohemia, where I will sit and "busk" with a sign reading "I don't want money, I want more democracy" in my open guitar case. Because I felt like doing aomething.


Right back at you, love.


Dear Amanda, I am now 3 days out from Woodford -I was on the Sacred Labyrinth crew so the 2nd was a pack down day- and I am only just now beginning to achieve equilibrium in the laundry and adjust to the state of my homeland in this wild burning January. Anyway, I wanted to say a real and heartfelt thank you for the “Nine inch Neils” on the Hilltop. I had been looking forward to Neil’s reading for months and had gone to great lengths to be there for it. I was disappointed when he first announced his illness (Wailly, Wailly, Wailly) but you and the others gave the best possible replacement performance and I like many on the hill was in tears for the reading of the email at the end. Which brings me to the second thank you. The ‘Weepfest’ on the last night was an extraordinary moving performance and a wonderful cathartic release for a bullshit year. I was so grateful I could be there to cry for/to you. I am dedicating this year to my creative endeavours and it is already paying off. Best wishes to you and yours for 2020. Kim

Keith Prossick

We all need bad hair days from time to time.

Laura Wellner

Do the things you have to do, even when people tell you you're doing them wrong, at least you're doing something. My answer to that shit is "What the fuck have you done?" (I can't remember if that's from a Minor Threat song or one by Rancid.) Whatever...dude, that's a wicked case of bedhead if I ever saw one - also known as a "brush-fire!" Which somehow feels appropriate considering what's happening... When I neglect my hair for far too long, the tangles are nigh impossible to run a brush through, I have to use conditioner and I use my fingers to pry that shit apart...dang.


I think "Dreamhouse as Murder Mystery" did the last trick. Yew are the best {bisous}


YES! YES! YES! ALL of this! xxx


🙌🙌 totally needed to hear this! 😍


Thank you. I sometimes feel like that, if I am not doing something, I become part of the problem, so that by doing something I feel I could be part of the solution <3

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-15 04:35:14 I really needed this. Put the end cap on a novelette today. Been fretting about whether or not I picked the right ending--worried about what I'm saying, what commentary I'm making about the walls in America or the rising immigration crisis or humanities needs for us versus them. I don't know if I said it right. But I'm done. I'm gonna push it out into the world. Needed this. Needed the reminder it will be wrong. Do it anyway. Thank you. <3
2020-01-06 18:56:43 I really needed this. Put the end cap on a novelette today. Been fretting about whether or not I picked the right ending--worried about what I'm saying, what commentary I'm making about the walls in America or the rising immigration crisis or humanities needs for us versus them. I don't know if I said it right. But I'm done. I'm gonna push it out into the world. Needed this. Needed the reminder it will be wrong. Do it anyway. Thank you. <3

I really needed this. Put the end cap on a novelette today. Been fretting about whether or not I picked the right ending--worried about what I'm saying, what commentary I'm making about the walls in America or the rising immigration crisis or humanities needs for us versus them. I don't know if I said it right. But I'm done. I'm gonna push it out into the world. Needed this. Needed the reminder it will be wrong. Do it anyway. Thank you. <3


You are so freakin inspiring to me!!!! It’s because of you that I’m here following you!! Thanks for your transparent spirit!