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(patron-only post)

hallo loves 

**EDIT!!! the woodford global live-stream is starting in just 5 minutes: 

STREAMING LIVE FROM Woodford Folk Festival!!! (hopefully this is working!). 

for every ***share**** (not like, my mistake earlier) of this stream, woodford folk festival is donating $1 to rural families affected by the drought. #BuskForTheBush 

GO GO GO!!! i’m on til about 6:50 brisbane time!!



*if you’re at woodford there’s LOTS OF UPDATES, including me taking over neil‘s slot, he’s sick, and a date correction for my q&a (it’s TOMORROW!, all below-*

greetings from backstage at woodford festival - i’m typing this on my phone from a hot little practice room in a container, so forgive the brevity or typos. it’s been fucking glorious here. 

yesterday, i met an australian hero of mine, archie roach, after watching him speak. i just posted this to instragram as well:

meeting heroes at woodford. this is archie roach, whose music and storytelling i first came to know about ten years ago through paul kelly, back when i was working on my australia record. archie just appeared at @woodfordfolkfestival to discuss his new memoir, “tell me why”, with rhoda roberts, and there were a lot of tears in the audience. archie’s story, as an aboriginal taken from his parents and given to a white australian family, was so common during that era in australian history that it’s almost impossible to believe it happened in our lifetime. his song “took the children away” became an anthem for the stolen generation. he’s told his story through so many art-vessels: songwriting, storytelling, film music and scoring, now this book....he’s just a living legend. getting to meet him and express my gratitude for his artistry is already the highlightof my trip to oz. 

there was a public Q&A and i asked him how he felt about using different media to tell stories, and what’s he’s learned. 

he said: the stories will be here long after we are gone. the land, the birds, the plants, the soil...they’ll all hold the stories when the human race is history. then he said: 

and, music...music is handy. 



speaking of australia and important things: if you have t been reading f the news lately, australia is on fire. literally. there are unprecedented droughts and  bush fires currently raging across oz and especially here in queensland. woodford is going to STREAM MY GIG TONIGHT and match every facebook like on the stream with $1 (up to $10,000) of donation money to help families affected by the crisis. from their facebook page:

“Amanda Palmer's entire live performance streamed to you 6.30PM AEST tonight live from Woodford Folk Festival. Woodford will also donate $1 for the first 10,000 shares from the Woodford facebook page. All proceeds will go directly to QCWA for their Public Rural Crisis Fund, helping rural families suffering from the drought. 

Dig deep for our rural communities and donate extra using the link below: 


shall i begin with the bush puns?


here is the link to STREAM, and make sure to like to post so they can donate. let’s try to get this to $10,000 if we can. and sorry they chose facebook. i had no say in that:



in sad news...neil isn’t going to be making it to woodford. he is SICK and stuck in melbourne. looks like i’m going to be taking over his slot and curating a selection of neil gaiman readings with various woodfordiaba. wish him luck with his lurgy. 

come support me as i try to do my best neil gaiman impression. here’s all my slots now, including that one. 

MONDAY, dec 30th @ 6:30pm @ the grande tent

TUESDAY, dec 31st - 5:30pm patron meet-up and ninja ! (see below!) then, THEN, WED i’m doing a little open Q&A @ the pineapple lounge from 7-8pm! you can all walk over with me around 6:30! we shall parade !! **NOTE, I GOT THIS DAY WRONG IN THE LAST POST. ITS TOMORROW, NOT WEDNESDAY. BELIEVE THE WOODFORD CATALOG!!!**

10:00pm @ the grande tent 

WEDNESDAY, jan 1, 5:30 - hilltop - neil gaiman mystery replacement show. DEFINITELY BRING KIDS.  

and then....

WEDNESDAY late LATE: ”amanda palmer’s intimate weep fest” is in the tiny parlor tent at 11pm. 

wednesday will be... hardcore. 

i am taking the 2nd OFF dudes. 


and LASTLY!!!!


TOMORROW, TUESDAY, DEC 31st, at 5:30 pm, let us NINJA!!! 

you don’t need to be a patron to attend, but you’re the only ones i’m telling! so feel free to spread the word using your own mouths and friends. 

i scoured and scouted yesterday and we found a great spot on a hill next to the sacred labyrinth - theres a little library! walk up beyond the labyrinth & you’ll see it! meet somewhere around there and if we need shade we will shuffle. feel free to get there early around 5 pm and i’ll be at the sport 5:45 at the latest. bring instruments, kids, dogs, food, everything!!! 


here’s a map where: 

here’s the little library!!

(photo by jordan verzar)

thats it folks 

i gotta play a SHOW 



i fixed this sign. 



1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Laura Wellner

I missed the live stream, but I'm catching up on Facebook, the video is still there! Loving this on a stormy Monday morning on Irish Hill, it's raining and windy like crazy (we're luckily on the warm side of the Nor'Easter that blasting the East Coast, some folks are getting ice, blargh!) If I could send some of this wet weather to Australia I'd be so happy to help with the drought, I'll see what I can do when I have a chat with Mother Nature later today ;) I hope Neil feels better!!! Oy that sucks that he's feeling poorly! Love n' Hugs!!!


As a Californian, I understand the tremendous destructiveness of fire. I'm more than happy to share and help a tiny bit.


Really enjoyed the stream. Thank you!


Oh I wish I could be at Woodford this year to see you! Caught some of the live feed in between putting small people to bed last night. Thank you! Love the sign 👌Enjoy the festival xx



Nicole Ives

You are a Goddess :-)

John Maruskin

I haven't seen your show, so I hadn't heard that last song you played. Oh it is so powerful. And beautiful. Thank you for that.


Dear Amanda; I can WAX QUIXOTIC on how MUCH I love listening to you and reading you. So, just don't tempt me because I'm at work and I don't have time. Except: So sorry Neil is still ill. Anyway, I love you, and I accept your love, and we don't know each other and I don't kid myself that we do, but I stalk you here on the webisphere on many platforms. I'm not aggressive. When I'm not at my job I'm painting. I virtually kiss you from thousands of miles away. So. Take that with you. Love and Donations, Chrissy


Dear Amanda, I new to your Patreon and you in general (or so I thought). An online friend recommended viewing the live cast of your London show. I joined you on here in pure curiosity in order to see the show. I watched it over the course of two days and then instantly downloaded the audio version of your book. And then I remembered a very surreal evening back at the Edinburgh Festival back in 2006 (I was there with a theatre show) and a guy I was seeing took me to a Dresden Dolls performance, which I remember loving. I'm from London, and then weirdly when I was 22, I met an American man living in Canada (who by the by is 36 older than me!) and we fell in love and so I moved to the mountains of BC. Now I have three young kids and I have just been figuring out how to get myself back into performing, which I dropped for 13 years. So I wrote a one woman show about how I left London and ended up marrying this enigmatic reclusive older man. I set it to the music of Fiddler on the Roof (I'm a secular Jew and the songs fit the story perfectly). I have been touring the show for the last while, and it's a balm to be sharing myself and my story, engaging with audiences, feeling 'seen' as you say, and also hearing the stories of audience members after every show. I am flabbergasted that you manage to perform a 4 hour show. Mine is 80 minutes and it spikes my adrenaline so that I need days to recover from it. Anyway, I am so glad I have found your art and your generous artists' soul. Extreme amounts of food for thought and pleasure and admiration. Yours Ellie