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hallo loves 

i’ll be online for the next 15 minutes or so after posting. feel free to say hi. 


greetings from a bed in braga, i can’t lie, it’s been a very hard couple of days. on top of being sick (the mystery flu is finally abating, i’m happy to report), the twitter drama is dragging on, and i’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it, reflecting on it, talking to neil about it. i don’t want to dive into the details. not at the moment. it’s saturday night and the trolls are out in full force. you know it’s bad when you post a buddhist quote and someone responds by accusing you of having killed your ex-boyfriend. i just deleted my last few posts and logged off to come here, to tell a story.  

i haven’t been embroiled in a kerfuffle this hardcore since 2013, and for any of you who have seen my show, or were there at the time, these kerfuffles come in massive tsunami waves, often bunched together, and i think, before i get into any of the reportage on what’s actually happening, i will say this, because i know a lot of you struggle with anxiety, depression, and stress-related stuff, so at least i can offer up some human stuff, without getting into the actual politics at the moment, because it’s late at night and i’m tired and exhausted and coming here just to collapse and not explain or argue...

i can say this: i am so much stronger and better at dealing than i was in 2012 and 2013, i feel the fire that forged me back when it got so bad that there were death threats. i remember standing in the places i was standing when i read them. i remember how it felt. i remember not being able to get warm. it’s still hard to read hateful things, things are are totally disproportionate to the actual matter. people telling you that you should die. 

it can effect you physically. it takes over, you go into fight or flight mode. i threw up yesterday morning after reading a series of tweets, including a really vile anti-semitic one about neil. 

why do you even engage, amanda? you may ask. well - it’s still the place that gives me, usually, a deep and meaningful connection to people. i hate watching it transform into a horror show. 

and yet, and yet. 

one of the things that i’ve learned from the past few days is this: i’ve gotten so much better at taking care of myself. 

i‘be gotten so much better at seeing when i am in need of self-care. of care, period. 

last night, neil and ash and i were just hanging out at home for a rare quiet night alone, we knew i had to fly to portugal today, so were trying to just connect and rest.  

i was feeling so tired and weird - a combination, i’m sure, of anxiety and the leftover trails of this flu. 

even though i preach it constantly, i’m not the best at asking for help. this is, of course, why i preach it constantly. as anthony wisely once said:  therapists are people who need forty hours of therapy a week. 

so there i was, limping around our apartment, trying to take care of ash, trying to stay off the internet, trying to rest. we were in the bedroom and i was lying in bed and ash said: mama, i want you to get up a PLAY WITH ME. and i was just so, so, tired. i wanted to get up and my body said no. ash was flicking the switch of bedside lamp on and off, as a game, and looking mopey. 

mama’s really tired and kind of sick, ash. come for a cuddle or go into the kitchen with your dada. 


and as i watched him flicking that bedside light on and off, i had a flicker of memory back to limerick. back to sinéad’s bedside, as she lay dying and so weak that she couldn’t raise her head or strum her ukulele. her two boys. 8 and 10. there in the room with her, playing. 

and i tried for a second to imagine - could i imagine? - what it must have felt like to be sinéad. to not even be able to lift your arms to your own children, knowing that soon, in a few hours, in a few days...

and i must say, my perspective shifted. 


ash toddled off and i lay there, struggling to find energy to get up, or words for how sick i was feeling and i thought 

right: if you can, you must. 

and i did something i almost never do. 

i peeled myself, coughing, out of bed, and went into the living room. neil was sitting in the couch, reading or working on his phone.  i looked at him and i said:

i need you

he looked alarmed. like i would only be saying this if something was horribly wrong. he sprang up from the couch. 

no, no, it’s not an emergency. i just need you. come talk to me. 

and i told him that i just needed to be held, and needed company. i never do that. 

we went to the bed, ash bounded after us, and neil, who is used to being married to a busy, bossy superwoman of a wife, gently held me and rubbed my head and asked if he could bring me a cup of tea. 

i almost didn’t ask. 

i almost just laid there, alone and suffering. 


this is a reminder, from the trenches. 

this is a reminder to all of you ... when you need it, ask for it. 

then take it. take the donut. 

even if you have to give yourself the donut, do it. 

i’m alone tonight, and the donut i’m giving myself is posting this story to you instead of answering my urgent emails. then i’m going to fuck everything and take a shower and go to bed and plan to slay my show tomorrow. 





ask and keep asking.

i love you all. 

thank you for the beautiful conversation the other night. we have a lot to talk about but not right now...mama’s got to go to bed and play a show in portugal tomorrow. 


here we are in a cab this morning, heading to see the new addams family movie, which was really amazing. 


tomorrow i am in BRAGA, PORTUGAL. 

if you want tickets !! the show is at TEATRO CIRCO 

doors are at 7, show 7:30!

send you full name in by 4 pm tomorrow and we will get you on the guest list, please indictate single ticket or plus one. i will check in over the day and cut the list off at 4ish. 

collasping and in gratitude,






I know it's a bit of a soul suck but the Twitter shite is SUCH shite. I read yer wan' tweet thread earlier and it and the comments after it were at that level of being so ridiculous that i wouldn't even worry about it. Easier said than done, I know but my overriding thought reading her tweets were "she doesn't get it, leave her off"


Always late to the party and always at the back, I’m chiming in to say I hate Twitter. It is the worst of us in so many ways. I value your art. I value your message. I value you. I only know the Amanda presented to us as fans and patrons, but am fully aware that this is just one representation of a true self. I am deeply disturbed by the inability of people to understand that outside of the online sphere we are all complex and flawed creatures with rich and meaningful lives. Mother, partner, friend, artist, business woman — we all have faces and we all wear masks. Twitter, with its dirty anonymity and fingers dipped in our serotonin is designed to pit us against one another. All this is a long-winded way to say, don’t for one minute let the poisonous vapours of Twitter creep into your reality.

Kathryn Drew

Amanda, you are so courageous. I cannot imagine anyone alive who would not get defensive when so much blame, judgement and hatred is headed their way, and for whatever you have said or not said publicly, I'm really touched by the heart you keep showing.. It must be so hard to discern the useful criticism from the blame and hate. I'm sure you are reflecting and self questioning and finding your accountabilities and mistakes, and I trust you to do what you need to do and I trust that you are doing your best, like we all are. Thank you for doing such a huge and scary job. This has been a fascinating social encounter to witness but I feel shaky reading some of it so I can only imagine the emotional sensitivity which you share with us so freely must be feeling really tender right now. Sending you so much love from New Zealand.


Hi Amanda. I don't know what you got yourself into this time. I was mostly offline this weekend, due to things. One thing being my boss quit on Friday so I am a bit heartbroken and in free fall here. But at least my husband took the cat to the vet and it will be fine. All I know i that I promised myself that next time you or someone else got into a shitstorm on twitter and I was there, I would hug them and tell them that whatever they said, and whatever they meant by it, they were more than their tweet and I still loved them. So there. I love you.


Amanda, I was to embaraced to talk to you yesterday during Patreon photoshoot. but I wanted you to know that it's been quite a night indeed. Only yesterday I've realised: you've played so much of an important role in most of my late adolescence, early adult life and musical carreer, you've saved me so many times with your blogs, all the way from myspace time, by making me feel there's more people like me. And yesterday my circle got completed. There's so much I wanted to tell you, so much we've got in common, that I find it hard to put in words. Perhaps one day, I hope. Best wishes for you, rest, and please: don't be such a sponge for negative social media bad vibes. You've gotta grow a thicker shell or else. Facebook and twitter and so have two really, really bad phenomenons: first, people loose every kind of social rules of good behaviour or empathy, and second, half the comunication is lost if you can't look the other person in the eyes.

Els Van Haute

love you for being you!


Reading your post late. Not on Twitter and left FB, but I can imagine the type of comments and the type of feelings resulting from them. Here are strong hugs. Keep it your way!


Many people don't understand. But we do. I'm glad to be here, as always.


Amanda, thank you for your lovely offering, the reminder to ask. So vividly portrayed in your description of the "simple" ask for Neil's comfort.


Amanda, keep on riding. Never forget the aardvark! Yesterday in Braga was just like the Art of Asking. You had a need, you asked, we gave it to you. Much love from Portugal <3


You glorious goddess of a woman, I admire you. You are a force of life, good and bad. You inspire so soooo many of us, you give us permission, nay, you encourage us to be true to ourselves, be who we are, in sickness and health, richer or slightly depraved. Know that we will be here, and I wish there was a saying, the stronger the storm the bigger the truth, or something like that, and you my lively godess are chasing storms.


I'm always late on these because life has just been kicking my ass. But. It's really fitting that I see and read this the day after reaching out to my community. I created a mental health support net. It's made up of about ~25 people, and when I'm in a horrible mental health space and I'm alone, I go through the list and send them messages that say "Hey. I'm in a really awful mental headspace right now. Are you available to talk to me?" and I just copy and paste that shit down that list. And I have always gotten at least one person to reply and I can call them sobbing or monotone as fuck and it's always helped. I also have a canned message of "thank you for responding, someone got back to me. It means so much that you're here for me." to send out to everyone I asked. So, to both patrons and you, I super suggest making that list. I went through my friends list and asked folks who I really trusted. I don't think I've reached out to it as many times as I fully needed, but it's helped me get through at least three complete meltdowns.