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{patron only}

hallo loves - 

especially to all the new people who signed up for the patreon from leipzig - HALLöCHEN!!!! 

if you were at the gig please sign in and say hi - i love hearing from you and i love love. i came out for a second at the end there but i was truly fried - sorry. i am reading ...


greetings from a collapsed me in the bus. 

my dressing room was every shade of beige eastern germany could offer. 

the venue was .. stark. this is the best photo i got of it 

just kidding that’s the collapsing-like-amanda house next the venue parking lot which i actually found beautiful in a deep-patina kinda way

 i plunged and did THE Whole Show tonight - plus some german songs on top  ... we started at 8:15 and went til past midnight. I LOVE NO CURFEW FUCK CURFEW BURN DOWN THE CURFEW 

here is me with the wonderful volunteers of pro-choice saxony before the show in the lobby

they took the stage and mic before intermission and it was really powerful. 


heres the post show patron photo (care of emilie tondeur)


tomorrow - PRAGUE !! 

the show is 100% SOLD OUT and ALL THE GUEST LIST IS TAKEN so there won’t be a giveaway for the show. 

i will see a ton of you at shintaido before the show if it all works out. 

PHOTO - same as usual - let’s do it AFTER THE SHOW — just wait around near the stage and i’ll come out !!!!

see you tomorrow 

collapsing amanda 




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Hi Amanda, last night was an unexpected but intense and good experience. Had last seen you at roundhouse ages ago. Thank you for the evening. Will write more a soon as I find words...

Christian Dannie Storgaard

I just landed in Prague for the concert; what's this shintaido? Am I missing something?


All day I've been wondering...what was this thing, I took a part in the other night? First things first: I was and I am super happy and feel honored, to that I had the chance to see you in the town I live in. Not necessary to take a plan, the bike was enough. And to experience this special show - feels great! The timing for me thoug, wasn't the best. Or was it? To go see the show was a challenge for me. Again. As it was to see the DD in Oct 2018 in London. This time totally different circumstances: It was my first night out since my son was born. I breastfeed him, so he had to be fed by bottle for the first time. Should I stay or should I go. I went, which was the right thing to do. But I couldn't connect, not to Amanda, not to the other people in the audience, not to the show. That was an is sad in a way. On the other hand, it was one of those rare moments in the last seven weeks, when I slightly felt, that I'm a mother now. And I felt that, because the show is what it is. I also learned, that having this premium first row middle seat isn't always the best choice. I think, I would have felt more connected, if I had been surrounded by people. It was wonderful to hear the songs live, it sounded great and, boy, this grand piano is an impressive thing. Now, one more thing: It's about the stories, right? Well, I think, it's about all our stories. You are opening up that space, you created that community. so, I would think, there should be a chance, a way, to share more of our stories, to really make a community out of this. The show is about the stories that lead to those songs. I'm sure, we all do have our stories now, that are related to those songs. How can we start sharing our stories in that massive and reliable space, that this community already is?


Hi Amanda, I just wrote you an oldschool email before I joined here. So I'm just gonna say I loved your show yesterday evening. I could really feel how tired you were after the show. Still so sweet and lovely. Thanks for the picture xx I'm so glad I joined the ride. :-D :-D :-D


Hello Amanda! Well, right now you're probably on stage in Prague and I hope you enjoy every atom of that amazing city as much as I have. I just wanted to say: Thank you. 1,000,000 times over for one of the most wonderful evenings I have ever spent! (Sorry, the MOST wonderful one was 18 years ago when I got to bathe and hold my newborn daughter in the maternity ward, just sayin yesterday was not far behind that!) It was amazing seeing you perform and sitting just two feet away from you while you were singing "In my Mind"... I swear I'm telling my grandchildren about that! I'm afraid my girlfriend and I had to leave during "Drowning in the Sound" due to a slight domestic emergency, I hope you didn't notice two people suddenly getting up and splitting from aisle 4... :( Anyway, just wanted to say it was wonderful! Please come back to Leipzig soon, and drink a Staropramen and say hi to Prague for me!


P.S. If Judith does go for it and joins Patreon, drop a line about it, I am SO gonna become a patron! Whohoo!


Not related, just wondering: WILL THERE BE AN INTERMISSION (aka ninja gig, patreon reunion or related) at Braga, Portugal??


Thank you so much, we couldn’t stay (three small kids at home), but my wife enjoyed her birthday gift and it was the best show of our lives for both of us.


I can't say, how much I loved your show and how much of an inspriration you are too me. But I'll try and going to write you an email! - just need to find the right adress^^


Hi Amanda, gig in leipzig was awesome. Love you.


The Jack Of Hands 😎 Why how delightful hon . You are mine alright . that was a pleasant discovery .


seeing that explicitly trans inclusive banner made me cry with joy. us trans guys are excluded from pro-choice activism far too often and the symbolism and language used is highly feminized - not to say that cis women celebrating and taking pride in their own bodies when they're constantly shamed for them is a bad thing, we should all be very supportive of it - so just seeing this picture on the internet of a group in leipzig, saxony, a state in germany that is swarming with neonazis, is so fucking powerful. my goal is to move there for university next year, wish me luck. just wanted to share my thoughts. x