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hallo loves

that was amazing Hamburg.... goDDAMN. please use this post to sign in and say hi if i didn’t get a chance to talk to you today. (and if you are new: HELLO!!! who are you? WER BIST DU? WARUM BUST DU??)



greetings from after show #1 of what jack sweetly called my PENTATHALON ... this run is a soul-breaker.

 the show i just wrapped in hamburg was one of those sloppy yet perfect shows, some requests, some german covers, some of the show - a full collision of meaning. i went off script plenty because i have plenty weighing heavily on my mind and i feel better than ever about the show even though it’s, errr, departed from itself. 

but tonight was just the goldilocks spot...i went overtime/broke curfew and had to pay an €800 fine and just did not give a fuck. 

the room was real, regal l, vast, but human...i have a few more things to say about a few things but it’s fuckung 1:35 am and this bitch gotta sleeeep and do this all again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. 

the venue (laeiszhalle) was fucking gorgeous btw. ACH

heres the patron photo we took post show (all these photos by emilie tondeur, who is stepping in for gabrielle during this leg of tour as photographer since gaby had to head back to the states for her brothers wedding)

and here’s a ton of pictures from the hamburg OPEN PIANO FOR REFUGEES ninja gig ... it was smaller than vienna but absolutely lush and intimate and perfect and full of dogs and babies and ukulelii

and i was accompanied by my new german bestie judith holofernes who did some interpretive dance (i am waiting for video, and i’m looking at YOU, hamburg) but in seriousness 

we had a great little spontaneous town hall meeting where about 30 of my hamburg-are all patrons sat down with me and judith after the ninja gig and discussed the finer points of patronage and HOW IT WORKS. we were all such passionate nerds about it and i’m so so proud of this community for putting in the time and effort to help someone else understand this system. 

heres us. what is my hair trying to express ? it, like me, craves escape. 

all of us day nerds:



I HAVE A GOOD HANDFUL OF GUESTLIST TICKETS FOR PATRONS TOMORROW. please leave your FULL NAME in the comments and i’ll confirm you asap - latest by about 4pm tomorrow but you should all be pretty set. 

I NEED YOUR FULL NAME. please also indicate single or pair of tickets. 

IF IT IS FOR A FRIEND - I NEED THAT FULL NAME. i need the FULL name of whoever is the human flesh being picking up the tickets at the box office. 

tomorrow schedule:


doors 7pm

show 8pm (punktlich!!) - about 11pm 

WE WILL TAKE THE PATRON PHOTO AFTER THE SHOW AGAIN since this system seems to be working !!!! just WAIT UNTIL THE VERY VERY END OF THE SHOW near the stage. 

see euch tomorrow 




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Dear Amanda, thank you so much for everything you give of yourself. Know that you are loved and appreciated! The concert was incredible, words fail me. We all cried a lot and laughed a lot and afterwards felt like we were in a daze. Thank you! ❤


Dear Amanda, thank you for your show yesterday in Hamburg! If you want to start your own statistcs: you help me. More than you´ll ever know. "Schrei nach Liebe" gave me goosebumps. To hear your voice sing in german, the piano and the brilliant acoustics in the Laeiszhalle. Oh my god. I would absolutly support you to cover this song as aTHING. Lots of love. Take good care of you the next days! Katrin


Thank you so much for the show in Hamburg and for putting me and a friend on the list. I bought a ticket for Essen and went on my own, which was great as well, but being able to take my friend in Hamburg was so nice. We were both very exhausted from...things, and this show right now was everything <3


Amanda I have been telling everyone I have an emotional hangover today after the show last night. And the piano in the park, which our train made us very late for, but it was so, so nice to get the chance to chat afterwards!! (I was the uke-bearing Australian day nerd in the yellow leggings). And I really enjoyed talking to Jack, too. I brought my heavily pregnant friend to see you for the first time, and we were both sobbing and clutching each other in the balcony for the whole show. She had two miscarriages last year. I listened to Drowning in the Sound a lot when it first came out and I was doing some drowning of my own. The album happened to me on a day when a lot of things happened. We knew the show was going to hit hard. When you asked if someone needed a hug and I yelled “YES”, the girl in front of me turned around and embraced me. It was all the feelings, all in one day, and all the connections, and and and. Good luck with the rest of the tour. Thank you so much for yesterday.


Dear Amanda, your performance in Hamburg was simply the perfect 18th birthday celebration for my daughter Ida. In deep darkness you might feel lost and alone, and you might not see a single friend around. 'Cause its f***ing dark. What my beloved young one and her white-bearded old one learned from you: Sing out loud. And you'll find friends around falling in

Tim Peters

Loved loved loved your Hamburg gig. It was, funnily, the first time I visited the Laeiszhalle (always meant to see Tori Amos there, but it never worked out). Couldn't be at the ninja gig in the park, sadly, because , you know, toiling in the salt mines... The "Schrei nach Liebe" cover was pitch perfect, by the way. I love the irony of this song, which is quite the opposite of radical empathy, being interpreted by AFP. :D


I've been listening to some selected songs of yours before, but didn't call myself a fan, never had or listened to a complete album etc. Then you showed up like "hello, climate activists, here's some free tickets" and... Well, here I am now. Your new album is the first one I ever listened to in its entirety. Your show was completely overwhelming with all the personal stories, and it all felt SO relatable! As I - mostly the goth/nerd type - brought along some relatively normal people from my activist group, I was a tiny bit worried that your songs might be hard to swallow for them, but so far I haven't heard any complaints and several words of praise. Why I decided to sign up here is your production style that you talked about during the gig. I believe this is how music and other art should be made. And I feel like I want more of your art since I can really 'feel' it.. you know? I could keep talking for a while but there's a planet to save and you have some concerts to play, right? Keep up the authentic work.

Eva Ozean

dear amanda, i am still processing this intensely wonderful tuesday, being able to witness your two shows in the front row - the gorgeous, relaxed, special ninja gig (and how LUCKY we all were with the weather - yesterday it was raining all day!), then the meet-up with you and judith under the tree and then after a short break where i thought OMG, I AM SO FLASHED, ok, lets go home briefly, shower and eat, i joined you in fancyland Laeiszhalle.  i really don't know how to put it adequately in words... i am beseelt and begeistert. i feel empowered, touched, and stunned by you in the best way. (i am also FUCK CURFEW, WHY EVEN, Laeiszhalle?! how dare they cut your show, your flow, your thing and then charge you for 10 mins longer. especially regarding that they only had one single - lovely - woman at Abendkasse/Gästeliste, so the queue took ages - as 30 mins for ca. 23 people, to give you an idea - and definitely caused a delay for some people who were behind me. i just don't get it.)  the morning after i also had emo hangover, exactly as caitlin boulter explained it. i was berauscht without even a single drop of alcohol. your presence, your voice, your personality together with this amazing concert grand and the amazingly beautiful venue was almost too much to process. i feel so gifted. its beyond words.  thank you for you being you. thank you for everything. you are shifting things in me, in us. you make an impact. you make a difference. thank you also for the two guest-list tickets (i had a paid one since artist presale). these made two people extremely happy who would otherwise not've been able to afford it.  thank you for riding the whole caleidoscope of human emotions and experiences with us. you really are a phoenix as the one patron stated, and you bear many, many more. yours, eva


Heh, I never knew the plural of ukulele before! :-)


Thank you for a lovely day in Hamburg. Singing Schrei nach Liebe with you, Judith and all the others in the park was perfect. Taking us into the dark (really you needed us to vote for that? After you told us for, what, 5month strait, that was were you were heading with us on this tour ❤️🎡) and the light and everything in between was exactly what I needed. And from the looks of it, everyone else, too. Thanks again for the trust you give us.


PS https://www.instagram.com/p/B29I9hSozyT/?igshid=qdwilqo128zr


A bit late, but nevertheless... (I'm just spending not enough time here)... Thank you, Amanda. Thank you for one of the most overwhelming, bizzare, personal, emotional, heartbreaking, heartwarming, funny, tragically sad, political, feminist, brillant, tearful, joyful and just wonderful shows I've ever seen in my life. The damn best version of “Seeräuber Jenny“. So many highlights. So many tears. So much laughter. So many stories. So much life and so much love. And “Schrei nach Liebe“. Thank you so much, Amanda. See you next time with the Dresden Dolls! To all of you: Go, see this show! Join the patreon. Spread the word. It's worth every single second. Thank you.


i am extremely late as i've only just registered to patreon, but i felt the need to tell you my thoughts. i don’t know if you’ll read this, but at least it’s out there now. i hold a firm and deeply rooted disdain for the movie frozen. I find it to be of little substance, structurally a mess, the character designs are lazy, olaf is a completely unnecessary character, and i hate that such a mediocre movie has had such a grand cultural impact. i hate the disney corporation and its ultra-capitalist monopoly position, its labor rights violations, its “wokeness” only within the bounds of marketability, and its history of racism and antisemitism. yet the memory of hearing and watching you sing “let it go” in german at the top of your lungs with a disco ball spinning over has burnt itself into my mind as the most powerful thing I have ever experienced in my life. you made me fucking cry about “let it go”. that’s the kind of artistic and emotional power you have. i’m an activist for my local school strike for climate/Fridays for Future chapter, and now that we’ve been protesting for a year and still absolutely NOTHING of substance has changed, we’re all on the edge of burnout. i’m on my way into a mental health clinic, along with at least 3 other people from our chapter. “drowning in the sound” was the first ever song i heard from you, and while i thought it was a little corny at first, it very quickly grew on me. when i put it on speaker at one of our rallies, my friends told me to turn the “bougie” music off (they can’t stand to listen to anything but punk). they didn’t want to listen to a song that helped me through panic attacks just because it didn’t have guitars in it. it made me a bit upset. i cried all the way through when you played that song. i feel like people would, if they heard of me as one of many climate strike organizers, think i’m one of the heroes, one of the kids fighting for the future that their parents ruined and sticking it up to The Government. i don’t feel like a hero. because nothing is changing. we’re not accomplishing anything. if 1.4 million people on the streets is not enough to make the german government realize the severity of the situation, nothing will be. i’m 18 years old and currently taking a gap year from school and because of activism and depression, haven’t had a job or any kind of income since april. i’m either sitting on my ass or working towards something pointless. it’s hard to keep going despite having pretty much lost hope in our cause. i guess we can still fight towards easing the pain. for a feeling of connection and “i know it’s bad but if we’re going through it together maybe it’ll be less so”. which is exactly what this song did for me. so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. i left a very good review for your show on the site where i bought my ticket because i wanted to give something back. i hope you come to germany again soon. i’ll be happy to see you again. also, you made me ask my parents for a ukulele for christmas.