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(patron only)

hallo liebchen 

**edit: here is our group photo!!** taken by gabrielle motola!!!

ich hoffe, daß mein show hat euch gefallen. i’m so proud we filled that beautiful (dark, dark) hall. 

you were a stupendous audience. 

i am collapsing 

please leave love notes and comments. i’m reading in the morning and as i drift off 


note: your patron money IS BEING used on this bus. it means that during these long tour runs we can go to bed after the show instead of traveling to a sleeping somewhere place, sleeping somewhere, then spending an entire day in cabs and airports and planes and cabs getting to the next somewhere. i haven’t been in a tour bus in years. 2012? 13? ages ago. 

from my safe little bunk 

goodnight and i love you 


2 pm - piano actionnnn. - be there or be not in the square



ps jägermeister. the end 


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




This evening was everything I hoped it would be. Although the couple next to me seemed to have completely different thoughts about abortion. The guy just started shaking his head und mumbled words of disagreement under his breath. During the break they left and never came back. I was a bit disappointed that someone attending your show has misunderstood your stories or didn't care enough to embrace another individual's personal experience. Well, I hope that maybe I simply misinterpreted his reaction.


Thank you Amanda. The show was wonderful, I'm so glad I got to see it <3


Hey Amanda, greetings from Germany! I am regretting more and more that I cannot attend, due to serious time issues - and thanks very much for your email updates, I am really enjoying reading and watching! All the best to you and your team, and lots of further successes on your tour! Love, Andrea


Hey Amanda! Thanks for the wonderful show. I loved the crying, loved the laughing, too. Best wishes for the remaining tour dates! ❤️


Thank you, Amanda, for this emotional rollercoaster ride - it’s been such an amazing experience ❤️ is there any way to provide the patreon picture(s) as high-res downloads for us?


Oh Amanda. I already told you and I keep telling you. I'm so disappointed that I didn't manage to get on the stage to give you the flower in person. Would have loved to meet you. In person.


Thanks Amanda for the wonderful concert. It was the third time I saw you live, every concert being totally different from the other, but every time you delivered a great experience. Thanks for the two free tickets. I have brought a colleague of mine who did not know you and your art, and he loved you since the first song. You got a new fan. Hopefully he'll join us on patreon too. Keep shining and make light in the darkness. Thanks!!!


Yikes! Jägermeister! 🙈 Try Pernod instead :)


Blessed be this virtual signing line, because it gave me the time to sort my thoughts into something semi-coherent, and share them when I am ready. (This will probably get long. I apologise.) I did have a good idea of what I was signing up for when I bought my ticket; at least, I think I did. I knew I would cry. I knew I would face sad things. I knew I would be confronted with a whole lot of darkness; some my own, some other people’s, mostly yours. But the thing about that is – the overlap. The fact that we would all be confronted with the same shit, and we would all have the opportunity to go: hey! that’s MY shit, too! Each of us sitting there, coming from our own unique experiences - “but isn’t it nice when we all can cry at the same time?” Yes, actually. (I thought it might be like therapy. It wasn’t like therapy.) (But then, I’ve never been to group therapy...) I came alone. I left alone. I didn’t have a bonding moment with either of my seat neighbours, even though I heard both of them crying at times (oddly reassuring). There were two moments where I actually felt like I was sitting completely alone in that hall, listening to you. There were moments when you started a story and I thought “I don’t know if I’m ready for this after all”, and no one took my hand or gave me any sign that we were in this together and it was going to be okay. And I still went through it, and I don’t feel broken, or more hurt than before, or, in fact, alone. We WERE in this together. We ARE in this together. Just because we were all there. And it IS okay. And as fucking cheesy as it sounds, I’m still going to say it: when you played “The Ride” at the end... I did think “well fuck, maybe everything IS gonna be alright.” My way home was fraught with transport issues. My Saturday was hectic. I didn’t really get to deal with all my thoughts until last night, and then I was too tired. This morning I was cleaning, and decided to put your music on. (Who cleans to AFP? Apparently, I do.) And now “The Ride” came with that memory. With that hope. So thank you. Thank you, for an amazing show. Thank you, for sharing all your darkness, and carrying us through it. Thank you, thank you, for making light. xoxo the Abortion Beatles


thank you. for doing this. for being yourself. for not choosing the easy way. for living radical compassion. for building this community. for showing that vulnerability actually is a superpower.


(sent too soon)


anyway 😂 THANK YOU! love, sara