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(patron only)


and it worked 

and i didn’t cut machete

and i cried a lot. 

very very tired afp is going to bed. 

thank you all for making amsterdam totally brilliant. 

thank you thank you. 


ill read comments here on the way to berlin tomorrow. 

biggest hero of the night: marjolein, for stepping in at the 11th hour and helping with merch omg thank you. i actually had time before curfew to head out there and sign some things ... 

i hug you all. 



ps backstage @ meervaart




I tweeted you already, but just to be sure, I thought I'd tell you here too. I gave you a letter last night in Amsterdam with a self-addressed envelope in it for if you have time to reply. I put a stamp on it as well, but I realised too late that the stamp is useless. Just so you know. Hope you like the drawing I gave you as well. The show was magical. I really needed that. Thank you, and thank you for the hug, and thank you for hugging my mom ♥


I am totally new to you and so are you to me, sorry about that...but last week one of my American students that lived with me in the 90's as a queer student and me trying to be the lesbian mom (as I have never been a real one) to my queer students posted a letter you wrote on her Facebook wall. I was very moved by the letter and decided to check you out, who was this woman who wrote that beautiful letter??? I saw you were playing in my home town so I bought a ticket and went there totally blank, no idea what to expect. I am a lover of music and often go to concerts and sometimes to people that I do not really know (Tricky, You). Your concert was an amazing, awesome, open, moving, brilliant, deep experience and here I am. Thank you for making the world a better place, we need people that love, we the world, we the humans in it.


You're doing an amazing job AFP! I know it's so tiring and draining but keep up the phenomenal work as wife, mother, performer and caregiver! You are an inspiration <3

Laura Keenados

YESSSS YOU DID IT!! and you didnt even cut machete. <3 <3 <3 <3 I hope you get good rest and prep time. Offers of *big spoon cuddles and deep co-breathing* to youuu. Fuck yea, hardcore punk rock woop woop!


I'm new to patreon, and a new patreon supporter of yours, but I am not new to you and your music. i last saw you at the unbelievebaly unique performance in Dublin on the day of our historic abortion referendum results and it was honestly the most moving and visceral gig experiences of my life. I dont think i will make it to this years Dublin show, I'm about to go back to college as a mature student to study photography and well, thats where my money is right now. but I adore you and your music and all of the dark times your music has gotten me through. Thank you for the effort you put in and the bits of yourself that you so obviously lay bare at a live show. The absolute biggest of all of the loves from me to you.


Will there be a pre-concert Patreon meet-up at the European dates like in the states? I didn’t see any announcement for the first one and was wondering ... I will be in Offenbach :)


Amsterdam was so good. Thank you♡♡♡♡


you came out??!!! Noooo.. that's so unfair! We came back in while people were unplugging your equipment to ask if there was a chance to go backstage and give you a big, tight hug and we were told "nope, no chance!", so we left :( maybe they were Meervaart people but not "your" people. Gahh.. Amazing show. Being a mom of 2 girls and a creative myself I could relate with so much of it! And you did great with the Dutch singing indeed (if I may say so myself. I am not Dutch but managed to get that damn Dutch language degree in July).


Can someone tell me what virtual signing is I don’t get it... sorry


Im so glad I got to see you play Machete in LA!! I can't wait to see you again. Your Art is my light in the darkness 💋💖