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i need a ton of voices (no singing experience needed!!!) for the call-and-response part of the song i’m recording today - which is set to come out tomorrow !!

its SO EASY.  just come. 

 if you can get to woodstock by 4 pm (TODAY, AUGUST 14th) you can do this ! 

ALL AGES! ALL GENDERS! BRING KIDS!!!!! (but no kids who will be too small to take direction).

you'll be done by 4:30/4:45, 5pm is our hard out because the engineer has to leave. 

if you can make it fill out this google form!!



applehead studios 
1835 Route 212
Woodstock, NY  12477

....its a tricky hidden drive. turn immediately right when the drive forks and you’ll see the big brown barn and michael (mccomiskey, from team afp) who will be in the parking lot to guide you in! i’m recording a podcast from 2-4pm in there so shhhh and i’ll see you all soon!!!







One of these days you gotta come to the "almost to Canada" level of upstate instead of this teasing southern tier/somewhat north of the city upstate :p Come through in the fall and grab some fresh apple cider and apple cider donuts


I've never been mad about living in Texas til now 🤣🙌🙌 good luck with the project and I hope you get the people you need!!


have a blast, everyone! If you ever need inexperienced background singers in the Everett area, I'll be there in a heartbeat! haha ♡


bit far from scotland, but have fun


i'll be there <3


I'm coming! Yay!


Gah! I'm an hour away at Bard, but no car :( Have fun, everybody!


Coming, neighbor!!


aghhhh i literally just got home from a smol deployment to Greenland, saw this, and madly checked if I could get there in time and would arrive at around 4:15 pm. sad pandas. good luck! i beleaf in y'all.


I love you for doing this and so wish I could go, but I'm stick in the City today!!


Ok. I need to move. Oklahoma is ok. But I could be schlepping around upstate NY singing and celebrating all the good things !! Really. I make things. Bizzare things. Things for theaters and galleries and such. And hats. I have a thing for hats. Whatever you need all I got is time Lady. My son is grown. I lived life backwards. 48 and free to be. I was gifted a yuke last week. I'm organizing a sing along kinda ala Pete and Woody. I have this idea that people need to sing and arent given enough chances. Not everyone is built with the fortitude to get on stage even for just karaoke. But the sing along has anonymity. And I'm making little song books. I figure each show could have a theme. I'm not Adell. I sing like an old trombone player. Mostly because that's what I am. Ramble ramble. Love you so freakin much! Really wish I could come play.


This feels like the Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, but for singing instead of dancing.