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there is nobody else to blame. i fucked up and sent shirley manson to the wrong recording studio and our hopes of podcasting together today are dashed and what is worse, i did what i hate people doing to me and i’ve left someone standing outside a building that they can’t get into and wasted somebody’s time. 

she went to town. i went to leith. 

i’m sure we will reschedule and shirley forgave me. 

but i still need a hug, because i haven’t fucked up like this in a while and i feel like an asshole. 

the irony is that i was on the phone with neil last night, chiding him for not reading his emails and texts and leaving things hanging and pissing people off. 

the gods have answered.

but the gods also sent me susan cain, queen of empowered introverts, as my next podcast guest, and we spent part of the podcast discussing how fucked up i felt about being a bad adult. 

it was the best podcast. we wept and i read some poetry and at the end of the whole thing i felt better, even if shirley manson is never going to talk to me again. 

maybe this is why i’m doing a podcast. the point has come. 

amanda palmer presents 

“the art of asking everything“ about why we are podcasting and what it brings up for us 

adulting and therapy LIVE. 

anyway. shirley. my new white whale. await her with me. your questions were so good and i had such a good list. 






Urrrggghh that is the WORST feeling! Fortunately people who are cool and rad and awesome as I'm sure Shirley is are usually willing to laugh and forgive because heaven knows I'm sure she's made cringing mistakes in her life too (and also, anyone who wouldn't be open to laughing about a silly mistake isn't someone you'd want to be talking to anyway, so... 😉🤗🤗🤗)


Thank you for making some of your mistakes public. It makes me feel so much better about myself, because you are a wonderful and successful person, who makes mistakes just like me. It makes me feel human and connected.




Blessings and hugs. I adore you because you make mistakes and you share them so honestly. You are a beautiful example of humanity.


Yesss, so glad you had Susan Fucking Cain as a guest on your podcast! I mean, I'm sorry that you fucked up with Shirley Manson but I'm sure that just made you more raw while talking to Cain who, from what I gather, is a super-empathetic person. So this conversation is probably gonna be one for the books. I hope you get home safe to your family soon.. Hug!




It’s ok. Will be an ice breaker when you do meet eventually, ha! I just sing “only happy when it rains” in these moments. Errr all the time in fact! 🥰😘


The beating yourself up is optional, you know: Just do better next time. I’m grateful for your vulnerability


I really hope you’ll get Morrissey on and talk about everything. Maybe he’s having a hard time with everything and you can help him. I’d really like that instead of everybody hating him now.


You stood up Shirley Fucking Manson?!? 😱💔💔


Shirley Fucking Manson rules. Hopefully you'll both laugh about this eventually, the universe has a sick sense of humor. "Only happy when it rains," indeed. And Garbage's drummer produced Nirvana's Nevermind. And Morrissey's used to being hated, I still haven't quite forgiven him for "Girlfriend In A Coma."