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(patron only)

hello my loves.

i'm gonna open this Althing up with a fantastic preview from my vancouver show that just came out.

“...she’s doing something about the fact that years and years of U.S. political, economic, and social advances are being rolled back by what she rightfully describes as old, rich, conservative white men who are desperate to hold on to power they’ve had for far too long.” - The Georgia Straight 


i love it when a journalist just totally...gets it. thank fuck for those occasional moments.


welcome to another monthly round-up of this crazy existence we call life.

if you’re new to the patreon (and i know there’s a ton of you, well.........HELLO!!!, this is my monthly Everything Blog. hayley rosenblum, my right-hand gal in the new york office (and often on the road) helps me put this together and it’s like our own little weirdo newsletter of all Things AFP, especially for those who don’t have time to read EVERY. SINGLE. POST. 

i know. 

i write a lot. 

sue me. 

i have a ton to say. 

especially lately.....that’s what i keep saying to people who are like “FIVE HOUR SHOW? AMANDA WHY?”

i’m like: i have a lot to say. it takes a while to say it all.

but also - i don't expect every patron of mine to READ EVERYTHING. there's SO MUCH. 

and also, i've been steeped a a general, deeper appreciation every day of this damn patreon. the more i tour and talk about it, the more i talk to newspapers, radio stations, people.....

i realize how beautifully bold and unique and - here’s my new favorite adjective - EMBOLDENING! - this patreon is. it makes me BOLD, these 15,000 people all giving me their money to make art and content that they believe (well, hopefully) believe in.

it’s fucking incredible, really. the more it grows the more bold and yet humbled i feel. thank you for being here. 

all of you.

this was one jam-packed month….almost no music writing, just infinite stage-expressing and a lot of activism…and a lot of work to get my podcast in gear…more on that below.

i’ve been criss-crossing this Great Nation (wait, what?) of ours in hopes that my particular brand of storytelling and musical howling will make a modicum of impact on the slow descent into the swamp of history. don’t ask me to make a metaphor that works. i’m tired.

wrapping up the THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION tour feels weirdly unfair. i want to do more, especially now that it feels like the show has found itself and i’m getting GOOD AT IT.

it took, oh, twenty performances, but i finally know what i’m doing with this thing.

and i feel like it’s the right time to be touring these stories around america.

and now i am taking it over to england and europe. and it’s like: they don’t need it quite as much. maybe they do. i dunno.

the message about truth and light and pain and fear, i mean, sure it’s universal.

but the abortion stuff? STOCKHOLM IS FINE. northern ireland, on the other hand…that’s gonna be a show worth filming (and i might use patreon money to do that).

i did film LA with a huge fancy crew, but i fear it wasn’t the best best performance of the tour. i think i might try to squeeze one last special show into the summer just so i can tape this fucker now that it’s fully baked. i don’t know guys. some day i’ll get this right.

after portland and a few podcast interviews (including storm large!! and erika moen!!) i’m going to head home and collapse for a bit of the summer. i’ve barely seen my kid and husband in a couple weeks. i really miss them. i’m gonna sleep in my own bed, stop eating so much bread, get my body back into shape, and think deeply about how i want to attack the tour in the fall.

sadly, a lot of the venues i’m playing have REALLY early curfews. there are towns where the show is going to have to be a mere 2.5 hours. literally half the length of the show if i add every bell and whistle. it’s gonna be a summer project to figure out what to leave in and what to take out.

for you europeans/UK: i hope you’re proud of whatever comes out the other end. i’m trying hard.



it was may. 

while i toured, THINGS CAME OUT.

i put out a little film:

VOICEMAIL FOR JILL - behind the scenes of the music video documentary 

this documentary isn't just about the "filming"....it's about the art-feelings around abortion.

it's about something much more emotional. i hope you watch it - if you missed it, catch up here:


i tried something new!!!!

i did a kind of diary-recording.....

A LEGITIMATE ADVENTURE IN D.C. with laurie penny

this is a long listen....about an hour. 


it's funny, it's dark, it's thoughtful, it's political......we put a shit tone of time into editing it and making it listenable.

try it out:



this wasn't an art thing, but goddamn i'm proud of my husband, so i'm treating this like one of my own....the premiere and backstory about GOOD OMENS, neil's new TV show....


people are loving it and neil is so so so happy.

after years of working on it, it's as much a relief to me as it is to him to have it done.

we can kind of go back to being married now, hooray!



here are some great live stage photos from the tour.

photo by carl scheffel/MSG photos in new york

photo by pedro manu riot in montreal

photo by glenn ross in denver

photo by eva blue in montreal

yesterday i posted a round up of photos from the last few weeks of tour, you can view them, HERE..... https://www.patreon.com/posts/raining-blood-is-27074044

....and below are some more photos, group shots and other bits of info and happenings from the road.


the day before my show in sf, i played an in-store at bandcamp's beautiful new brick n' mortar record store in oakland. their entire team was wonderful to all of us, and as i said in my love letter to bandcamp, they have helped empower me and so many other artists to stay independent in the last 10 years.

fuck yeah:

here's sarah at bandcamp and my tour manager chez showing off their cat tattoos on their hands.....


at each show i've been signing 10 copies of ani's new memoir, "No Walls and the Recurring Dream" as a benefit for the abortion care network.

sf was the first show i had them, and after sf, la, atlanta, nashville, st louis, kansas city and denver we raised $4,541.96 for them.

in st louis we had some books leftover after the show, and we gave them to planned parenthood st louis region for them to fundraise with, so even more good will come from this. thank you to everyone who has donated and bought a book, if you want to donate direct to ACN, you can do so on their website: http://abortioncarenetwork.org

here is our sf group photo, taken by hayley outside of city hall


here is our group photo, taken by hayley at grand hope park....


here's a picture from THE WEDDING OUTSIDE THE VENUE!!!!!! 

i read neil's marriage poem. it was tear-y.


a group photo at grimey's where i did an in-store and abortion speak-out before the concert.....


i spoke at planned parenthood's emergency response #StopTheBans rally:

photo by tboscovich (via twitter)

you can see the stream of it on facebook.

here's the stream of the FULL rally filmed by planned parenthood advocates of missouri:

and here's the stream of my speech, filmed by michael for my facebook feed:


here's our group photo taken by hayley from the stage, right before intermission:


and our photo from denver, right before intermission (photo also taken by hayley):

here i am with my nerdy friends from critical role at the denver pop culture con....

....and THIS IS GOING TO COME OUT IN AUGUST!!!!, my epiosde of "between the sheets" with brian foster from critical role. i think this was my favorite interview of tour, i can't wait for you to see it. we recorded the episode when i was in los angeles. here's how: https://critrole.com/shows/between-the-sheets/

or follow brian on twitter at @BrianWFoster for updates.


some interviews n' media....

The TED Interview Podcast with chris anderson

don't believe the rendering of my face that makes me look like oscar wilde more than amanda palmer. just listen.

here's the link- if you open on an apple device it'll send you to apple podcasts, if you open on an android, it'll send you to google play: https://bit.ly/2LWwn3Q


here's a great spot on NPR, from the local station WABE atlanta:



photo by bob sweeney

here's some live songs from phlly, via yNot radio:


,....and a great long interview...



Live at KEXP in SEATTLE.


since i've been on tour these songs have gotten so much sharper.

listen in.

in a couple months the video of the session, featuring an extra song will go up. 

in the meantime, you can listen to an archive of the live radio broadcast for up to two weeks from the broadcast date (june 4th) : https://www.kexp.org/archive/?t=1559693270631

just enter the date and time: june 4 at 12pm




directed by michae pope, choreographed by coco karol.....this one is epic and in production. we filmed in april and i'm hoping to get the first cut soon. 

here are a couple of the photos from set you haven't seen yet.

all photos below by krys fox

regina harris doing my make up...

coco  filming a scene

playing piano in a shallow pool we build in a sound stage...

michael pope!!!!




this is so close to being ready to release....it's taken shit-tons of work to get it finished, but it's SOOOOOO GOOD. this is a recording / podcast of the NINJATED concert in vancouver from last year. NINJATED is an annual benefit concert i throw for the vancouver foodbank (well, whenever i go to TED...i didn't go this year because i'm on the road)

photo by rachel pick

it features all these artists and it's gonna blow your mind:

sarah parcak, maria popova, adam foss, joseph gordon levitt, geoff berner, emily nagoski, neil gaiman, jason webley, sarah kay, ladama project, joshua roman, adam savage, and jaron lanier


and in oooooooh exciting news....

the "ART OF ASKING EVERYTHING" podcast update!

i'm working really hard on gathering interviews from some of the most exceptional people i know and it looks like we'll be able to launch in the FALL!

some of the interviews include:

dr. leah torres (i'm recording this one tomorrow in portland!!)

dan savage - sex columnist

kristen hayter, aka lingua ignota  - musician

laura jane grace - musician

jamil zaki - professor and author

bj miller - doctor and ted speaker

erika moen - comic artist and sex educator

storm large - musician

here's me, interviewing jamil zaki about his new book:

here's me with dan savage the other day:



the US/CANADA tour is wrapping up this week and we're working on getting most, if not all, of the north american tour merch on the online webstore (HOORAY!!!!!!) so if you missed a show and want to get an embroidered hanky, or if a show sold out of your t-shirt size, or if you want to get an extra patron-only pin - you will be able to very soon......

i'll post here when the new items are up online, but i'll also send out a dedicated email blast with allllll the details, so make sure you're on my email list:

we're also very close to being ready to launch an australian based online merch store. this means that all of you in new zealand, australia, tasmania and down under, you'll be able to order the art book or the vinyl without having to pay high international shipping rates. stay tuned, info on that launch is coming sooooooon.



here are some photos of people sporting merch!

@mommatron4 on instagram

@rocketdoghomstead on instagram

veronica, from the official afp patron-land facebook group

@meghanehalloranphoto on instagram



this is the second Althings posted after the 1st of the month, when patreon bills credit cards. we usually see a couple hundred people drop off in the beginning of the month due to payment errors and credit card issues, it takes a few days for this to adjust once people fix their accounts. it's life.

as of this writing there are 15,120 patrons pledging  $57,469 for the first THING of the month. 



patreon charges you "monthly"/"retroactively".....meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior (for example, you were just charged for the Things released in april on may 1st). 

so i don't have the final figures for this month, as they're still being processed, but here's april:

(i say this every month, but if you're new....)

because people have their pledges capped (HAVE YOU NOT CAPPED YOUR PLEDGE? if you are on a budget, you should. here's the tutorial again), the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. (I LIKE THIS. it means i never feel too guilty!!!!!).

the numbers below are gross. not net. basic math. meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected. 

also, none of this reflects the money i SPENT MAKING THE ART, running my business, etc etc. 

i don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because i assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even. so be it. this is awesome.


just a reminder, i posted this last month but it's worth repeating:  patreon just introduced a new pricing and fee plan that took effect on may 7th, however all creators who've had accounts up until then are grandfathered into the old, original fee structure with the 5% patreon fee and the 5-9% credit card payment processing fee.


in april, i Thanged three Things:

the "music + mental health" talk + Q&A at berklee, on film! {official thing} was the first Thing and it earned about $64,843 from 14,902 patrons.

a poem (+recording) for you, "Empathy is Nothing". {official thing} was the second Thing of the month and it earned about $31,009 from 9,327 patrons.

LET'S CROWD-EDIT A DOCUMENTARY! the footage from SXSW {official Thing} was the third and final Thing of the month and it earned about $21,261 from 6,466 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

them's the numbers.



from hayley....

I am not sure how each month gets busier than the last, but here we are at the end of May (well, the start of June), and WOW has this been a ride.

The biggest update I have to share is that Patreon wrote a blog based on the key takeaways they got from the workshop panel I did with Camille Hearst, Patreon's Head of Merch , Product last March at SXSW.

You can read the article here:

and if you want to listen to the full audio recording of the panel, you can do that here:

Most of the month had me bouncing around to help out with the tour, and it was exhausting and exciting and all the things. It was truly an honor to be the Patronator and meet so many of you. Lots of patrons came up to me and shared such kind words of gratitude and appreciation, and it made my heart swell.

In lieu of long text, here's a little photo diary from the tour :

This May, the tour brought me to cities I love visiting:

San Francisco and Oakland

....where I totally geeked out to the Bandcamp staff before the in store, because it was an honor to be there putting on this event. When I first started working with Amanda in 2009 we used Bandcamp exclusively, at the time it was one of the only, if not the only, tool we had direct creative control over, and it was the first platform that let us think outside the "music industry" box in how we released music, merch and art.

Amanda heard me geek out backstage and asked if I'd jump on stage to speak in front of the crowd when the event started. I said, "Sure." That was an honor for me. My friend Norah snapped this pic of me on stage:

Los Angeles

where I met Lauren's beautiful dog, Tycho. it was love at first sight. I haven't washed my cheek since (i kid, i kid).

And May also  brought me to many new cities that I haven't been to before:


I was not in town long but I got to stay with my friend Bethany and she helped us out a tonnnn at the Criminal Records in-store and show - like when she held my phone, while I was live streaming to facebook, so i could snap this silly picture of Amanda with my camera:


I booked my flight in the evening the day after the show so I could see some part of the city. I went to lunch with my friend Emily and she took me on a pedestrian bridge to show my the skyline when it suddenly started to down pour without any warning. i got soaked head to toe, my duffle bag got soaked, I was happy I did not have Amanda's ukulele with me (THANKS AGAIN LAUREN)... on top of that, my flight was also delayed a bunch of times, so this was certainly an adventure.

St. Louis

at the last minute Amanda got an invite to speak at Planned Parenthood's emergency response rally in the morning before the show so we changed some things in her show-day calendar, and made sure she could be there. it was a total team operation. I feel so fortunate to have worked with Planned Parenthood affiliates on this tour, and proud of Amanda and the team for speaking up, lending our voices, and doing everything we can to support access to reproductive health services and education. It felt like we took a team field trip and I am glad we're the type of team that does this together.

i have a few pictures on instagram from the rally, here:

Here's me and Michael getting sunburned:

Kansas City

When we arrived at the venue after driving for about 4.5 hours, I got the New York Times alert that a judge allowed the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis to stay open while they continue to fight the state in court. This was a relief, the fight is still on, but it felt good to see Planned Parenthood win even a small victory for the people of Missouri.

Amanda popped out into the lobby after the show and snuck behind our Patronator table. Here she is with Michael and I, as we signed up new patrons (HI NEW PATRONS!) at the end of the night.


...was a dream. it was my last show working on the tour and the energy was great. We signed up the most patrons out of all the previous cities and sold out of the Ani books before intermission (we even sold the book Amanda had on stage to promote the fundraiser!).

This tweet sums it up quite well:

while working and traveling to shows, the AFP fort was held down, with so much happening all the time, it was nice to spend some time interacting with people in person, helping folks out IRL and helping Amanda and crew put on a killer show.

While we're out on the road we're still plugging away in AFP land, working on the patreon projects that are in production, working to execute and coordinate all the events that are happening on the side of the main tour show (like podcasts and in stores), and everything else: email blasts, photo archiving, press scheduling, THIS VERY ALTHING and so on.

I'm so proud to be part of the team, and so glad to help bring this album, this show, and this art into the world. Thanks, Amanda for bringing me along on this ride.



from michael:

Hello Patrons!

I’m writing this post at the very last minute from a coffeeshop in Vancouver, BC, so my apologies in advance for the stream of conscious style writing . . .  

Another month on the books and what a great month it was.  I took most of the month off the road and handed the road-warrior baton over to Hayley and Whitney to rock the Patronator role in SF, LA, ATL, & Nashville so if you were planning on seeing me in any of those cities. . . sorry!  I stayed behind and held down the NYC office and while traveling can be hard, coordinating things from thousands of miles away can sometimes be even more challenging.  I’m definitely one of those people where if I’m not actively working on something I tend to worry that something will go wrong (running out of spoons, rabid raccoon, random typhoon, could be anything really).  So this month I had to really try to practice the art of letting things go and trusting that it will all be ok.  And all in all. . . it was.  I gotta say, I am so fortunate to work with such an amazing team.  We all work so hard to get it right and by and large, by supporting each other, backing each other up, and creating space for one another we always get the job done.  Podcasts were recorded and released, the shows were amazing, there was a full blown wedding complete with marching band and everyone was happy and more or less healthy by the end of it.  That’s a damn successful month in my opinion.

There were of course many many other things that went on this month, but I have to say a special thank you to Caitlin who not only was gracious enough to open her home to me for two nights in St. Louis, but brought be along to her and her husband’s game night and even created room for me to play.  It was a unique and wonderful experience and one of those moments on the road that makes me so grateful to this amazing community.  You all rock.  She also recommended perhaps one of the best coffee shops that I’ve ever been in – Shameless Grounds in St. Louis.  A sex positive space that holds workshops, meetups, has a human sexuality lending library and a delicious collection of pictures, bondage dolls, and plaster casts of vulvae.  All with. . . NO SHAME!  I want there to be inclusive spaces like that in every damn city around the globe, but I’m really happy that there’s at least one in St. Louis.  Here are some cool pictures!

That’s about it for me for May, I’ve got to get ready for a run of 4 shows in the PNW (which I love so much and will wax poetic about in next month’s Althing!)



words from alex in the uk:

status update from uk merchland: all systems are functional, no abnormalities to report! 

we are currently having a BIG OL' SALE on the dresden dolls shirts from last year's troxy shows at http://ukshop.dresdendolls.com

these babies are reduced to £10 for the short-sleeve and £15 for long-sleeve shirts. and yes, i can ship worldwide :)

so go grab yerselves a bargain, rock some delicious metal-tinged punk cabaret goodness, and help us make room in the UK warehouse for some exciting and beautiful new tour merch!!!

so until next time, i love you all, i'll see you on the UK store, and while you're buying all your european AFP goodness, you should all go listen to kesha's new song "rich white straight men" because i am OBSESSED.

(photo taken by ms palmer in the streets of covent garden during her whirlwind stopover a couple weeks back)






here are all my 2019 tour dates for now...

as always, all info and tickets can be found on my tour page:


Fri Jun 07 – Seattle – Paramount Theater

Sat Jun 08 – Portland – Crystal Ballroom (SOLD OUT)

Sun Jun 09 – Portland – Crystal Ballroom (SOLD OUT)


Wed Sep 4 – Netherlands – Amsterdam – Meervaart

Fri Sep 6 – Germany – Berlin – Admiralspalast

Wed Sep 11 – Germany – Munich – Kongressaal

Fri Sep 13 – Germany – Offenbach – Capitol

Sat Sep 14 – Austria – Vienna – Konzerthaus

Sun Sep 15 – Austria – Graz – Stefaniensaal

Wed Sep 18 – Germany – Stuttgart – Theaterhaus

Thu Sep 19 – Germany – Essen – Colosseum

Fri Sep 20 – Belgium – Antwerp – De Roma

Tue Sep 24 – Germany – Hamburg – Laeiszhalle

We Sep 25 – Germany – Leipzig – Haus Auensee

Thu Sep 26 – Czech Republic – Prague – Hybernia

Fri Sep 27 – Luxembourg  – Luxembourg – Conservatoire

Sat Sep 28 – France – Paris – Bataclan

Fri Oct 11 – Denmark – Copenhagen – Bremen Teater

Sat Oct 12 – Sweden – Stockholm – Södra Teatern (SOLD OUT)

Wed Oct 16 – UK – Bexhill – De La Warr Pavilion

Sat Oct 19 – UK – Cardiff – St David's Hall

Sun Oct 20 – UK – Cambridge – Corn Exchange

Wed Oct 23 – Ireland – Cork – Opera House

Thu Oct 24 – Ireland – Dublin – National Concert Hall

Sat Oct 26 – Ireland – Belfast – Ulster Hall

Sun Oct 27 – Ireland – Limerick – University Hall

Frin Nov 1 – UK – Dunfermline – Carnegie Hall

Sat Nov 2 – UK – Glasgow – City Halls

Sun Nov 3 – UK – Manchester – Albert Hall

Mon Nov 4 – UK – York – Opera House

Thu Nov 7 – UK – Newcastle – Tyne Theatre

Sun Nov 24 – Portugal – Braga – Theatro Circo

Thu Dec 5 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 6 – UK – London – Union Chapel  (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 13 – UK – London – Union Chapel (ALMOST SOLD OUT)

if you're on facebook, you can RSVP to the official event pages, invite your friends and more: http://facebook.com/amandapalmer/events

and SPREAD THE WORD, always.




THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! i interviewed jamil for my podcast and i hope this one becomes a fucking best-seller. the whole world needs to understand the science behind empathy. it's so so god. git it. 



this one is for 1) bibliophiles 2) parents 3) feminists  4) rebecca solnit fans 5) collectors of beautiful things ... this book  “cinderella liberator” is an old-fashioned/new-fashioned  meta-post-modern fairy tale for every household. it’s what you think,  and better. a classic fairy tale re-imagined by one of the best feminist  writers of our time. the message is beautiful, the object is beautiful,  the everything is beautiful. buy 13 copies for christmas so you don’t  have to think about it in six months.



and....c'mon, i gotta:

GOOD OMENS - neil gaiman and terry pratchett

i’m reading Good Omens and almost all the way through (finally, you can read about that *here*)


MARROW - elizabeth lesser

i’m also in the middle of “marrow” by elizabeth lesser and it’s SO GODAMN GOOD. i am hoping to get elizabeth on my podcast, too, she’s a wise, wise woman.




REGINA SPEKTOR ON BROADWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

june 20, 21, 22, 25 and 26th

you should see her at any and all of the dates that she's on broadway, but if you had to pick just ONE date to go.... i'd (AHEM) suggest going on the 20th. ;)
















that's what i got, people.

thanks as always to hayley for helping compile the links and photos for this post!!!! and comment freely, we are reading.

i love and appreciate you all so so so much.

sloth power





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




This is WONDERFUL. all of it. Kudos to you for being you and being so verbose- I fucking love it. Just caught a Neil Gaiman reference on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina during a rewatch last night and thought of yall and how far you have both come. So proud of you both and your amazing content.

Steven Panzek

Keep it going amanda! Proud to be a patron of urs. Keep fighting the fight. U sound extremely happy and more than anything glad about that. ❤️ to u my dear. HAPPY PRIDE!


I am heartbroken that this tour did not include New Orleans, but am holding out hope that you will visit us next year. This Cinderella retelling looks pretty good, can't wait to check it out/give it to my friend with kids. But I can't help but be reminded of an even more divergent retelling called Spiderella: The Girl Who Spoke with Spiders. Which I also highly recommend, as it is not only feminist and gives every character new dimensions, but also anti-capitalist.

Isabel Vogt

Is there a law stating that concerts can't begin before 8 PM? If a venue has an early curfew, why not start the show earlier in order for us Europeans to get the full dose of AFP? 😏


Wowowowow so much!! That’s for sharing all of these photos!! It’s super awesome to include stories from your crew, book recommendations, and that you did THREE big “things” projects this month on top of crazy tour stuff! OMG! 💥🦋 I’m super excited for your podcast!! You and your crew have been doing an absolutely incredible job. Also Neil and Ash..... big high fives and props to both of them for being so supportive while you’ve been traveling so much. Just downloaded Good Omens (FINALLY).... gonna listen to this in the studio this week. 🦄💫 Also, your show and your stories are valuable EVERYWHERE. Whether abortion is legal and supportive by the government or it’s in an area that’s close to cutting the program, women, men, mothers, daughters, teenagers, women still debating having kids in their 40s..... EVERYONE can benefit from your stories. It’s a shame that some shows can only be 2.5hrs long.... but I have full confidence that you’ll do great 🤟 Big hugs, Alexis


🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️ Ye gods I love the Allthings so much, will dive in and comment again when I surface informed (maybe next week if I chew fast😝) Until then just love to you and all of the hardworking crew and THANK YOU for creating an Australian merch hub! 🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🖤💜💙💚💛🧡❤️


Denver show was amazing. I’m proud to be a patron!!! I have a lot of family in Munich—I’m telling them they must go see you!! Much love to you ❤️💪🏻


So much to watch/listen to/read. I couldn't probably give up all TV and books and just consume everything you recommend... But I feel like that would be kind of one sided.

Hayley Rosenblum

there are numerous factors and reasons that affect show times in specific cities, countries and venues. Some times it has to do with noise ordinances and local laws, other times it has something to do with the venue itself (union regulations, staff hours etc.)


First things first, I vote for Phoenix/Tucson to record your show. Because then you can see your dad! (See what I did there? Oh, how I love that he moved to Tucson!) Hahah Second... Erika Moen!!! Can't wait. I have a tattoo of Erika's anal safety snails on my leg. <3


Have finally had a chance to read the All Thing, but stay up to date via Insta and the Book of Face. Amanda, just wow, how many things can you fit into a day, week, tour? Your team is amazing (hey team). Listening to one of your songs just now and all I could think was 'that girl must really need a big cuddle hug'. I hope you are home and resting (bwahahaha), or at least spending time in a blanket fort with Ash. You have lifted so many people up and continue to strive to bring barriers down. Thank you for everything you do. Thanks to Hayley and Michael and Jordan and your whole tour crew. Waiting patiently in Tasmania for the Aussie tour dates to be released.


Are you still reading comments here? I wanted to suggest for a couple of months now: Germanys'Planned Parenthood'is called pro familia, I know them well and I would love to see them at your shows/get you in touch with each others. The situation in Germany is nothing like Malta, some US-states or Poland (are going to Poland?) but we have a lot to deal with here. The situation gets worse, there's the law (criminalization still) and there's reality, where less and less doctors perform abortions and those who do and speak up about a discriminated or worse, sanctioned. So, there are a lot of initiatives and people fighting for abortion rights here too, that could use some emboldening. Text me, if would like some specific contacts. I would gladly help organizing an AFP-pro familia - cooperation.

Laura Wellner

I'm finally catching up with you n' all the things o' May that happened, and I'm absolutely breathless...I hope you're enjoying your summer off with your family and all that good shit... I was able to recently buy Rebecca Solnit's "Cinderella" and lovin' it, there are some books that will not languish in my ever growing "to-be-read" pile... I just got my wee donkey through an abscess in one of her hooves two weeks ago, and I'm relieved that she is healed, I was very worried. She's full of sass and spunk for a wee old lady donk, running and bucking like a young giggling jenny, but the rainy day today had her back to Eeyore mode, the "baby eyes" were turned on full blast this afternoon when I visited with her and her goat girlfriend, and gave her a lovely massage (I've been doing that a lot since the abscess.) After I finished, she heaved a deep satisfied sigh. I can't wait to be on vacation starting on Thursday the 20th, creativity is on the agenda for 10 days. No concrete plans, other than setting up the outdoor studio and flailing color washes onto unsuspecting papers, and getting my hands colorful...love n' hugs!


I want "wee old lady donk" on my tombstone lol I love this