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(patron-only post)

oh my good lord you guys 

heres a space and place to send me feedback and lovings from last nights show in SF at the warfield. we signed up at least 20 new patrons.. HALLO AND WELCOME TO THE NICE SIDE OF THE INTERNET & feel free to introduce yourself in the comments - we are readin‘ 

greetings from a plane with whitney hayley and jordan...


that was awesome and i am tired and so so so happy 

thank you for being such an incredible audience last night, we brought the HOUSE DOWN. that warfield roof nearly COLLAPSED FROM JOYOUS SADNESS. 

heres our group photo care of hayley rosenblum, patronator,

side view !

care of 

here’s a REALLY great review that already went up online on riff magazine 


and here’s a feature in today’s LA TIMES!! wheeeee. photo care of my pam kim airs in LA..




a few things about tonight’s show in LA

WE ARE FILMING THE SHOW TONIGHT !!!! look PRETTY !! i hired an incredible crew and if all goes well, the show will be an official Thing. there will be a booth in the lobby for patron/audience interviews. look out for it. 

the show IS VERY NEAR SOLD OUT - itll probably sell out during doors. please grab tickets if you ain’t got them. 

doors are 6:30, no opener, i start 7:30 SHARP SHARP SHARP. we had to hold the show last night because people were still arriving and that meant i had to cut the encore and was sad. 

even then the show went til MIDNIGHT, and will again tonight. come prepared. there will be one intermission around 9:30/10. 

THE PATRON PINS WERE STOLEN BY SOME BAGHEAD IN THE TENDERLOIN- so we have none to sell. nothing to be done about that and i’m hoping we get a new batch by the time we get to the pacific northwest. 

MEET-UP/ photo !!

lets aim for around 5:45 at GRAND HOPE PARK! it’s an 11 min walk to the venue from there 

FIND EACH OTHER and i’ll jet over for a quick loving and photo. 

show up as early as you want - just make sure you all gather in a spot where we can nab a great photo. 

love you all 

see you soon. 






There is so much I want to say about Friday night but I am still processing. The paradox of light and dark, pathos and humour, rage and compassion, head and heart, the places you went meant that I felt I almost couldn't breathe sometimes, there was so many feelings. I deeply felt the stories about radical empathy and compassion, I did my undergrad dissertation for cultural anthropology on these topics and I LOVED hearing your experiences and perspectives. you tackled so much and I am so thankful I get to be a patron and that I got to see you in a space where the audience felt so connected, so joy-filled. A transcendental experience that I got to share with my husband, whose first show it was, one we will be talking and thinking about and holding in our hearts for a very, very long time to come Hope you are getting much needed rest and relaxation today and continue to do until the next shows. Thank you, we love you <3


Thank you Amanda! You truly are a gift to the world. I am in awe of what you are able willing to share with the world and how much you effect change through your life. I love you!! Take care of yourself and and your little family. My daughter saw you Friday and Neil on Sunday, whom I would have seen also but I flew to Seattle on Saturday to go to Orcas Island not a bad trade off, but they connected with almost the whole family :) and it was a much needed healing ❤️


The San Francisco show was amazing! I dragged my husband along and he loved it too! Thank you!


I'm sorry I whooped during the bridge of The Ride. I was just so happy to hear you knock that tricky piano bit OUT OF THE FUCKIN PARK.


I came up from San Diego to see the show with a friend, and it was so fucking worth it. So much of the show resonated, so much of the show felt important. The disco ball coming down during Part of Your World was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I came in knowing that I was going to cry heavily (I bought the handkerchief before finding my seat), but I didn't expect the full body-shaking sobs when you did Neil's excited voice after the Adam Sandler abortion bit; I've known since I was 16 that I didn't want kids, but my husband (who I've been with for only slightly less time) wanted kids when we were younger. Now he's vehemently against it, but I have a lurking suspicion that if I were in the same position you were, he would have that same excited reaction, and it broke my heart, just like so many other things in your show. Thanks for sharing, and for doing it in a dark theater where we can all cry and process along with you, Amanda.


AMANDA. Thank you so much, I'm so glad I finally got to see you perform/speak/bare your soul. Brought along my best friend and made a fan out of her (finally!) and we were singing and humming "At least the baby didn't die.." all night and the next day. Thank you for being a real fucking human being and for having really real conversations with people without pretense and facade. May we all bring that brand of honesty, humility, and transparency to our own daily lives. Cheers and Keep It Up. Love, Jasmine and Layne from Texas and Florida, currently residing on the wild North Coast of California.


Dear Amanda, Friday night in San Francisco was my first time experiencing one of your shows live. I was captivated and moved. I still cannot stop talking to friends about the experience. I've been inspired to use my voice to talk about abortion more openly. Thank you for your courage to share your stories with us. I'm not sure I could be as brave as you. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I totally support your efforts to welcome compassionate conversation and storytelling around a woman's right to choose. I'm also a recent patron, but a follower for quite some time. I got to spend a lot of time with your voice when I edited a documentary about yogaHope, which you narrated. Maybe one day I'll get to meet you and thank you face to face. I'll continue to be inspired by your integrity and ability to connect with all of us in such a deep and genuine way. <3

Bramble Sparrow

My husband and I laughed, cried, and Felt All The Feelings. I've been describing the show as INTENSE, personal, political, and totally moving. Thank you. <3


Your show was absolutely beautiful, so powerful and cathartic. Thank you for being so open and honest, it was a deeply healing night for me. Your performance has been helping me to deal with my depression and to feel hopeful and inspired again. Thank you, we love you Amanda!! 💓


Finally made it to the sign-in... I was working the lobby (where I thought I'd be able to hear more, *sad Tim) until just before the intermission. Heart wrenching stuff, and inspiring. I'm already of the persuasion that if I can I must... a call I wish I had heard much earlier in life... but I am in the process of finding new ways to put things in the 'I can' pile, and I certainly left to embrace that with more vigor. Thank you for putting it all out there. Amazing. I'm glad to hear the LA show got filmed, I'd love to see the rest. As it was, volunteering out there, I got to spend some time around the Patreon table, and meet Whitney, Haley and some others. What a group of wonderful people you bring together. (Glad to meet you all, folks!) And as always, thanks for modeling a great way for a creator to interact with audience. I take more from that than anything.


Friday's show was incredible, and timely. I appreciate the candor and openness you used to cover abortion, a topic few are willing to share anything about (other than their side of the argument). This kind of conversation is so important now, with new laws coming out like the one working its way through Alabama today - the most recent and most heinous example so far. I am currently reading Ursula Le Guin’s, Words Are My Matter, and came across a very short talk, "What It Was Like" from 2004 that succinctly and powerfully makes several parallel arguments to those you made in the show. It was a powerful and sad artifact to come across and one that I wanted to share. Found some excerpts online here: https://www.readingistherapy.com/ursula-le-guin-on-abortion/, but looks like the full text has only been collected in the book. Thank you again for this show.


Still recovering, and honestly a bit speechless about the show. I knew I'd enjoy it, but I had NO IDEA how important this tour was. As someone who has been screaming about Roe to anyone who would listen (and some who don't), it was intensely powerful to see Amanda use her platform so articulately. I cried over and over. Thanks to Amanda, Hayley, and everyone else for the hard work on this tour... it's the least crazy I've felt in ages.