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(patron only)

hallo loves.

yep, workin' on my birthday, but that's the way it goes here in patreon-land on the last day o' the month. luckily, this is a pretty easy and fun post to make.

SO.....this SXSW documentary rough cut is an official THING...and when it goes public, it'll just GO, it won't be Thinged or Thunged again.

here's the deal.

when i attended SXSW - the biggest music industry conference in america, WAY back in early march - i invited a local austin, TX, documentary filmmaker named jessica gardner (intorduced to me by Crazy Uncle Thor Harris!) to follow me around pretty much 24/7 to see if we could cobble together something meaningful.

she got LOTS of footage and i've been slowly going through it with her.

  • i have actually showed both rough cuts to neil - only fair because he’s a featured character - and he’s got his own interesting opinions about what does and doesn’t “work”. given that he’s been behind the editing desk of a multimillion dollar TV show for the past year, it is a sobering and horrifying experience to watch him scrutinize the work. his opinion is pretty handy, however. and also reminded me how easily myopic i can become when looking at my own life. 

here are some screenshots...

she captured some really beautiful and important moments - me at home (well, air bnb sweet air bnb) with neil and ash, me talking with ben folds and jack conte from patreon, neil and i clashing on "what fun actually is", the austin public library "read-in", the back-stage workings of Team AFP, what it looks like when i put together a talk for the music industry, hayley and i working on patreon posts, hayley killing it in her own way at SXSW, doing talks, lots of pedicabs....

....all sorts of behind-the-life-scenes stuff that seems almost boring to me but i know won't seem boring to people who don't run around making crowdfunded-and-sourced rock n roll for a living.

we were hoping to get a final cut of it out by the end of the month, but we're still mid-processs, and because....well, because PATREON, i thought it would actually be more beneficial ALL AROUND to release the current rough cut of the film ONLY TO YOU ALL, so that 

1) you could peek into the process of cutting together a film

2) you could see a lot of the footage that won't make the final public cut

and most important

3) you could actually give us feedback about what engages you the most.

this is one of the things that i find most magical about the patreon. you're a huge enough group of intelligent people that i can now do something like this and kill a whole flock of birds with one stone....though you know i don't really want to kill any birds with any stones. that's just a metaphor.


so here's where we're at.

jessica followed me around for ALMSOT A WEEK. there's TONS OF FOOTAGE.

her original cut of the doc clocked in around 40 minutes and was REALLY good, but i was like "we need more footage of my official talk!" "where's the footage of me and lingua ignota? where's the footage of me and laura jane grace? where's ALL THE THINGS"

well...jessica had actually done her job quite well, i saw, when she worked on all those notes and handed me back another cut of the doc that was literally twice as long.

as you watch and give us feedback for the final FINAL cut (which will live on youtube and vimeo and go out into the public pipeline and maybe even be sent to film festivals)....keep these in mind:

 1) we can't include everything. it would be best if this little doc clocked in at closer to 30-40 minutes. 

2) the footage of me & lingua ignota (aka kristin hayter) and laura jane grace IS AWESOMe...but it's probably best saved for other usage: i.e., we can use that footage to promote those actual podcasts when they're made public, they're like ready-made promo clips for the podcast itself! i'm hoping both of those interviews come out as part of the official podcast in the next few months, and if nothing else, y'all watching the rough cut footage of the podcasts being recorded should whet your appetite for JUST HOW AWESOME THE PODCAST IS GOING TO BE. so awesome. so my instinct is to cut that stuff out almost entirely.

3) people watching this on the net won't necessarily know WHO i am, WHAT the patreon is, or WHAT this whole album is about. we need to keep in mind that everything has to take a certain kind of sense out of context. that's important.


1) you could just sit and watch and give me plain, general feedback

"i loved it amanda!" will never be turned away.


2) you can sit down with the doc and watch it the way i do: with a pen and paper in hand, taking down copious notes about what doesn't quite work for you, where you miss plot points, where the background music clashes with the spoken word, where things just aren't clear....basically...put your FILM EDITOR HAT on and LET IT FLY.

once you have your notes ready to go, please paste them into the comments in a way that's easy to understand. YOU CANNOT GO WRONG WITH EXACT TIME-CODES, 

i.e. "the part where hayley is talking at 34:56 doesn't really make sense to me without context", "the music playing under the discussion at 45:27-45:56 is distracting" ,"the text on the screen around 12:15 goes by too fast for me to read"....etc.

saying things like "i don't think you should use that part where you're playing piano" just won't help :)


so you've seen them, here are MY NEW ROUND OF NOTES for jessica.

you can corroborate, agree, disagree, or repeat them if you feel like it.

re: the title....i'm not sure "it's just a ride" is the strongest. i'm currently attached to "The Adventures of Amanda Palmer & Uncomfortable Man at SXSW".... :)
1) the opening titles at the start slip by a bit too fast.
2) 6:20 - any talking over "voicemail for jill" doesn't work - it's just too sacred and we wanna sit with the song for a while
3) 9:40 or so - please put that text message in context
4) more time on the start of the nick cave song - again, let it sit for a second (maybe 15 sec?)
5) 17 min - again let it sit.....don’t run dialogue over the ride, at least right away, it's jarring
6) wipe to white after every new THOUGHT in the SXSW….and let's pare it down to 2 highlights again, this gets dulllll
7) 43:30 library uke moment...hold on that ukulele playing a bit longer.
8) around 44min anything, let's not use the lyric-heavy bit of "judy blume" under that book reading...the sounds just fight with each other. lose the music or use something else (maybe one of the instrumental bits from the new record)
9) 56:00-25…let us hear kristin playing!! we need uninterrupted music for a bit, let something come in, grab us, and sit....then go in with the voiceovers...
10) 1:16:15…stop the “drowning” music bed when i get into the real talk from stage….just stick with the real-time audio
11) do we have any more of that great footage of the dude at the end?I LOVE THE COLLAGE AT THE END!!!

this SXSW photo is by angie dominguez

SO HERE WE GO!!!!!!!

i hope at least a handful of you try your hand at this, both jessica and i will be reading the comments with great care and interest....so go nuts.

hopefully we will get the public cut out by the end of MAY if all goes well.

and even if you don't wanna put on your editing and feedback hat....

just enjoy the rough cut....!!!!!!!



password: justaride


if you want, you can watch/listen to some of the events you see me recording here...

KUTX's This Song Podcast:

and as a bonus, here's the full, unedited talk that KUTX's live streamed on facebook while we recorded the session live:


NPR's Tiny Desk Family Hour SXSW Showcase:

Minnesota Public Radio's The Current:

SXSW Official Live Interview:

Patreon's House of Creativity:
patreon recorded my performance and the panel i did with ben folds and jack conte, but they haven't shared the videos (yet?). they do have this collage video which features some words from me about 2mins 30seconds in so let this hold us over:

Brooklyn Vegan's Lost Weekend Showcase:

they have a write up and some pictures. wheeeeee!!!


photo by amanda hatfield

that's it, my darlings.

gonna go back to my birthday now.


and i'll read all your birthday comments later tonight.

today i took the day mostly off. it felt fucking fantastic.




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Hi, there are a few messages on the Vimeo site where the video is posted, too. Hope you catch them! Best wishes , Cosby


TITLE: NO FUCKS TO GIVE, IT’S SXSW (by Amanda Palmer) TITLE: THE THING ABOUT SXSW TITLE: YOU’D THINK I’D SHOT THEIR CHILDREN / a sxsw documentary TITLE: IT’S AMANDA FUCKING PALMER AT SXSW In order of sequence, with the respect that this is about SX and promoting TWBNI: Keep 0:00 - 0:11 Keep 0:19 - 0:25 (mute audio) Keep 1:08 - 1:32 (flush it out a bit. Some unnecessary footage in here) Keep 2:18 - 2:37 Keep 3:15 - 3:22 Keep 4:40 - 4:46 Keep 4:55 - 5:06 Keep 6:38 - 7:24 Keep 9:29 - 11:00 Keep 13:23 - 13:45 Keep 14:50 - 5:08 Keep 15:15 - 15:50 Keep 16:22 - 17:50 (cut the dialogue over top of the music and just keep the music) Keep 18:02 - 18:04 Keep 18:48 - 20:20 Keep 20:40 - 21:31 Keep 22:26 - 23:07 Keep 23:48 - 24:12 Keep 25:15 - 25:28 Keep 27:32 - 30:00 (any way we can fix the audio on all of this so it doesn’t distort?) (Maybe intersperse this interview throughout the whole documentary with more performance or scenic footage) Keep 35:55 - 36:59 Keep 37:06 - 38:39 (but I want to actually hear her finish the song with the people singing!) Keep 38:53 - 39:09 Keep 39:21 - 39:31 Keep 39:39 - 39:52 Keep 40:20 - 40:30 Keep 41:03 - 42:15 Keep 45:03 - 45:40 Keep 46:31 - 47:22 Keep 47:45 - 51:45 (tighten the footage up a bit. A little shaky / all over the place. Also, a little long in just watching the actual performance) Keep 51:55 - 53:05 Keep 53:11 - 53:36 I want to see church warmup footage here. (Make the interview minimal…just a few quotes around a minute long at most) Keep 1:04:08 - (no music over her talking). - 1:06:30 Keep 1:16:16 - 1:20:57 Keep 1:21:01 - 1:21:10 Keep 1:21:34 - end Credits (start “This Is A Ride” from when she starts singing) Less music underneath the dialogue. 0:32 - 0:56 put this dialogue elsewhere. Throw out the footage 1:33 - 2:06 put this dialogue elsewhere. throw out the footage


My wife and I watched this together and we think there’s tons of fantastic and interesting raw footage here! As fans and Patrons, we thoroughly enjoyed having a behind-the-scenes look at your SXSW experience. You were as real and inspiring as you always are in all the Things you share with us and we loved it! I think if the intent of the piece IS to offer that behind-the-scenes peek, the chronological format it currently follows works fine. However, if you’re making something that will act as an introduction to Amanda Palmer and the wonderful Patreon for the uninitiated public, I feel that the structure of the piece needs to change. There’s a story here and keeping the footage in the order it happened doesn’t serve the story. I think the featured talk was really great and captured your overarching theme. The sub-themes that stood out to me were the songs themselves and songwriting, feminism and supporting women and working with men who support women, and your family. The talk contains all the big dots that tell the main story of who Amanda is and why she was there, and each of those dots connects to smaller dots found in the footage of each performance and conversation. If the clips of the talk become the backbone of the film, it would anchor the rest of the footage and the subplots within it. Each point you make in the talk, each big dot, echoes through all the other activities you participated in, provides context for them, and leads into a subplot. And most of the songs are relevant to one of those dots, which provides an opportunity to feature a chunk of a song. Plus, spreading out the talk footage would help it to feel much less choppy. For example, the clip of you talking about Patreon could be followed by clips of your talk with Jack Conte and Ben Folds, and your appearance on the Patreon stage, featuring a good clip of Voicemail for Jill, one of the songs a label would never approve. The clip of you talking about Haley can be followed by clips featuring Haley (who should have her name on the screen too even if she introduces herself) and her work with you, along with any other clips relevant to your team and how they work. The part where you talk about Neil could lead into some of the sweet moments between you two, then the read-in and Judy Blume. Some more specific notes: - It needs a more SXSW relevant title. - The read-in segment is damn near perfect! - No offense to Jessica, I don’t want to hurt her feelings by saying this, but I don’t think she should be in the film at all, with the exception of the clip at the end where the camera turns around to show her and Amanda - that was cute and felt appropriate to the end and the goodbye. I do like the audio in which she says Amanda rolled the dice on her, but it’s Amanda’s story and seeing the filmmaker pulled us right out of it. - And no offense to Amanda, but the bit about Nick Cave feels like a dot that doesn’t connect. As does the shot of the AA 12 steps. This was so much fun to watch and to be allowed and empowered to contribute to!


I will add to teh chorus of people who think that talking and lyrical music should not overlap


from 13:55 to 14:22 the audio is quite bad and the meandering camera pan on the AA poster is quite distracting. I had go go back an relisten, as I litererally could not follow the coversation and read the posters. The conversation is quite interesting actually, as you can see the dance between partners Amanda alludes to later on, as Neil attempt to envision the read in, but its completely lost by the nonsensical focus on the AA posters


Also, I will disagree with the sentiment to take out the Lingua Ignota and Laura Jane Grace segments. I thought the discussion with Lingua Ignota was one of the more interesting portions of the documentary, esp. re: influences and ignoring Amos, difranco et al, for fearing being restricted to the feminist ghetto. I really enjoyed the portions of the documentary focused on the mechanics of performance itself, and it seems a little ironic and perhaps even disengenuous to cut the footage with grace and ignota, but not with folds and conte: why is talking about the mechanic of performance with your male colleagues assumed to be of general interest, while with female collegues, best not to wear out the audience, let's save it for later? If you are determined to cut footage, I would cut more of the central talk, it is already edited in a way that both feels as though I have no idea what got edited out (although I can clearly see the cuts) and yet still too long to match the format of the rest of the documentary.


1:18:45: And lastly, although I actually like Bernard Cornwell on occasion, the cut to the book jacket during the crowd shots is so specific and attention grabbing it again distracts from what Amanda is saying, so it should be swapped out for other footage.


I wanted to do this right with details and time stamps but I ran out of time, so my comments are more general, sorry! Not to mention I posted this in the wrong place earlier today. Ugh! Ok here goes....I agree with just about everyone here---when there is dialog, please use instrumental music only under it, no singing. -- when there are shots of you eating--those are not necessary, you can just use voice-over something else, if what is being said needs to stay in. The first one at around 00:34 was the one that bothered me the most. --- Love the Read-in footage, that's done very well, please leave that in. --- the NPR Tiny Desk thing needs some fixing; there's footage of someone else doing something with the caption, and then several minutes later, there is the scene with you and Neil in the church basement talking about it (also yeah also previously mentioned, the AA sign is not necessary, snip that out). Then you are is on stage doing the Tiny Desk thing. I found that all somewhat confusing. Maybe cut that first scene with the time stamp 'Tiny Desk" because it doesn't feature you and doesn't really say anything? --- I know the SXSW talk is the main reason you were there, but I think it needs to be edited or parts of it need to appear in different parts of the film, if that makes any sense. Just having footage of you speaking like that is not very dynamic to watch, esp. the shots that are done from farther back in the audience. It's kind of boring; I am sure that hearing you speak in person was NOT boring, but on film, after all the frentic energy of some of the scenes that come before it, it sort of slows down the pace of the film and drags, I think. Perhaps use pieces of the talk to preface other sections that demonstrate the ideas you are speaking about (if that makes any sense)? I also think there are too many talking head/interviews here, maybe snip them all down so that there is more action and activity and less "people sitting around being interviewed." --- Love the shots of Hailey, the shots of you working on the Patreon posts, etc. All that stuff is interesting and more dynamic. ----- I hope what I've written makes sense. Sorry again I couldn't do the time stamp thing. I am honored to have been asked to contribute my thoughts to this work. I do like it and I think with some tightening, it will be the piece that you and Jessica want it to be. :)


Funny story. I have recently found out a lot of my favorite singers are Taurus: Robert Smith, Iggy Pop, Joey Ramone, and you! I am also a Taurus. I find we are more moody than the horoscopes books say. Ha!

Jerry Peckery

WOW! I can't believe the complexity of the recommendations, I was just gonna say the audio could be better, music more balanced with the dialog or even removed in places, but someone already enunerated those items in detail above. Ha, Your fans are like no other's.