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(patron-only post)


ahhhh Nyc —- that was amazing. everything i needed and more. 

here is neil loading out the leg lamp

i am so so so so tired

leave me your thoughts and prayers here please 

i’ll catch up in few days when i’ve slept for a long time. here’s the group photp we took at the history museum / YAS

 i love you so much xxxx a 




Thank you. Thank you so, so much for making yourself vulnerable enough to share your stories with us. I've been listening to your music for almost twenty years now, and it has literally saved my life on so many occasions because you've always had such an incredible way with words, and listening to your music made me feel like there was at least one person in the world who understood me. It's been 14 years since I've seen you on stage and this performance was THE performance to come back to. My god. It was absolutely perfect. I cried when I heard the album the first time, but hearing it more as an accompaniment to the story of the last seven years had me in total hysterics. The way you front-loaded Voicemail for Jill, took your time leading up to it, and then just before playing it said, "That was the voice?" I lost my mind. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to us. Thank you for speaking and writing and singing about the things that are so hard for us all to even contemplate in the first place. You're amazing. Your music is fucking amazing. I was so profoundly moved Saturday night by your honesty and bravery and talent. And I was so pleased to find that even to such a huge (huge!!!) crowd, it still felt like you were speaking to each one of us individually. This is a very rambling comment (also my first ever to the patreon), but I hope it makes sense and I hope you are resting and I hope you continue to be the incredible light in the dark that you are.

Nico Padden

I'm so grateful I got to share in this beautiful experience. I've been following along religiously, listening to every voice ramble and reading every blog. The show lived up to all of my high expectations. It made me think a lot about my late grandmother (who I lived with and took care of for the last five years of her life) as well as my own plans to have a child. It made me feel the strength and power of my own body. I attended a hot yoga class on Sunday morning and as my body got to a point where it was really sweating, I thought, "my body is so powerful! it's keeping my cool! what an amazing machine I am!" Thank you for giving me the space and permission to feel that way about all of my amazing female body capabilities including someday having a child. Also, just a quick synchronicity story: my BFF Allyson Dhennin, who is also a patron, and I usually attend your shows together. We got our signals crossed and didn't purchase tickets together.....but we still ended up RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER! The universe conspired that we could experience this show together. I also hugged a sobbing girl on the other side of me and we thanked each other for sharing the experience. I encouraged her to join the Patreon. Anyway, just a beautiful, beautiful night. Thank you. I will treasure it.


You and your music have been a constant for me since 2003, when I was 13 and heard Coin-Operated Boy on the radio. I've grown up with it. The Perfect Fit when I went to school, small and scared and oh-so-emo. Delilah as I got older and learned that not all men are good. Ampersand when I broke up with my first love, Another Year when family and friends died too young and I found myself trapped in depression in my cinderblock basement dorm room. In My Mind as I tried to figure out who the fuck I was and what the fuck I wanted in life. Bigger On The Inside when I fell into depression again a few years later, and it was worse, and I drank warm beer on the kitchen floor and passively wished I had the will to die. I started to get better, and in Machete, I heard you tell me that "You can't keep making symbols out of nothing." Saturday's show felt like an arrival, the other side of recovery. Thank you for making art that makes me laugh and makes me cry and pisses me off and tears me apart.


It's taken a few day to really process this experience, first i want to THANK YOU! What a beautiful ride to hear your songs and your stories live and thank you for being so very transparent and open about so many things that many of us have gone through in total silence. I cried and laughed more than I've done in years! One song in particular hit a nerve, brought back some darkness that, at the time I went through it, I literally just did not have the capacity to deal with, and life has been such a whirlwind since that I guess I just forgot. ...and your words let me face it, right there, in the audience. I wasn't ready, but when are we ever. I felt the feels, it was hard, but now I feel lighter. What you do for us "if you can, you must" is not an obligation everyone could rise to, and I'm so glad you did. xoxoxo


Okay, I don't know where the fuck to find the picture of you and Ash sleeping, but I just wanted to say that I saved it to my desktop and it'


it's now my desktop image. So there. And I hit return too soon and broke my comment.


I'm going to go look for that image again because that post is what I wanted to blab on and I was too sleepy when I read it to blab.


I’ve never really interacted with Patreon before, but I wanted to come by and say thank you for Saturday’s show in NYC. I am an abortion doula in NYC. I go into the procedure rooms with patients and hold their hands and talk with them and whatever else they need. I’ve probably supported 1000 patients. It’s so important to for people to hear these stories, and it means a lot that you are telling them and helping people to tell theirs. I also felt like you were speaking to me a bit with the “If you can, you must” bit - I have been trying to push myself more to do music and something (impostor syndrome? I don’t know) has been holding me back. So, thank you for everything. The Dresden Dolls are always a killer show, but this show was raw and emotional and truly awesome. xx


Thank you for the wonderful show at the Beacon Theater. My best friend and I have been wanting to see you for 15 years but were never able because of life BS. We were very lucky to get to see you while you were taking pictures upstairs. Thank you for smiling and waving to us! We actually got to see one of our favorite directors there at the show too during intermission. So thank you for that too because your art brought him to us.We were so happy we cried. We both cried a lot and laughed.We look forward to you and Brian putting out another album. Hugs and much love from me and my bestie Britt for the joy you brought both of us.


Holy smokes I’ve wanted that lamp almost my whole life!!!! I love this photo ❣️