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-patron-only- i have had such a stressful 24 hours that i want to smash a thing and i can't really talk about why (but you may figure it out in the next few days) but really oddly part of the day involved walking by a field with some tiny lambs in it and i was being so good and in nature that i didnt have my phone so i didnt take a photo. so here is all i have to offer today: here are some lambs i found on the internet the lambs i saw were even better. p.s. see some of you tomorrow at the new statesman thing in london. p.p.s. don't worry the baby isn't dead p.p.p.s. i'm glad you all like the thing about things p.p.p.p.s. i love you. writing this and posting these lambs has encalmened me.




Also, for some extra encalming: adorable snoring dormouse. You're welcome. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlS3w1GGE8g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlS3w1GGE8g</a>

Amalija Vitezovic

I hope everything turns out OK! The lambs are supercute, as well as all the other animals everybody's posting. I think I'll come back to this page next time I feel like smashing something ;-)


Deep breathing followed by playing a totally freaked out free jazz solo helps me in times like this. I highly recommend it. Be well.


There should be a business where you can go smash things, just in case there are no lambs around. That said, I love your lambs and am glad that they and writing helped encalmen you. &lt;3

Isabel Vogt

*hugs* "Some days aren't yours at all..." I hear Regina singing in my head. Hope you'll have better days again soon. See you at the Hackney in a few hours.


I sent someone a line to In my Mind who is 32 and is fighting Congested Heart Failure. Thank you for such poetic art.


Believe it or not, but knowing that you too do struggle with everyday live, does help me in someway. Through your book you seem so human to me and reading it or listening to your music really comforts me. xoxo


Here's hoping there are bubble baths, massages, sweet music and cuddles in your future, dear Amanda! &lt;3


Yesterday when you posted this I was having a day so stressful that I couldn't bring myself to type in the little box at all, even to say thank you. The Thing About Things really spoke to me. And today is better. Hope your today is better, too. Thank you.


&lt;3 The evening was fucking amazing and I've just joined your page today. You're my first pledge on Patreon xxxxx So excited to see you again at Union Chapel on the 8th! Thank you. Sending hugs.


Lambs are my favorite animal, so it's amazing to see you post pics of lambs. Not many people post pics of cute lambs, just that screaming goat all over the place.... yay lambs.


I was in the UK when I read this (sadly not where/when you are/were) so just replying now - thank you for the lambs! I love sheep and lambs and glad they made you feel better and I hope you are doing even better.