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(public post)

hello loves,

greetings from the windy island.

i took a little video of the gutter rain at sunrise this morning. it's very soothing on repeat, and even more soothing in person:


i also just posted this up to instagram and FB...and wanted to cross-post it here:


logical family report.

my husband-man & i haven’t done anything very normally: not marriage, not careers, not relationships, not living arrangements, not childbirth...and certainly not childcare.

yesterday ash went in the ocean for the first time.

he’s been to the beach many times, but has refused to touch the water. there are moments where i just cannot believe how synchronistically beautiful and strange some parts of motherhood have been, most especially the arrival of justine marzack, and now marissa phillips in our lives.

justine (in the red suit) was living and pondering her next life steps at imogen heap’s house in the UK when i was making my record with edward & just starting to think about trying to find a full-time travel-nanny.

she dropped life in london & has been living & zooming with us, on & off, for almost 3 years. she has come to four continents, gotten into quite a few scrapes, ninja-d many meals, beds and diapers, and she’s done it all while vegan, which is no small feat in cuba and dubai. she has spent as much time (if not more, hour for hour) raising this child as i have. today is her last day. she’s heading back to london to get back to the work of being a full-time artist. enter, stage right (and how handy that she was already down in this part of the world for a floridian xmas with her family to do the hand-off??) marissa, woodstock local, who is going to help hold down the fort alllll year while i tour the globe and mr neil himself writes a book.

is it a prerequisite for this job that you have a short black bob, many piercings and a smattering of highly intelligent monochrome tattoos? no, but do not tell this to ash. as justine said a few days ago: ash, when asked what his childhood was like, will likely reply that everybody had a lot of pictures on them. watching these two women - strong, powerful personalities in their own rights - teaching this boy to be fearless feels like microprogress in a macrocrazy world. there are daily lessons in patriarchy awareness.

so....dear justine: you will always be such an important part of our story, our logical family. you’ve blessed us beyond measure. thank you for everything. marissa: welcome to the logical family. let’s have some times.


it takes a village.

i love my fucking village.

i love that you're all in it.

by the way...i've been reading all your comments.

a note about comments: i tend to read ALL COMMENTS in general patreon posts....until i post the next post. if it's a "living" post (like a discussion for song lyrics, etc), i'll come back more often.

i'm trying to be better about always using the orange heart-icon to indicate that i've read your post, even if i haven't responded. just so you know. 

i know the system here isn't ideal, but it's all we got.


meanwhile, i'm here for ONE more day, and then back to the winter and a lot of album prep, tour prep, and video making.

speaking of "back to the winter"...this image is one from the book, in the "voicemail for jill" section. it's me and coco, in the winter snow, right outside our house in woodstock.

(photo: kahn & selesnick)

two women, across time, blind but all-seeing, finding one another, aiding one another. 

crossed wires, but ever-connected. 


i'm currently waist-deep in pre-production for a big music video for "voicemail for jill" - one of the new songs on my upcoming record that you haven't heard yet. the director is an incredible up-and-coming female director named amber sealey who was introduced to me by miranda july (who was my first phone call, but she's tapped out working on a Big Thing Somewhere).

let's not mince anything here. i am really, really, REALLY proud of this song. i came up with the concept for the video, which mirrors this image of me & coco above, and amber and i are digging into the details of how to make it....work. i feel like i've learned so much on my last few shoots, particularly "mother" and "mr. weinstein", and this video - if i get it right - feels like it will be more than just a video, it will be a love letter, it will be a message in a bottle to women everywhere, it will be...a thing. i really, really, wanna get it right.

it's a beautiful song. it's about abortion. it took me a few decades to write. i write about writing it in the book. and i'm writing about writing about the song in the book here on this post. see what i'm doing here? meta.


we're shooting the video in boston next month on monday, february 4th and tuesday, february 5th, and it'd mean a lot (a whole, whole lot) to have any of y'all local boston patrons be part of it - for spiritual reasons, and beyond.

below is a list of what we need from amber, along with more details and directions to sign up. if you have friends and family that you think would fit the parts below, please feel free to pass it on. without giving too much away, it's worth saying - the theme of the song centers around the emotions of having an abortion, you have been advised.

HERE IS WHAT WE NEED!!!!! this is a public post, so please feel free to circulate this round your own community.


THIS IS A PRO-CHOICE VIDEO. a deeply moving pro-choice video. it's gonna be emotional. your part may not be, but the assembled whole is gonna be hard-hitting. 


WE NEED!!!!:

Citizens of Boston, 8-10 people, variety of ages, diverse group

— Ages can range from 25 to 95
— All ethnicities please
— All body types and styles of dress, looking for variety, but nothing crazy outlandish, we aren't heading to a rave, we're heading to work in the winter. real peeps. nothing fancy.
— Need to be available on Monday, Feb 4th all day, filming in the city of Boston

A Happy Couple in Love, 2 people, age 35-55

— All ethnicities please
— Could be a woman and a man, two women, two men, any combination is great
— All body types and styles of dress, looking for variety
— Would be great if you are a real-life couple, and are the kind of couple who have something strong in common (you dress alike, or you both have dyed purple hair, or you both have stern brows, etc.)
— Need to be available on Monday, Feb 4th all day, filming in the city of Boston

A Mom Who Needs a Break, age 30-40 and baby age 0-2

— Any ethnicity
— You need to be a mom (bio or not, doesn't matter) with a baby aged 0-2
— You need to show up looking like you haven’t showered in a week, really at the end of your rope, emotionally
— You need to be able to bring your own stroller
— Need to be available on Monday, Feb 4th all day, filming in the city of Boston

A Mom Who Has Got It All Together with her baby, age 30-40 and baby age 0-2

— Any ethnicity
— You need to be a mom (bio or not, doesn't matter) with a baby aged 0-2
— You need to come looking like you’ve "got it all together" (we can ACT!, right?)
— You need to be able to bring your own stroller
— Need to be available on Monday, Feb 4th all day, filming in the city of Boston.

Subway Riders of Boston, 15 people, all ages

— All ethnicities please
— 10 women and 5 men, all ages and all body types and styles of dress— Need to be available on Monday, Feb 4th all day, filming in the city of Boston

Naked Man in Love and Anger, aged 30-40

— All ethnicities please, male-presenting.
— Please only reply if you are an experienced actor with dance/physical theatre background
— You will be naked on set, performing intimate scenes with a woman, lots of movement and improvised choreography
— Must be very comfortable with your body and expressing yourself physically
— Need to be available on Tuesday Feb 5th all day, filming in the city of Boston

Pregnant Woman at the Office, age 20-40

— Any ethnicity
— Must be actually pregnant and noticeably so, ideally 6-8 months
— Need to be available on Tuesday Feb 5th all day, filming in the city of Boston
— You will be wearing your own clothes, so we’ll ask you to bring a few options of business casual attire

Office Workers, 8 people, any age

— Any ethnicity
— Need to be available on Tuesday Feb 5th all day, filming in the city of Boston
Party Attendees, 25 people

— All ethnicities, genders, personal clothing style, and body types— Need to be available on Tuesday Feb 5th in the evening from around 3pm onwards, filming in the city of Boston— You will be being genial, happy, and having fun at a “party”.. possibly dancing, general nice frivolity. ADDED BONUS - rolls into the wrap party!!!!!


-we cannot cover your transportation to and from set! sorry bout that. but we're central.
-you will be wearing your own clothes, so we’ll ask you to bring a few options...WARNING: you may be filming outside, please come dressed for cold weather (jacket, warm boots, gloves, hat, etc.) 

PAY: is $50 plus meals for the extras/office workers/subway/party folks, roughly $75 for the half-day actors, and $250-$350 for the all-day actors! we will furnish you with more details as we move forward with ya....


WHEN YOU EMAIL, please use 



please include:

-SHOT OF YOURSELF (links are fine), AGE, HOW Y'ALL GENDER YOSELF, ETHNICITY, any other fine talents/details we might need to know about.




please email Jesse at epstein.jesse@gmail.com by January 11th at 11:11 am.

you should hear back with 2-4 business days.

we'll try to get back to as many people as we can, but if we get swamped with a million emails we may not be able to reply to every one. please feel free to poke, but also be patient! thank you.



we're also planning food and catering for the cast and crew. if anyone has the technology and wants to bring us home-cooked/home-baked/home-sourced food (or you have a resaturant/cafe and wanna donate coffee/backed goods, etc etc!) we will invite you with open arms to feed us. 

again, email jesse and stephanie, the video producers with offers or ideas:








1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I super appreciate that you made an opportunity for an overlap in care; transitions are hard as shit in my experience. The video sounds like it's going to be fun and cathartic for so many people, I wish I was close enough to offer concrete-er support than words and well wishes. Love you guys, glhf


Like it cuz it looks nice and it is really peace of art, sis!)))


Oh Amanda, seeing that photo of you and Coco... please read Radio Free Amanda. It is less than 900 words. I hope everyone has a safe and good time for VfJ in February. I am looking forward to seeing the video!

Aimsel Ponti

Email sent from this wannabe partygoer extra 🙏Fingers crossed. But either way I know this video is going to be so spectacular. ❤️💯


Sending love an excitement from my dorm room in Brooklyn! Can’t wait to see the finished product (what my imagination is already conjuring from the description is pretty spectacular!:D).


I e-mailed to help out as an extra -- would LOVE the opportunity to do so :)


It would be a dream to be a part of your video. Unfortunately I'm out here in Nebraska. However I'm supporting you from afar! I can't wait to see how it comes together. Sounds so emotional. I know it will make me cry. I have no kids of my own, but I'm helping raise my 8 year old niece after my sister passed away in 2015. She introduced me to you.. and your music will forever remind me of the beautiful moments we shared together. She always said "Girl Anachronism" from your Dresden Dolls band, was about her. As broken and lost as she was in her life, she spoke kindness and truth to all the struggling misfits. I have a constant reminder of how deeply she loved and how chaotic she lived. Her little girl has given me more love and purpose then I ever thought possible. I want to thank you for being such a wondrous artist and for sharing your experiences and creativity with the world. Much love and luck to you on your upcoming video!!




IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN MEET AMANDA AKA MEET AND GREET? I've loved Amanda Palmer the moment I first heard her voice. The one time she came to Las Vegas, I missed it and I've regretted it for years since she has never come back, As a struggling artist it's very hard to try to travel, pay for tickets and lodging and I just knew I had to find a way to see her (It's on my bucket list). This past year has been incredibly hard, my best friend Audie, unexpectedly died 2 weeks before his wedding to the love of his life. I introduced Amanda's music to Audie and he LOVED her! He told me that if I ever go to her show to make sure I meet her and bring her the painting I have been working on since she married Neil Gaiman (They were my version of a "Royal Wedding" since Neil Gaiman is one of my all time favorite authors, I even have a Death tattoo from the 'Sandman' and Amanda is my favorite musician/Artist.) Not only that, but my other best friend in Illinois, her son got hit by a semi and is on life support. Also, I just finished helping my other friend get away from an abusive boyfriend, which I've definitely had my share of. Luckily I'm still alive, because the guy I dealt with tried to kill me and beat me until the sun came up, but I refuse to give them power no matter how hard it can be. I'm going to the LA show and I'm bringing my painting and I'm going to make my best friend proud RIP. It would be an honor to give her a fraction of the Art she has given me. Her songs have gotten me through abusive relationships, suicidal feelings, deaths,loss, depression, dealing with my PTSD and DDNOS from being molested when I was 6, addiction, and to still have hope and faith in humanity . She has helped me more than I could ever tell her, I even was able to become a Patreon lately, my Mom saw how sad I was and she surprised me with tickets to the show, a Patreon membership, and her patreon only Art Book which I can't wait to see! Anyways if anyone knows, or has tips I really want to make this trip count, it might be my only shot. This is my dream to share my Art and my appreciation with her, even if it's a quick Artistic connection ("I see you"), a hug,or a signature and/or picture. I Have Bright pink hair, I'll be in the Orchestra Right section seat u/7, we tried to get front row seats, but the link from her website only had this seat as the closest possible. I'll wave my painting above my head if I have to LOL. I still can't believe I'm going to see the woman that changed my life, live. Her book inspired me, she is such an artistic inspiration and human inspiration. Please if anyone can help with advice I would appreciate it more than anything. I love you all! Thank you!


oh dammit, I missed the email deadline to be in the video :-/ I was so excited when I first saw this announcement, but I didn't have my shit together to respond right then, and then my scrambled brain kept forgetting. But hey, if you need anyone last minute, I'd totally be up for it! Also/alternatively, I could bake a bunch of cookies and such - I love to bake, and never have enough people to help me eat the results.


Please, please Amanda make a video in the UK for some of us to be able to make art with you, we love you so much and it would be the greatest thrill, pleasure and honour ever? Special hugs. XX


Come back to Ireland and make a video! Pretty please! Look up ‘dingle peninsula’ they shot Star Wars there and it’s 30 mins from my home, most amazing scenery and seriously deep music culture! You’d be put up and helped by so many here!!!