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i started writing a new book today. 

it‘s not a huge book. 

it’s not like the other book. 

it‘s a different book. 

i’m making it, and the words in it, which are bubbling up from the core of my soul, because i can, and because i have this patreon to support it. 

it will be for everybody. but it won’t be for everybody, if you know what i mean by that. 

it is hyper personal and it is unapologetic and grisly and goddammit it feels like the moment to write that / this. 

i love you all so much. 

ill be behind my desk, writing, often, for the next two weeks. it’s happening fast. 

itll be out with the album. 


i am not taking suggestions. 

i love you all so much 




ps. i just posted this little video 





<3 Yes!


Can't Wait!


Looking forward to the book. Also, I hope you see this Amanda because I have a nominee book for the book club idea (what happened with that? Did I miss it? I don't read every patreon email). The book which is somewhat rocking my inner world is Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom fo Living Spirit-Based Change, by Sherri Mitchell. 2018, North Atlantic Books. SOOO good and clear about inner personal paradigm change, big outer paradigm change, and she doesn't seem to F around. Disclaimer is I'm only half way through, but unless the second half sucks, I still vote for it.


Yesssssssss I can't fucking WAIT! Whatever type of book it is, we'll all devour it. Also, have you ever thought of writing a kids/picture book? GLORIOUS!


Cool! I loved your other book. It's so awesome when a project takes a life of its own and shows you what it wants. I am writing a script like that right now. It will be the first feature film I produce. Big step!


Ug. Amanda. I know how hard this book will be on you and I know how hard this album has already been on you and I know how hard this tour will be. Part of me wants you to just relax and be happy; who needs all this angst and stress???? But part of me is actually happy for you because I know you are in a secure place and I know you have an awesome support system and I know that these allow you to take the emotional risks with a minimum of lasting damage. And all of me knows that this is who you are and this is what you do and it doesn't really matter what any part of me has to say about it. Still, your mother and I DO worry about you! But we both love you and will always support you, no matter what ill-advised projects you feel compelled to take on.


so excited to read the hell out of this book.


Very excited! 😁💜💜💜💜💜


Can't wait!


I can not for the life of me figure out the link. I've clicked every link and I just keep getting sent to the AFP site. Like, it wont let me just preorder the album. This just me?