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HEY GUYS - okay. FUCK!!! here we go....!!!! you asked, we did...! here's hoping this works. 6 pm east coast time, LIVE WEBCAST of the dresden dolls at rough trade records in brooklyn, where we are playing a fREE show for record store day! the set will be about an hour, and i wouldn't be surprised if we start a little late (but we'll try to START some kind of cast, even if it's backstage...at 6!) THIS WEBCAST WILL BE FOR PATRONS ONLY! you can join now, for $1 on up...and even if you want to be sneaky and join and then leave us...go for it! some of you will stay :) familiarize yourself quick, but basically all you need to know is that on this activity feed, i can make patron-only posts, and that's where you'll find the link!!! (i.e. stay tuned here, on the activity feed, and you'll see it.) we scrambled the shit out of shit to try to get this webcast together, and i'm always so suspicious of webcasts actually working at shows - SO MANY THINGS CAN GO WRONG - bad sound, bad lighting, bad connection. everybody say a prayer. note!!!!!! since we're gong so fast and this webcast + patreon idea is all new..... IF FOR SOME REASON this webcast fails, crashes, or otherwise causes discontent, i'm not gong to charge you guys for it. that would be dumb. SO for this reason, i'm not going to add this as a "creation" until we KNOW IT WORKED and i can share the archive. we'll hopefully keep the archive provate for patreon folks for about a week, then we'll pop it up on Ye Olde Youtube for the rest of the world.... this is a public post. patrons have already been messaged the link, but for new patrons who are joining up here before 6 pm: i'll post again, HERE but for patrons only - just check the activity feed (and you'll also be emailed if you don't unclick the "email notifcation" box when you sign up as a patron!!!! we are on in less than two hours!!!!!!!!!!! and we JUST GOT TO SEE THE VINYL....its GAAAAARGEOUS. rehearsed for two hours in manhattan, at brian's house FOR A SNACK THEN WE GO ROCK THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEE




I have nothing...yet....this one is a nail biter!


Did I need to do something other than sighing up here?


i got the email but there is no link,


My husband has just gone into the minutiae of detail about why they can't risk publishing a link that we we all click on at once & it goes tits up. His language wasn't quite that but that was the general gist, I think. He said DNS a lot!


No link in comments or email yet :/


Arghhh! I failed at watching this live, how can I watch the rebroadcast?


Anyone???? Please???


Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!! Looking great, looking awesome, so great to see you two on stage together :3


I joined late...how can I rewatch it?


That was fuckingAWESOME!


thank you so much. this was perfection. xoxo


I snuck out of work last night to watch the livestream - No one needed a bus home anyway. So good to hear some of the dolls numbers again :') x