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hey guys - rightio. after the worst week of my life and some brutal scares, i'm back on the horse and on tour. i was so sick the week before leaving that i barely had time to get my shit together, but mother of invention and all that....the last two nights have been absolutely incredible, raw in the best way, exactly what i needed...much love in the room. thank you to everyone who i saw in DC and last night in richmond. you guys are golden. the tour is short...it has 6 days left. i've got some videos to post, i'll post up a few set lists.... and also have some dark things to share with the class, gimme a moment to catch up. i'm digging out of a black hole. i'm also scribbling away at the ideas for the next few patreon releases and wanted to run ideas by you, hold the phone. rest of the dates - spread the word to any friends in the area. TONIGHT: Apr 6th, 2015 7:00pm. Fletcher Opera Theater Raleigh, NC Apr 9th, 2015 8:00pm. Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA *SOLD OUT* Apr 10th, 2015 9:00pm. WorkPlay Theatre Birmingham, AL Apr 11th, 2015 9:00pm. Civic Theatre New Orleans, LA Apr 14th, 2015 7:00pm. Paramount Theatre Austin, TX Apr 15th, 2015 7:00pm. Granada Theater Dallas, TX *SOLD OUT* i'm coming to the UK end of may/early june...tour dates will be up soon. all the ticket links are up on amandapalmer . net / shows - if i link here for some reason it overrides the photo i'm posting - i'm working on these glitches with patreon along with everything else. note: if you're a $100+ patron and you missed the message: email eric@amandapalmer and he'll sort out guest list for you. he's on the road with me, tour managing, along with whitney moses (who's now also my doula in addition to every other hat she's worn in my life from merch gal to massage therapist to back-up singer). also, if you missed the memo, i'm opening up for MORRISSEY this summer. july 25th, in san jose, near san fran. i'll be seven months pregnant and had no intention to be touring or playing with a belly that huge, but...morrissey. when the moz calls, one answers. i hope that if any of you are in the area, you can make it out for that one, it's the last night of his US tour (already rescheduled, because morrissey cancels everything). and it should be historic. tickets for that are on sale friday at 10 am. and, uh, MORRISSEY. okay, i'll shut up. see some of you soon. xx a




cool, saw you on periscope yesterday, I'm sure there will more broadcasts. see you then.

Molly McEnerney

I want to surround you with whatever love and support you need to get through this hard time and to really, truly, deeply enjoy all the good times! May you Swim in an Ocean of Love and Surf on a Wave of Support!


Glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better physically, at least, despite being so tired, and that the Tour You Weren't Ready For is proving to be the Tour You Sorely Needed. Nothing like some necessary catharsis in a safe space, and I hope this place can be that for you too when you're ready and have had time to catch your breath. I've been anticipating/dreading announcements of darkness since you first went quiet and while there may be nothing practical we can do, we can offer love and emotional support. You know us by now and, as ever, we will do our best to catch you xxx


hugs!!!! glad you're back on your feet and having a good time on tour! wish i could see you, but you were in DC while i was in CA and you're gonna be in CA when i'm in DC, haha. so it goes. best of luck with all the million things you're doing right now, including of course creating a tiny human :o


So glad you are feeling better! Have so much fun on the rest of the tour! Look forward to San Jose!


Sending healing karma!


You were terrific in DC. Wanted to stay for a sig/say hi, but train to catch. I got a pretty good vid of Mrs. O; Ok to put on YouTube?


Whatever it is you have on your shoulders, you have 25000 people under your feet to help you carry. big love brings great weakness naturally, you don't get such a feeling for free. and when you feel like falling, let yourself fall, we are always with you. Everyone of us can give you a silent hug and a hot cup of cocoa anytime and every responsibility can be delegated to at least 10 competent people of this giant team. Because you have already done so for us, musically, in our darkest times, for over a decade and we love you so much that it even pleases us to give back the favor <3


Here's a huge warm hug for you, and I hope all will be well. Much love.




Hey, Amanda: I posted the message below to your Facebook page in the car on the way home from your April 4th show in DC. On retrospect, I realize that posting to your Facebook page is not the best place to reach you, given that a) FB isn't really your favorite, b) I am a Patreon supporter and therefore have a better line of communication to you available to me, and c) the post was buried within a few hours. If you already saw the post, my apologies for being overly zealous, but it just feels very important to me to share this with you. As stated below, I am not seeking a response to these questions... My FB post from 04/04/15: "In response to some of the things you shared at the DC concert tonight, I have two questions for you, Ms. Amanda Fucking Palmer, neither of which are meant to be answered anywhere but in your heart: 1. Over the decades of your life in which you've grown, changed, adapted, and blossomed, how has the fundamental core of who you are and what you want to give to the world changed? 2. What if your fans - your true, dyed in the wool, bigger on the inside, been there since the Dresden Dolls, and you can tell because of the way they move, fans - are fans of Amanda Palmer, not necessarily just Amanda Palmer's Things? I see you. <3"


Great show in Washington DC. Amazing performance. The Washington Post reviewer didn't "get" you but she understood the audience. Thank you for giving it your all. We were all very moved. Sending love and well wishes.