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(patron only)

hola my loves!

happy weekend everybody. 

im writing this to you from a subway stop in london 19:50 GMT.  this is the first time i am preasing the Thing button from a subway. 

AND just in time for the weekend, just when your soul was going astray and you were wondering how to educate and enlighten yourself, yaaaaaay, amanda is coming with a solution for you. 



it is with extreme pleasure that i invite you to listen to the BETA DRAFT of my very first podcast. it's pretty slick n slamming as is....and when it goes out to the public, i won't be officially THINGING it again, no double-dipping like that. it feels 95% done. 

it will go out to the public once i get your feedback. a huge reason i am putting it up here first is to see what....you - my trusted patrons and critics and friends - think of this.  i would like one more round of tweaking before we go wide. this is a huge part of the patreon being awesome....it’s a testing ground.

this episode, #1,  is called "the speed of the art and the speed of the heart" .

and it's about one hour long. so get wine and settle in. 

WARNING: no hankies needed (FOR A FUCKING CHANGE). i don’t believe i am saying this but i firmly believe this podcast won’t make you cry. it may make you think. if you cry, hit me. i’ll send you an internet donut. 

what is it?

like my blogs, it's kind of about...er.....everything. it's an interview with david eagleman, a neurologist. it's a talk with myself. there's music and songs. there's musings. there's feelings. there's BRAINS.

this podcast took a lot of work, endless editing, plot changes, thinking, tweaking, and....you'll see. it's been in the works for months and months now, with dozens of drafts.

before you wet yourselves with anticipation, it's here:

password: listening

($3+/download patrons - a download is coming for you soon. stand by.)

if for whatever reason you have trouble listening through the embedded player on my site, here is the direct link to the private soundcloud stream for patrons ONLY.


here are a few photos of me with david eagleman at the rubin museum....

a lot of you were THERE, and a few of you might have even made it onto the podcast via the voicemail hotline.

photo by hayley rosenblum 

photo by hayley rosenblum

and here are some photos of us recording the second interview in new york at the ace hotel:

photo by hayley

photo by hayley

photo by hayley

a little more background.

i've been wanting to start a podcast for literally....ten years. but i didn't want to just pop a mic in front of myself and start talking. i wanted to do this RIGHT. something with more thoughtful production value, more like the podcasts and radio shows that i love and wouldn't ever mind listening to on repeat (i happen to love radiolab, this american life, the TED radio hour, and other dorky NPR-style shows - i also love the moth).

i spent half a week reading my own audiobook. i'm good at it. i've always been told that i have good radio voice.

i like to talk.

and i have been doing and guesting on other people's podcasts for ages now - if you haven't heard any of them, where have you been? here is me talking with tim ferris, and debbie millman, and scroobius pip, and reading glasses, and npr's all songs considered, and the irish times róisín meets, and hvað klikkaði recently in iceland. and every time i do one of these other podcasts, i'm like...WHY AM I NOT DOING THIS.

i wanted to create something that was more a combination of a TED talk and a blog...something that would take advantage of the people i know (like davig eagleman, and my frequent artistic collaborators)...but also be able to go off-road and get really personal in a way that might not be kosher on your usual NPR channels. i want to be able to go into a song and play it for 12 minutes if i want (on NPR: not allowed, nuh uh). i want to be able to just stop and talk if i want. i want there to be no fixed time limits and rules.

(are you seeing a theme here?)

after literally years of hunting down a good production partner, i finally met fannie cohen, a professional podcasting producer and geek who totally understood what i was trying to do. 

this is fannie. you can find her on twitter at @yofannie and on instagram as @fanniecohen.

here she is recording me reading the excerpt of david's book "sum" for the podcast in the ace hotel.

photo by hayley

we started talking a year ago (or more?) and this is our first foray into working together. i love it. we're already busting with ideas for more podcasts, interviews, crowdsourced conversations with patrons (that's y'all), and more....sky's the limit.

so this first podcast is really just an experiment, and i did it for ME, and for YOU, and it would really mean to world to me if you gave it a good hard listen and told me what you like about it, what grabbed you, what annoyed you, anything really. be kind, but be honest. i can take it. i'm amanda fucking palmer.

the plan: if i am feeling as good about this as i think i am (and i am), i will build up a little arsenal of podcasts and when i have about 3-4 ready, i'll start releasing them on the public podcasts channels you're all familiar with (itunes, etc etc). for now, i'm still building.

and as usual, feel free to share the link/download with people you think might like it, but please encourage them to join the patreon if they are jumping the paywall.

here we go.

a new chapter of media.

please....be commenting. 

comment about the content, about the production value, about ANYTHING. i am reading. comment just to let me know you read it. 





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




SQUEEEEE!!! Can barely contain the excitement of this!


I'm SO excited for this! Not yet had a chance to listen but am really excited to hear this & upcoming ones - what an amazing idea. <3


Hi Amanda, I’m finally listening and I love the podcast. I really like the sound behind your talking, the way you cut into the interview to share extra readings, the songs included. And it’s interesting and engaging. I’m definitely pleased to help you be able to do this, let’s have more! Thanks.


Finally able to listen to the podcast! I realize that I am beyond even fashionably late to this party, but I am excited to respond. I have come to love podcast-listening: I access on my phone, pop in the earbuds, and listen while I am puttering around the house or the garden. I am physically active/engaged, and what comes through my ears goes directly into my brain. Dear AFP, thank you THANK YOU for this podcast. It was thoroughly BRAIN-ENGAGING: David Eagleman and insights into the brain and the impact of new experiences; your comments about art/creation and timelines; your stories about your relationship with Neil and what you do to keep it healthy... (I especially loved, "Do you want to be 'right' or 'happy?'" BRILLIANT. ) This is a wonderful THING, and I really look forward to more!


I have been ridiculously busy with.... LIFE, but I am so looking forward to listening within the next few days!! ^_^


The other day I have finally managed to relax, put a candle on, wear my nightgown and litening to the podcast. That was 4 nights ago. I remeber a felling of rigor and reinvigoration towards my body - muscles, bones and brain. I remember a warm, self empowering feelins given by your words and songs. I remember you were talking about the duet with Jasmine about Mr Weistain. But after few days, I can't really remember what you were talkin about. No ideas tresured in my memory. No story kept to become an anecdote. Why is that? is it just me? I am left with warm feelings and no story - is that bad?

Len Tower Jr.

a different presentation and/or a different topic might have engaged you more. we're all different & unique -- not even Amanda can hit a home run for each of us every time.


Again, this is a wonderful thing. Somehow, whatever you are talking about: art, time, asking, you manage to say something important to me and very adequate in my life at the moment. I am especially grateful for that part about the relationships. I need to talk to or listen to wise women, questioning women, intense women, who are in a long term relationship and are not reluctant to admit it's hard work and not always pretty. It sounds like a cliche to say that to you by now, but it makes me feel less alone in my troubled, difficult, beautiful longterm relationship, currently for two years on the verge of breaking up, and somehow never going over that edge. And no, I didn't cry. But I almost. Towards the end and the mention of a vision of a person one had 6 years ago... And the reflection about time... I needed them. So thank you. Again. Amazingly produced btw. Just so easy to listen to. I never lost my focus which happens often when I attempt to listen to podcasts. Want more. Also, the cover artwork. There is a part of me that wants a tattoo of that. Glorious in it's simplicity.


Really great podcast, very much enjoyed listening to it.


So, I finally circled back. I tried to talk myself out of making this Ulyssian contract, told myself the short story I've been working on would finish itself without it. Well, it's been more than a week, so I did the damn thing. I'm playing with my band four hours out of town and casually mentioned I'd have the story done by the time we left. Now the girls are demanding I read it on the drive. So challenge accepted, Amanda. I've got three days to finish learning our set, plan an anti-Kavanaugh protest I just got the permit for this morning, and finish my short story that is little more than a thinly veiled sci-fi metaphor for the injustice immigrants go through in America. For the record, I blame you. And I thank you. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you for the art and the podcast. I'm trying to tell the gals to get on here and support you so they can hear it, too. I think every one who is out there creating and feeling things needs more things like this podcast. It was a nice calming way to center myself after a week of heart ache and madness. Can't wait to hear the next one. <3


I loved the podcast. I like the way you interspersed music with interview with more lowkey interview with environmental sounds. I will say the intro felt a little .. like youre trying to create an atmosphere and that 'trying' is creating something .. less honest? I love you, over here, so I'm not trying to be rude xo Im trying to give feedback that lets you be freer! I realize an intro and outro, we're told it has to serve certain purposes, and for titles and relevant information its pretty rad, but I think it might be good for you to know that we'd probably be just as happy, or more so, if it was just you talking like a friend does to a friend. no pressure. no timing with the music. just you. just pure you. <3 all in all I did love it and am stoked for the next one and how this project grows :) so much love <3

Laura Wellner

I have listened to the podcast twice in the last two days while I've been sick with this crappy cold that's been going around (I coughed so hard yesterday my body hurts.) Laying low, keeping quiet, listening. Anyway...I loved it. It hit home in a big way because of my current art project The Book of Time, and just being a creative person, and the whole Otter/Dolphin thing. I was born an otter and have gone through the dolphin training the first half of my life, fearing that I've lost my otter self, and how it's taken me so long to be an otter again...never thought about it in those terms before, but yes, otters are fucking smarter than dolphins. Looking forward to the next podcast. Love n' hugs.


I listened to this while painting tonight and it. is. so. perfect. For me, it's the perfect blend of poetic, philosophical, brainy, and emotional. I can't wait to hear more! Thanks for making this!


Hear hear. Production values were good. Content was cohesive, yet elastic, and interesting, and relevant. Too many times discussions about art make me want to forcibly yank people's heads out of their bottoms, but this was not one of them. And as Anna says, it's so nice, so useful to hear people talk about trying to maintain a longterm relationship (20 year veteran and counting), it made me realise how little we do hear about it, in a constructive way. You just bumble along, making the same mistakes, wishing for guidance that isn't full of new age sh*t or pop psych. And connecting it all with the outside world, and real issues was refreshing. Good start!