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note, this is NOT an official thing. you won't be charged for this post.

hallo loves.

greetings from london, where i'm sitting in a cafe about to pick up ash from nursery, where he is "doing quite well but can you teach him another song?". apparently he is driving everybody in the nursery crazy by singing "LUCY IN DA SKYYY WIFF DIAMONDS" over and over at the top of his lungs. he knows a lot of songs - there's really nothing i can do.

i'm going to be catching up with y'all a lot in the next few days...i just landed here after an epic two weeks of non-stop work work work in massachusetts and vermont without ash, and i'm finally reunited with mr. dada and mr. small...i've missed them. 

since i'm heading away again in mid-september into child-free album-making-time for another few weeks, i'm going to try to clock as much ash-time as i can, and try to talk to you all. after the record's done it's all kid all the time until i tour in the spring.



here is, as promised, the SOUNDTRACK to Patreon Journal Vérité 001: "Rewired" film i made with michael pope.

if you MISSED THE FILM, it's so good, and you should go watch it. it's about 7 minutes long, and the response/comments are almost the best part. go to the original post HERE:

as i mentioned in the State of All Things - pope and i are so inspired by your responses that we'll start pondering a new vérit´e episode ASAP. i'll be coming to you for some input about ideas, it's really exciting. 


one of the things that excites me about doing these is the idea of composing AROUND and WITH the vérit´e journal entries - whether it's songs with words or just solo piano music, or beyond.

i grew up listening to soundtracks and instrumental music is a part of my DNA. i was always as excited thumbing through the movie soundtrack as i was any other: and some of my favorite records of all time (maybe i'll post a listicle later) have been TV/film soundtracks. 

and i really love writing, arranging and improvising instrumental music...but it's always been hard to figure out how to monetize that kind of work, and i've never wanted to get involved with hollywood and film projects. my half dozen forays into hollywood/TV-land/indie film projects have always resulted in a lot of wasted time, energy and money and at a certain point i was like: fuck this. i refuse to have 17 phone calls about anything ever again if it's not going to happen. i could spend that time making real art that people will actually hear. and talking shop with my friends (like zoe keating and ben folds, who've done it) about what it's like to work with giant hollywood film and TV engines and execs just confirms that the bureaucracy and admin and deadlines often takes precedence over the art itself.

so: another reason that i am so fucking happy this patreon exists.  


for this project, i wanted to compose pieces on a single theme at various tempos. i had come up with the theme a few days before, and i spent about a day writing and practicing a sort of structured improv. then i spent an entire day in the borrowed NYC apartment with a mobile engineer (steve mecca), tracking hour after hour of attempts to get the improvs just right. steve was incredibly patient and just recorded while i stopped and started and stopped and thought and re-started.

one of the things that i've gotten better at, i gotta say, is the ability to work with engineers listening. my "performative" head has gotten better at turning off and having no problems fucking up while someone's listening. as a performer and a perfectionist, that's one of the hardest things i've had to learn in my career. even the first dresden dolls album was a headfuck: i was like...what if i don't sing it perfectly? what if i don't get it right on the first take? HOW EMBARRASSING. 

nowadays i'm like: i'm paying you fuckers to record whatever i do. i give zero fucks if it takes me 67 tries to get it right. well, maybe i give SOME fucks. but far fewer fucks than i did when i was 24. that's my new punk band. The Fewer Fucks.

i'm learning.

anyway.....here's where i recorded. the loaned NYC apartment and piano was care of the filmmaker ari gold (if you haven't seen his films...i recommend "helicopter", a short film which you can watch for free on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAk0ep76WEg

and if you want to see a little video clip of me recording, here you go:



altogether, i probably recorded about two hours worth of piano music...but enough of it was stop-start and truncated enough that i'm not going to dump the whole mess on you....we narrowed it down to four tracks that can stand on their own and bear repeated listening...and i titled them:

1. Rewire Me

2. Her Stretch Marks Were Lightening Strikes of Life, Proving She Could Weather The Storm

3. Steady As She Goes

4. From The Inside Out


this is the streaming link ONLY....$3/download patrons, you'll get your download codes soon in a separate email. the downloads should hopefully be coming within the next 48 hours (the team is working to fix a hold up from wetransfer, the service we use to send you downloads of everything). hang tight. 

($1 people - if you upgrade your pledge anytime to $3+, you can access any and everything that the download tier has ever had access to, and you can flip through old posts that include downloads by using the download tag, which would be THIS: https://www.patreon.com/amandapalmer/posts?tag=download. so if you want downloads of these songs, you have time to change your pledge). 





as with any of these private / password-protected patron-only offerings, please don’t ever post this link on social media. but if you feel like someone needs this and isn’t a patron, send it to them. and it’s always nice to encourage them to become patrons when and if they can.


again, $3 patrons, download codes will be coming soon. 

(remember, you can update your email settings any time to make sure you get email notifications for all the posts i make by going to your patreon account email settings).

i love you all so much - without you, nothing.

thanks for you patronizing ways.



p.s. if you head over to my instagram (@amandapalmer) i've been posting some peeks of the photoshoot i just did for the upcoming album-season that i'll compile here on the patreon in a hot second, with a ton more stuff that i won't be posting to socials. it's amazing).


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




AH so beautiful, 'from the inside out' is running, silence and space, such beauty. 'Steady as she goes' there is a wash of sensations running through my mind, the breeze, grass underfoot, the steady intense gaze you held with the viewer. this soundtrack is so catharthic. thank you. just wow. And I love 'The Fewer Fucks" hahaha.:) my jar of fucks is empty there are no fucks. thank you xxxx


Ash is in nursery... where has the time gone?! I hope you are happy here in London Amanda, and the weather holds a little longer for you. Am looking forward to seeing the Dolls on my wedding anniversary/Halloween very much, and as ever, thank you for all the things 🦋


Sick. Dont wanna put a heart but i have an odd obligation to comment. Lawl. Ty u gr8

Laura Wellner

Sweetness! Love the instrumentals. They will make excellent listening while I'm painting, happiness!


So beautiful, peaceful, a little sad, perfect. It matches the weather here in the North of France this grey morning.


I just heared Philip Glass soundtrack "The Hours" before I listened to your "Rewired" soundtrack and it fits perfect! You captured my mood and "Rewired" is the dot on the i - I love it!


No seriously, if you make another band, can it be Fewer Fucks, or a blog AFP gives Fewer Fucks? It's perfect.


Yes! It just makes me happy. It's my goal. Not NO FUCKS, cause it's good to give a fuck about some things. Just LESS fucks. Specificity is our friend.

Janet in Georgia

He’s adorable. I haven’t listened yet but the ash singing that song struck a chord with me. When my daughter was around 3/4 years old ALLL she would sing was the Beatles. As seen in my user pic here is her with her yellow submarine Ringo doll. He’s her favorite. I have a few videos of her lip syncing the entire song “hey bulldog” and “it’s all too much” after the Beatles she moved on to Sinatra for a while. So you’re not alone out there with ash singing the Beatles all the time. Love, me.


Rewired hits so close to home, and its soundtrack is heartbreakingly beautiful. As I was loudly listening to it, my 4yrs old son felt that I was feeling all the feels and hug me for a huge chunk of time, while trying to sing to the melody and moving his feet along. It was beautiful and I sent you a big, warm loving thought.

Len Tower Jr.

some nursery mates have no taste … ; - }

Dorraine Baines

I'm already in love with this.