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(public post)

hallo loves and good morning. 

i spent all last nignt spontaneously at club cumming on the lower east side singing musical theater songs with lance horne. i am happy as fuck. 

singing happy birthday to seeet jonathan...that’s lance on piano and me on bra (he didn’t warn me or i would have brought a decent shirt to nyc. at least i had eyeliner in my bag)

there were lots of strong words against trump on stage. so many queers in NYC have fought for so much. people are PISSED. 

you can do wonder with one eyeliner 

and also 

i needed to share this rant with you that i just posted to FB/twitter and instagram as well. 

what kind of a fuck-up world are we living in where i get “called out” on facebook for practicing “positive discrimination” for encouraging women of color to respond to an extras call for a video shoot so that we don’t have a cast of entirely white women. i gotta say.

i’ve been shooting videos for a long time & i really try to diversify the genders/races/sizes of the actors and dancers in my shoots, because look what is happening in this country. i’d love to not be part of the goddamned problem. people watch my videos. kids watch my videos.

given how (even more) racist/divided this country is becoming under trump, if i’m gonna make a video with a huge cast of women you can bet your ass i am going to try my hardest to reach outside of my predominantly white network and go out of my way to cast as many WoC as i can.

we’ve had a hundred submissions and they are 95% from white gals. and i mean, look at me, look at my fan base. it’s seriously white and always has been. it’s not something i’m ashamed of. like attracts like and i’m a white woman from fuckin suburban massachusetts singing my pain.

but here’s the thing: i KNEW i would probably get shit for specifically asking WoC to respond to this call. i paused. i was like “ughhh people are gonna give me shit”. and i did it anyway. that pause feels like everything that’s wrong with the internet and this country right now.

so fuck that pause, and fuck the forces trying to curb the flow of sloppy progress (its always sloppy) and don’t forget to do what you feel is right even if some folks are gonna yell at you on facebook. and THE DEADLINE FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS IS 11:59pm tonight.

and we are shamelessly looking for women of color. because we can. so we are. 

spread the word. 



i cant wait for this fucking shoot. 






I look to you constantly for ways to be more inclusive and kind, I think it's clear that your gesture was understood by 99.999999% of those who read it and I hope you don't let the kick in the shins get to you. I know you didn't post this for applause, but I wanted the voices of approval to be so loud that they remind you how much we appreciate you. We're all flawed; at least you are trying with blood and sweat and teeth to be better, and encouraging all of us to keep trying the same. Thank you.


Amanda, I think you make a number of progressive causes palatable for people who have never really thought about this stuff before. I often think of you as a bit of a bridge to help bring people to progressive ideas that otherwise would never have engaged. It means there are inevitably a whole lot of privileged folk in your audience that are still very much at the 101 level of understanding their privilege. So it's inevitable that you'll cop a lot of this kind of shit - but it means you are reaching people! None of us got to our level of understanding without pain and the patient explanations of others - especially those less privileged than us. As a privileged white women, I am constantly in the process of developing my understanding. So when you cop this kind of shit, just smile and think "These are the people who really need to hear what I've got to say".


Seriously, people objected to that? Most major employers have been encouraging people of color to apply for open jobs for, like, 40 years now! Good for you!


I live in South Africa where white women are a minority group. And where we face all kinds of criticism about race. You are doing a fantastic job. In a conversation about race, somebody will always disagree for whatever reason their personal framework has developed for them. Keep doing what you do the way you do it. The world is thirsty for you message. You know you are getting it "right" when the haters hate. When they do, shut out their negative unproductive noise, and hear the legions who cheer you on. I believe you hold some very important keys about perceptions that we world needs to hear. Again and again. You cannot say it too many times. I love everything that you stand for. You are re-imagining a place for woman-kind in the new reality. Don't let them stop you or slow you down. Let their negativity be your rocket fuel.


FUCK THOSE ASSHOLES! You do the thing. Do all the things.


I just adore you. All of it so good! ❤️👏


Keep being you, Amanda! 💕


Amanda, I’m disappointed in this post. Using the race card to get more attention, sharing and likes is a big no no from me. And yes, I am non-white (and a fan and Patron). ONE person made a fleeting comment on that post and you used that and this post for attention as you blew it up into something it wasn’t. I can understand if several people commented about it but they didn’t, one person did, that’s all. This post however received much more dialogue of hundreds of comments across the different social media platforms, and I think you knew that it would. It feels like you’ve used the colour of my skin as bait. (Side note: What is with this “person of colour” thing?? I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing - I’m British, people wouldn’t say that here without appearing racist/insensitive - but I had to google what PoC meant last time this blew up in the Patreon Facebook page and I am one of “them”! There’s so many things wrong with that terms it’s ridiculous. And I’m not one of these people who says everything must be politically correct but really “person of colour”?!)


I am reasonably sure your verbiage is similar to EOE (Equal Opportunity Employer) job listings and you wanted to encourage participation. Christ.


Good luck ❤️


Thats funny. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Oh well, you walked into it. You said you knew as you paused you'd get shit. Then again... if your fanbase is predom. white, how did WoC hear about it... iff thats who objected.


Rant noted! <3