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hey loves.

love from a coffeeshop in islington, thursday, 2:30 pm. it was raining in london, now the sun is out, it'll go away again. i'm on my second cortado.

the release of "mr weinstein will see you now" is still rolling along and the press is just starting to come out. the song is finally up on spotify and itunes - it was a little late squeezing into the cloud. it's there now, go add, share, see. those of you on my mailing list (hopefully all of you, and if you ain't on it, get on it HERE) will see that the official e-mailing about it is about to hit your inboxes as well. that mailing goes out to about 160,000 people as opposed to this little patreon list of 11,000 hardcore folk. i use the mailing list sparingly. YOU, however, i pester constantly! HAVE YOU NOTICED?

here are some of the highlights....it was pretty awesome to NOT do a "legit" press release and just see who came out of the woodwork to talk to cover it, and what they're writing:

in The Pool (UK):

Amanda Palmer’s “Mr Weinstein Will See you Now” is the beginning of a new era for #MeToo" https://www.the-pool.com/news-views/opinion/2018/21/caroline-o-donoghue-on-amanda-palmer-mr-weinstein-will-see-you-now 

in refinery29:

Why Amanda Palmer Wrote A Song Called "Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now" https://www.refinery29.com/2018/05/199968/amanda-palmer-song-mr-weinstein-will-see-you-now 

and this one, from a patron here, aimsel:

Amanda Palmer & Jasmine Power release scorching, triumphant “Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now” https://aimselontherecord.com/2018/05/23/amanda-palmer-jasmine-power-release-scorching-triumphant-mr-weinstein-will-see-you-now/ 


is it on fire?

hell no. it's just smoldering, wending it's way through the internet, the way my weird material usually does.

reading the comments all over the place from women (and men) who've suffered abuse and been in positions like the one painted in the song is enough for me. you can reach some of the people all the time (like, when you have a patreon :), and you can reach all the people some of the time (like, when you blow up a school), but you can't make the whole world listen to a weird cinematic song about the #MeToo movement. 


after sitting my ass in a chair all afternoon to manage the release of the song...and after a few visits to the swings....

...i went to see ben folds in london last night, by accident.

someone at one of the secret patron parties tipped me off to the fact that he was playing...it's so stupid, we were at the same festivals (bath, and norwich,  back to back in some cases) and it didn't fucking occur to me to see when his london show was, because of COURSE he was doing one.

so i dumped everything last night and walked over to the barbican (where i'd never been! what a frightening pile of cement! i get that it's historic and amazing but holy fuck do i hate brutalist architecture so much!)...he was playing in a concert hall that fit about 1,200 people. 

just him and a concert grand piano on stage. and after having a ben hug and a long and painfully necessary chat with his sound guy, leo, about how hard it's been to deal with different-sounding pianos on this UK solo tour because the venues have all been providing different microphones....i got a fat glass of wine and i sat there and watching him slaughter that piano with his ben-folds-style songs and my head spun up and down and around with the fact that he and i are so, so similar and yet so different. ben had just bought himself a new belt and it was too big to fit him. he's skinny. he looked around for leo, who's not so skinny. he figured he could give the belt to leo.

it always amazes me that my fans usually have no idea who ben is, and i bet you'd have been hard-pressed to find more than a dozen people in that room of 1,200 people who could name you a single amanda palmer song. 

and yet, and yet, ben and i love each other's songwriting and are pure art-comrades and really respect and dig each other. why is that?

sometimes i don't understand the world.

if you don't know ben's stuff, listen to "brick" (his song about teenage abortion which was a hit in the 90s on MTV. yes, you heard me correctly, his song about teenage abortion which was a hit in the 90s on MTV.).

and then up the tempo and listen to phone in a pool and song for the dumped. and then listen to the luckiest and try not to cry. it's basically the bed song with the meaning switched around. but fuck.

i also sent ben this text. i also finished up the song we started writing backstage. it's only like 12 seconds long. i'm gonna send it to you bonus content fuckers because you deserve it.

it's true.

he wrote back that he feels the same way. not that i'm a better piano player (we both know the answer to that question) but about how he wished he could spend time on his craft instead of touring around all the time and playing things he's written over and and over again: but that's what pays the bills. i haven't bugged him yet to start a patreon. he'd CRUSH it. but it would make him cranky.

i thought a lot about songs. thought a lot about my tour next year and what i want to do if all i have is 2.5 hours on stage and i want to pack in 7 years worth of stories, sometimes telling them to people who've never met me or seen me. what i'm allowed to do. what's just too much. 

ben's stories were really good, and he measured everything out just right (he also did a few fantastic stunts including playing drums for about 2 minutes and getting the audience to become a perfect choir)...

i covered ben's song "brick" when i was at the norwich festival, in honor of ben having played on the same piano the night before...

and also in honor of the abortion referendum in ireland coming up.

it's a really hard thing for people to write about, and the fact that it was ben's crossover mainstream hit in the 90s is still kind of amazingly mindboggling. i mean: a teenage songwriter writing about his experience taking his teenage girlfriend to get an abortion. 

i introduced it for what it is: fucking important. 

speaking of all that....i will be in conversation with Laurie Penny at the International Literature Festival Dublin this SATURDAY, MAY 26th. laurie is a kick-ass feminist firebrand writer who supports her life and work HERE ON PATREON which in itself is pretty awesome....she's got over 600 patrons fueling her ability to go rogue and write the kinds of things she wants for the kind of outlets she wants.

we'll be talking about the state of the feminist union, especially right on the heels of the referendum...which is the day before.

here's more info on the show....it's at the RDS concert hall at 8 pm.

i'll try to grab someone to stream it to FB or periscope it (do you guys have a preference?)

AND, for you dear patrons....i have a sizeable guestlist for this one (they've given me like 30+ seats) and want to give tickets to patrons to attend. 

you can request a **single** ticket below, one per patron, please. make your request before 12pm BST friday, the day before. we'll email you to confirm your spot. it should work out.


if you're in ireland i'm pumping my fist in the air for all of you getting ready to go out and vote. seeing the #hometovote thread on twitter today literally brought me to tears (go check it out) - women (and men) flying home to ireland from all over the world, moving mountains to get to that voting booth. i'm kinda crying just writing this. it's so phenomenal, watching change happen in realtime, watching people exercising their political power. fuck.

i'm working on a special set for my ACTUAL DUBLIN CONCERT, which is my last solo show until EDINBRUGH (where i've also added two shows on august 9 &10th).....i'm going to pull out all the stops either way the vote goes. there are still a handful of tickets left for the gig, which is at the national concert hall on MAY 28th at 7:30...with andrew o'neill opening up for the last time on this tour...

you can get tix for dublin and edinburgh here: http://amandapalmer.net/shows/ 

and please let people in dublin know that there are still a hundred or so seats left, the venue is HUGE....

i think that's it.

i love you.

i'm tired.

i'm grateful for my patreon.

more than usual today.

here is where it's at mofos.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Firstly - thank you for covering Brick at Norwich Gig and in fact all the things you played


Secondly - thank you even more for the gigs on Monday and(even though i couldn't make that as well) Tuesday. Thirdly - for whisking me away to your secret rooms on Monday - it was beautifully weird and wonderful. and Fourthly - i forgot to tell you that you are not the only one who has seen their offspring fall in slow motion and i have had to take one with a cracked skull to hospital from such a fall but its all happy now and soon she will have one of her own to watch out for slow motion falls. Much love.


I am a lover and song namer of both Ben Folds and Amanda Palmer. I recorded a cover of Brick as a duet with my gonna-be ex-husband years ago. It was always such a great story of a song. It makes me cry a little every time I hear it. Now, a little more because of associations...

Laura Wellner

I did open up my morning with Mr. Weinstein, turned up in the gallery...it soared beautifully. I posted about it on both of my blogs tonight. <a href="https://laurajwryan.wordpress.com/2018/05/24/mr-weinstein-will-see-you-now-the-song/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://laurajwryan.wordpress.com/2018/05/24/mr-weinstein-will-see-you-now-the-song/</a> and <a href="http://laurajwryan.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://laurajwryan.tumblr.com/</a> It's been a long day. I should be tired. I'm not. I'm on vacation. (Finally.) I can sleep in (I won't.) The only place I'm going to go to will be my garden. After the garden, I'm going to sit on the front porch and watch the world go by...or write or something fun, whatever whim hits me. Love Ben Folds, both of you have been floating on my playlists for a long time, and I found it very sweet that you guys know each other. Good night. Sleep tight.


Thank you. As always, you inspire and bring me more to be inspired by... still in SI, in a non profit gig, that supposedly helps homeless. With these resources best i offer is smile. Will be digging through old music this week while packing.


Ben's "You Don't Know Me" duet with Regina Spektor is one of my faves.


The fact that they still have marches in Ireland celebrating a slaughter from 1690 with such fervour shouldn’t surprise anyone that the other half want to control women’s bodies with outdated beliefs! It’s a possibility that being an island with isolated pockets has them living in a land that time forgot!

Róisín O'Connor

Thank you for the tickets!!!! Dublin 75% Yes! x Finally, Irish women getting out from under the Catholic boot heel. I feel the energy of it. x


Ben Folds has long been top of my favourite acts to see live list (the others being Erasure, The Divine Comedy, Rufus Wainwright, The Wonder Stuff &amp; you). It always amazes me how tuneful the crowd sounds when he gets the audience to sing in harmony together. Going to see him at the Barbican tonight and can't wait! So many favourite Ben Folds songs for people who want an introduction besides "Brick", but "Fred Jones part 2" has always made me cry (particularly the live version on "Ben Folds Live")... Loving Mr Weinstein more the more I listen to it...

Jemima Louise Johnson

When I heard that you/AFP had covered Brick I was like wow I used to listen to that album ALL THE TIME but it had disappeared via a dead computer - it's probably been 'borrowed' and in my sister's cd collection now. I did not know that the song was about an abortion but that makes a lot of sense come to think of it. Anyway it got me on the spotify streaming it and I remember so many words - where do all the lyrics live from decades ago?! How is there room in my brain for anything else? So thanks for the reminder that Ben Folds is awesome and now I can go and get back on that shit. Also Barbican Centre (and the rest of the South Bank): I know what you mean! I got taken there all the time as a kid and it is so sprawling and dehumanised but I kind of love that in a way. It's so bizarre and formalised that no one would ever design buildings that way for humans to actually LIVE in and ENJOY themselves. So it sort of emphasises that the whole place is for ART. You are in an ART SPACE. And that is kind of gratifying. Plus I love how the skateboarders have taken over their little section and covered the horrid cement in colours and noise and fun.


My life hasn't touched this subject at all. This may sound trite, but seeing the film "Dead Man Walking" was really important to me, as was reading the book by Sister Helen Prejean. Don't have time to read the book? The film is a staggerer.


OMG, Amanda, thank you for pointing me to Ben, he is almost as incredible as you are. Believe it or not, I never hear about him (I guess I'm too young). BTW. Your song is so amazing and touching. I am so glad you made it. It is really important to talk about this more and more. I can't believe how some men are and sometimes I feel ashamed for them, like I'm not one. There are so many women (including my close friends and family) who has been assaulted. It happens all the time. Everywhere. And no one talks about it. Thank you that you do. I'm sending you a lot of love. PS: I'm attaching my favorite statement from Emily Autumn: Even if you're only a boy you can fight like a girl &lt;3