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HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for the overwhelmingly awesome feedback about "bigger on the inside", i'm so glad you love it as much as i loved making it. zoe says thank you, too. we love you. this is starting to feel like an incredible family. a reminder: i'm going to bust out the first patron-only webcast tomorrow ! it's for EVERYBODY who's a patron, from $1-up, even though the general rule of thumb is that the webcasts are for the $10+ backers...this is a HELLO AND WELCOME party for all!! i have surprises planned...ironing my kimono, neil is swinging by, i'm bringing a ukulele, i'll take questions, pull up chat pals, and possibly even blow your minds with a special guest (working on it). TUNE THE FUCK IN!!!!!!!! 2 pm, PST (west coast time) LIVE from the patreon office in san francisco . here's the link... http://www.spreecast.com/events/amanda-palmer-at-the-patreon-office if you MISS It because you're working/in another time zone/etc... it WILL BE ARCHIVED for a very limited time - will send that link when we have it. AND AND AND --- if you're on twitter - i'll be taking over the @patreon twitter feed for a spell right before the webcast to warm everything up!! about 1:30... LOVE from the bay area.... afp


Amanda Palmer at the Patreon Office

Spreecast on 2015-03-11 14:00:00 -0700 created by Patreon - Patreon's Channel - Come hang out!



Yesssssssssssss... Fuck that desk job. I'm leaving early!


Wish I could attend live. Thanks for archiving!!


Yay! I can't wait! Thank you for including everyone on this one. <3


Amanda, your enthusiasm is so beautifully contagious! I seriously love you! :D Carpe da fuck out of this Patreon! :D hope to be able to catch you up tm, since I am also on the West Coast. Will just need to plan a break...(currently translating a book about 12 amazing Buddhist women of the West, kickass chicas! :)) Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Oh thank you for archiving this--I've been sad all week because I will be at work & I thought I would miss it. Now I'm happy I'll still get to see. :) Just made my week.


Going to try to be there via the shoddiest hot spot that Time Warner offers (they are all shoddy) but I'm glad there will be an archive just in case.


Hey, AFP! So excited to be a part of this! Very uplifting and inspiring to be building your future. You are amongst friends here. <3 Say what you want to say, do what you want to do, and I just want to be around while you CREATE!


just noticed this will be at 5am in my time zone TT___TT maybe i'll just watch the archived version... maybe i'll just skip sleeping :)


Question: for anyone who can answer.. I pledged the $3 level. I was leery of doing $10 level because I didn't know how often things would come out, and I didn't want a surprise month where 5 things got released or something. I can afford $10 a thing.. if there are only a thing or two a month. I also like the idea of the webcasts.. so I am a bit torn. Suggestions?


I am SO gutted im gonna miss the first live webcast D: i'll catch up with it once i'm home, but i fear it won't be quite the same. Sods law that i rarely go out but the one time i do i'll miss out! Hopefully i'll be able to catch you next time. Have FUN! And exchange hugs on my behalf xx


Same time zone, Milena. 5 am in Bali. But I'm really going to make an effort. Where are you?


ahaha it'll be actually 6 AM here, bad math. Japan :)


With regards to your fans " getting it" they do. I had a conversation with a local artist whom I have supported a lot through Kickstarter , buying 100 cd's to give away , fixing the bands car. Well the lead singer says to me today I cannot believe how much you have supported oh can I repay you ? I to her the repayment comes in the form of being free and happy and stress free ( of less stressed) to produce magical music and art. We do get it. And your fans sure do. Keep on producing


Hey, good. (Daylight savings ended). I stayed on for 45 mins. Time zone wasn't the problem, but Indonesia's shabby little bandwidth WAS. Will watch it without holes later...


Thank you so much for not only including everyone but also for keeping the video up so I could watch when I got home from work!!!