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HEY GUYS. holy shit. i mean...yeah. wow. first of all, and most important: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. thank you for doing this massive two-way trust fall with me. i am as nervous as i am excited. you probably are too. HOW IS THIS GOING TO WORK? we're gonna find out. DUDES, HOW AMAZING IS THIS, THOUGH??????????????? i won't ramble, this being my first post here, and all, but....one more time....man. thank you. i expected this to be wonderful but the fact that this has hit almost $20k in two days is making me muppet flail. i'm making this post public because, why not. soon i'll be taking them to private-land. and off to the races we will be. first big news: i'm gong to release my FIRST piece of content NEXT WEEK. i'm aiming for ealy in the week, so keep a lookout. i'm also planning to GO to the patreon offices on wednesday (the 11th) when i'm in san franciso and do a WEBCAST FOR ALL PATRONS ((from $1 right on up). $10 level people, don't freak out, you'll get your specialness. but i thought it would be a nice gesture for EVERYBODY (including the 1, 3 and $5 backers, so they can get a taste of the vibe in the patreon office....and the patreon folks. and i hope you $10+ folks don't mind if i occasionally open up the webcasts to everybody here on patreon, and occasionally to the public. sometimes it just makes sense.) second big news: EVERYBODY IS ASKING FOR A $50 package. i'm fucking stumped. i need something to offer. please hit me with ideas here....it needs to be something greater than the webcast and lesser than the time it takes to create physical things for the $100-level people. i've been chewing this for two days now. lost. help? and: business time!! you $100 & $1000 (wtf?) backers can expect to get messages from me soon. i expect that some of you may want to cash in on your guest-list privileges on the upcoming tour of the states (i'm hitting vancouver, DC, atlanta, birmingham, raleigh, new orleans, richmond, dallas and austin: http://amandapalmer.net/shows/). i'm excited to meet y'all...i'll also be getting your emails collected so i can get your mailing addresses and such and be in touch with you direct. thank you guys for being so generous. i was thinking of you today during a twitter exchange i had with a college kid who was telling me that he was a huge fan but broke and in college and felt really guilty that he couldn't back. i told him he was missing the point: the content was for EVERYBODY, and there are some pretty well-off mofos out there covering him...and when he's out of college and one of those well-off mofos himself, he'll help me (or some other artist) and...it comes around. so thanks for being those well-off mofos. HERE WE GO, YO. x x a



156 Highland Avenue. THE AMANDA PALMER SPEAKEASY @ CUISINE EN LOCALE featuring special guests PWR BTTM (https://www.facebook.com/PWRBTTM666) Doors: 7:00 all ages tickets on sale: Feb 13th at 12:00 NOON EST



Really really happy to be part of the family. It does feel like that to me, to know all these wonderful people are happy to support Amanda makes me warm and fluffy inside. Geography can't separate us either so a big hug and hello everyone from Southampton UK.


What you told that college student is exactly my thinking about this. I'm supporting you as much as I can afford to because I want you to be able to create things and put them out on your own terms. I trust you as an artist implicitly. Also it wasn't so long ago that I was listening to copies of your music as a student that I got from friends. (I've since paid you directly for that.) I'm excited to see how this experiment goes!


Hello! Your songs really really help me through bad times and I wanted to give something back to you. :) Also, I'd like to ask if you if you would, someday, come to brazil (sao paulo) for a gig =^.^= there are a good amount of people here that also admire you and your work :)


Patreon is an incredible idea, and I'm thrilled that this has come now - because this is the first time in my life I've ever been able to afford more than, like, a $1 pledge capped at $3 a month, or something. I'm especially glad to do this because God knows I owe you the money and the support. I'm twenty-five now, but I was fourteen when I first found the Dresden Dolls. You got me through some shit, you know. I shoplifted Yes, Virginia because I was so desperate to own it and me and my best friend, also crazy, also really not at all mentally well at that time, sat up till dawn smoking and talking and crying and just listening to the two Dresden Dolls albums over and over, alternating, one after the other all night long. I once won one of your Twitter competitions to get on the guest list for your gig that night. I'd been in a pretty bad way that day, practically suicidal, and - anyway, I'm just saying, I owe you. And the only reason I'm paying you back at $10 a thing is that there's no way I could afford to go higher.


For the $50 tier--which I can't afford, but aspire to--maybe patrons could skip to the front of signing lines. (You could email them a golden ticket!) I also love the idea of more "backstage" content...more art-in-progress...more "See Amanda's process." Oh, or even "Special access to the Things that didn't work." I'm always curious about songs that never get sung or get significantly changed. (Remember how everyone at the MLPS house party wanted to hear the bridge that got rejected?)


Go you. We're all in.


I'm a $100 tier donor and have no problems with you including as many other tiers as you want when you post on here. My pledge is to help you create more music...art...love to share with the world. Just as you said to the college student guy, those of us who are able to pledge are helping those who can't. With the patron's help, you are able to create and those creations will be shared with other (non-Patreon) people in due time. I'm not just doing this to get stuff for myself (though that is a kickass bonus - see how I say "just") .


I chose to support you because I want access to the Things. I chose to support you at the $10 level because that's the maximum I can commit to at this point in my life. I would support you at the $50 level if I could, without any extra incentives. I do appreciate the "insider" access at the $10 level, of course, but if I could pay more just to watch you break down the walls of the norms, the status quo, the "way it's done," and all the other stale, static, stagnant ideas that not only limit artists, but limit EVERYONE. I would be willing to bet that the people who want to give you $50 just want you to shut up and take their money! ;) But, in the spirit of what you are doing here, I offer the following suggestion: Offer the $50 folks a one-time, one-of-a-kind, personalized piece of art. This is similar to the regular personalized post cards / notes / doodles you have promised to send the $100 backers, but I understand that those postcards / notes will be ongoing, whereas this would be a single shot mini-Thing. Less than $100 backer, but that extra incentive to set it above the $10 backers. Receiving a personalized mini-Thing from AFP, in addition to all the previous tier incentives, would be amazing. At least, that's what this fan-girl would want, if ever she could afford such a tier...

Nathan Maingard

This is the totally coolest thing ever ever, well done Amanda.


Damn, I keep looking for the "like" button...anyway great idea! Only other thing I could think of was maybe let someone (random drawing?) at the $50 level come up with a "theme" or "subject" for a future project whether it be a story, rant, song...be part of the brainstorming behind the scenes maybe?


Hi there Jennifer! Nice to see you here too :-) Amanda...Jennifer gifted me The Art of Asking, in return for my finished painting that had you hid in the tree...you might remembers , I don't know...but it's on my Patreon feed :-) the net tightens x


I have had the sudden drop from being a well-off mofo who would love to be supporting higher to a disabled unemployed mofo counting on a dodgy government for help! I have just budgeted you in after rent and food but before gas and coffee. I have explained this just so that you know how important you are and how much your art and your love of life matters! I have been a fan from back in the DD days and own pretty much everything you have ever released so I just couldn't not be a patron! Thanks to all the well-off mofo's who are doing the heavy lifting for me while my back is broken! For your $50 tier you could make something arty and beautiful and topographical based on a quote from your book and have numbered signed prints of the poster as a one off celebration of their support?


I'm loving this whole adventure and don't really want anything in return but your undying love and devotion. Just kidding. Don't need the devotion.


Hello, Jill! It was great being a part of that llittle swap and have first row seats to the artistic experiment that followed. I'm in love with your painting and am searching for a frame.


Personally I would rather have Amanda pouring her energy into creating art rather than fretting over reward formats. I don't begrudge supporters on the higher tiers getting more stuff, quite the opposite. I'm grateful that they are helping me support an artist who is very important to me. I can't do enough on my own. I chose the $5 tier, capped at $50. I plan on adjusting the cap each month, depending on how tight my budget is at the time. I doubt I'll be able to contribute $50 EVERY month. Likewise, I feel confident in my ability to commit to a minimum of $5 EVERY month. To make it easier on Amanda, instead of making her commit time away from making Art and devoting it to Rewards and/or brainstorming new Rewards, How About This: Each time Amanda makes a Reward for the $100 supporters, she makes one one extra and sends it to a random $50 supporter. Other than this special lottery feature, the $50 tier is just like the $10 tier. This would require less hassle for Amanda and is more comparable with her personal philosophy of breaking down the barriers that isolate her from her fans. I don't just want to be happy to be here, I wants the building and maintainence of this place to provide as much fun and happiness for Amanda with the least amount of suckage possible. To paraphrase something I read a wise artist write once: "I'm picky about the way I'm loved. I don't want to be loved because I give an artist MONEY. I want to be loved because I'm a dumb fan of a rockstar somewhere who I want to help make happy."