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(strictly patron-only)

hallo loves.

ok, biz first....BRIGHTON, UK, tickets are going on sale JUST TO Y'ALL PATRONS starting tomorrow morning, wednesday, 21st feb at 10 am GMT. links and info way below....and as for the "more UK dates coming" there's JUST one... i will  be in NORWICH and announcing the exact location on 28th feb. sorry for all the secrets. it's the classic tour runaround. but that's IT. all the dates (besides poor norwich) are here

i just wrapped six days in the studio, grueling over a hot piano and mic...

for those of you who came to the cape town show - THANK YOU, goddamn, that was amazing. i need to play wineries more often. free wine!! and look at the view out of my dressing room...even ash was impressed. 

it was big but felt intimate, and i've missed being on stage like that....it's been a while since it was just me and a piano. i tried a new song. i think it's good. i made a demo and i'll thing it soon.

well...okay.....and everybody else. i wound up bringing FOUR guests on stage, three of them at the last minute. first was neil, who read one of his calender-tales (october). he wasn't last-minute. he's always very funny about going on stage with me because he always sort of pretends he doesn't want to and then gets very excited at the last minute and i'm like "you don't have to do anything, just if you feel like it, dude" and then he runs around going *eeee!!!! amanda is making me do this, WHERE IS MY BOOK!? WHERE ARE MY GLASSES!!! oh dear oh dear what shall i read?? eeeeee* and it's really honestly the cutest thing you've ever seen. 

i've been hanging out with the author lauren beukes since we got to town and she's just amazing (if you haven't heard of her books, start with zoo city or the shining girls)...and not just because she has the best park and cafe recommendations and because she brought over all the children's books her 9-year-old daughter has grown out of (and now ash is obsessed with one of the books about a mermaid who gets kidnapped by the circus and he runs around going MAID! MAID! MAID!! when he wants us to read it to him but honestly that's not nearly as sketchy as when he runs around yelling RAPE! RAPE! when he wants a grape which just really hopefully comes to an end soon). anyway: lauren came on stage and read a letter, and it was feminist AF and gorgeous. 

i'd met this amazing cape town performer nate maingard on twitter (of all places) and i asked him to hop up with his guitar and he played some BEAUTIFUL songs for the crowd, who were mostly unfamiliar with him because you wouldn't necessarily pair our music in the same bin. but fuck that...he just killed it and was a beam of love on stage, and if you're looking for a good solid, sweet-tempered, love-loving south african songwriter to support on patreon, i got your man. he's on here! go give him some love....https://www.patreon.com/natemaingard 

but the ultra-highlight of the night (and one of the ultra-highlights of my whole trip, besides living in a town that feels like a movie set)...the MC/hip-hop firecracker patty monroe. she came into my life by accident only a week ago like a bullet-star from the blue...we collaborated on stage playing her song "fighter" and it was so so so good. 

(photo by awelani mudau)

then we went into the studio for the whole day yesterday and tried to capture it on tape (well, on pro tools) with the gorgeous yamaha. people, it's SO POWERFUL. and so different and so unlike anything i've done....and i'm gonna (if all goes goes goes) thing it ASAP, hopefully right at the beginning of march. hold tight. here's us fucking around before a take in the studio:

(this clip is an unlisted link for patrons)

i'm about to get on a plane to go to joburg...i'll see a lot of you there.

them i'm headed home and i'm going to keep writing, and writing. new things. and and writing and writing to you.

i goddamn love you all.

i have more reflections of south africa but not now...i need more time, and right now, dinner awaits. i have one last night with neil and ash before i don't see either of them for 11 days.... :(



brighton info!!!!

at the Dome Concert Hall (Brighton Festival)

each year the quirky-dirky Brighton Festival “is a celebration of music, theatre, dance, circus, art, film, literature, debate, outdoor and family events - taking place in venues both familiar and unusual across Brighton & Hove for three weeks every May.” ALSO PARADES which ash is very excited about. this year it's being curated by very fancy arty guest director david shrigley. it's going to be a beautiful time....if you're not familiar, you can read more about the annual fest on their site, here:

the patron presale is at the link below starting at 10am GMT WEDNESDAY feb 21st, no password needed:

tickets go on sale to the public on friday, feb 23rd at 9am GMT (local time). tickets for general public are at a different link - as always, http://amandapalmer.net/shows will have all the info for public ticket sales.


---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:


(No title)



Worked for me,amanda palmer playing norwich,i cant wait for this as i finally get to see her near where i live,also going to bath and brighton gigs,happy days.


A beautiful post from you! jealous!!! I pray u come to Florida one day close enuf 4 me 2 c u!!! I rarely get to see any shows and Sunday I went to a small theater in Ft. Laudrdale 2 c a Puddle's Pity Party show! I laughed. I sang out loud! I even got all emotional and wet eyed at some points! Amazing entire audience response to this guy with his act and bravado singing voice! I hope to feel that way when i eventually see u perform! Stay healthy! Your ardent new manboy fan, Reet.


Im on patreon FINALLY because CT concert happened and was glorious plus got my bank card online payment sorted (finally) and so I did the thing. Amanda, every time I think about patreon and patronage I think of the book The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, hope you've read it, its wonderful- full of the things of artists and patrons amongst many marvelous other things. Also there is a description of the main character playing his instrument that made me cry. Your CT music show did all the medicine to my heart after a painfully buggered up day. Thank you.


You know how you are always asking what we like, and don't, etc.? It's stuff like this that I love, the glimpses into the real world life of family as artists. The caricature of Neil fumbling around, is he happy, is he on the spot? I love his books so much, to put a little more of the personality of the author behind the picture I have in my head is heart warming and priceless. And Ash looking out the window. He's just the sweetest thing. <3


Does anyone in the States ever do AFP vacations? There's no way I can make the Brighton Festival but it looks like so much fun... and it got me thinking that a group trip with AFP fans to see something overseas could be a lot of fun. Thank you Amanda for sharing everything!! I feel you on being apart from loved ones. My partner and I currently have overlapping business trips, and I think I've spent like 8 days with him in the last month. :(


So much joy! xxx

Liz Zee

Awww just got all the light beams of energised bliss xoxox shine on!


Just booked tickets for the Brighton show and feeling super excited


Thank you so much for your Cape Town show. That was the most magical and moving performance I've yet experienced. And thank you for your patience and kindness, and for staying so godsdamn late afterwards to sign all the things (my friends and I were the very last in the line, and it was so late, and Amanda was so exhausted that we felt guilty, but still she smiled, and signed, and we got to thank her and tell her that we love her and then leave her to get some well-deserved rest). I'd introduced my person to your music before, and he loved it, but I don't think he really got why I grok it so damn much until I took him along to the show. Now he gets it. In fact, he was so inspired by you and Neil that he wrote a short story for the first time ever the following day, and launched a Patreon account, and renewed his personal commitment to Making Good Art while not being afraid of the Art of Asking. So thank you, from both of us. I've been going through a bit of a dark time, and that show helped reinvigorate me. Thank you. Also, the new song was absolutely lovely, and I look forward to you recording it. Hope Joburg is good to you (and Joburg people, I'm jealous and excited for you! Enjoy Friday night's gig).

Skyeanna Malito

I laughed harder than I should at the grape thing. My three and a half year old calls noodles "noods" and so when we go out to our favorite Thai place she has a habit of chanting "need noods, need noods" over and over when the waitress comes.

Jerry Peckery

Ubiquity should pay you for advertising their access point in the window.