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(patron only)

{EDIT - it mostly worked!!! once justine got off the wifi and went to bed and the lag stopped...the platform is AMAZING!!!! i can't wait to webcast more. this is gonna be awesome).

HEY EVERYONE - just testing!! we have a webcast-tier webcast coming up on saturday and i figured i'd go for broke and see if this shit works for ALL YALL. IS IT WORKING?

i love you, i'm still reading through your 1,000+ comments from the other day, holy shit you guys wrote a lot.




ARE YOU THERE, PATREON? it's me, live, testing our webcast software [Patreon] - Crowdcast

Join ARE YOU THERE, PATREON? it's me, live, testing our webcast software [Patreon] on Crowdcast with your Patreon account.


Len Tower Jr.

i could see both you & hay hay!!!!!


Waaah! As usual, just missed you! But I will check in on Saturday. The archive looked good, especially at the end. 🧡❤️🧡


Neat! The replay is working well; I missed the email earlier. It's funny, though, because the chat stays live after the cast is over, and then folks are chatting with each other in real time but watching the replay out of sync. I am super duper excited that us non-facebookers might see more spontaneous stuff this way.


I watched the replay. Glad the system is working, but it seems like they need to beef up their bandwidth and/or quality settings, because it was pretty chunky, and sometimes skipped a bit. I'd also love to see earlier notification of when these would be happening. I'm not always able to check email during the day, so knowing a few hours in advance would be awesome so I could join in the fun.


I was able to view the replay. When the chat disappears it was really hard to get it back up. I couldn’t see how to add to the chat (but then it was a replay so...)


Kinda sad that I missed it, I thought it was this weekend, not today, I'm way the fuck in east coast canada, must have gotten the times mixed up. Thank you so much for the oppertinity, I'm a huge fan, have a signed copy of your book "The art of asking" and i love how free minded you are. Just thank you for everything <3


Didn't work for me, but I can try on computer later. Internet here sux, so that might be my issue.


My favorite things so far have been the animations, especially the one of the sleep talk, I had to drop down the the $3 their this year cause finances are a bit tighter, out of the ten plus pregnancies I have had in my nearly fourty years i have two healthy kids, miscarriages need greif time but I find I often run toward business only to be late low as well, be gentle with yourself, and working on what every brings you the most joy and that joy will flow through to all of us waiting and watching, and remember even though the trials of the womb can make you feel terribly lonely you are never alone you are part of a huge sisterhood that knows your aches and understand, and by sharing your truth we can feel less alone in our grief

Len Tower Jr.

billh showed up too!!!!


Ask and you shall receive, Amanda. <3


Whoops! Sorry for the super-long comment last time - sometimes when a thought comes to mind, I ramble and your post brought many a thought to mind. I'm not webcast tier but it sounds/seems exciting. Hope you're feeling better and all the best with the webcasting!