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(patron-only post - TICKET LINKS below)

hello my loves.

i'm still having a hard time. i'm sorry i haven't written in a while but i've still been in a pretty dark place, slowly recovering, and it's gonna take me another few days to emerge. it's weird, the patreon, because i still have thing-life and show-life moving along...i have shows to announce, and a podcast to put out, and a surprise cover song coming out later this month, and i have to write to you about them all and Do All The Things that i do when i put something out...put together artwork, write text explaining everything, keep the engines running and all that. but it's nice that i have such a direct line to you, because i don't gotta bullshit anybody. 

even though i'm saying "hurrah hurrah i'm coming to south africa", i'm saying it from bed. but goddamn it feels better than it used to. i remember being in the dresden dolls when i'd be in the depths of despair, and we would have whole albums coming out, or whole tours going on sale, and it was like i had three lives: The Real One Happening (hey amanda your lover just died in their sleep! you gotta deal!), The One On My Blog (where i could talk about "my friend dying", but not real talk about the lover part for fear that it would make people's lives complicated, but at least i could talk about grieving a death of a loved one) and then The Worky Promotional One (sitting down on the same day to write text saying "POLAND! THE DRESDEN DOLLS ARE COMING ON TOUR TO YOU!!!!" and mention nothing about the fact that i was between sobbing jags as i sat down to write).

i suppose that latter part of me still exists on social media. you'll notice that on facebook and twitter and so forth i won't be posting: HEY I AM IN A REALLY DARK PLACE & WOW ABOUT TO TOUR SOUTH AFRICA HOORAY, but at least here...i can. i feel, at this point, i must, because this particular portal - the patreon - has started to take shape as the place that is closest to The Real One Happening to Me.

i didn't really know the patreon was going to turn into this, that things were going to morph in this way.

i thought it was going to be a place for releasing material with constant financial support, i didn't think too hard about how my blog was going to morph into this safer, more personal place with what felt like a better, closer, conversation with all y'all. i didn't think a lot about anything, really, as usual. 

i am appreciating more than i could have imagined.

reading through all of your comments on the last post really helped me through a very rough time, and it's a constant reminder to me that the things really do come around. i haven't been creating anything, i've just been in hell, but somehow i've been floating on all of the love and goodwill that years of creating have floated to my doorstep. and it also keeps me inspired for the future to know that you're out there, reading, listening, caring, knowing that i'm going to take all of this dark and somehow, some way, transmorph it into something that will go back out into the universe in some way that might continue the conversation. i've never understood, until now, how much i need that to get through the dark. i mean, i knew. but, yeah. in the last few days i've been feeling that the floating-ring-life-saver that is the very possibility of Making Art From The Dark is what is keeping me from sinking, from drowning. and call me an egotistical artist, but having an audience for that art is the air inside said life-saver. if you weren't out there, the life-saver would be theoretical, imaginary, un-blown-up.

i promise that when i get back in action, i'll find better metaphors.


so with that, greetings from sarasota, where i am waving meekly from florida, where we are visiting helen, the same helen from "a mother's confession: a song with footnotes", who survived the warsaw ghetto and made ash a blanket with her old, old, beautiful hands.

next month she will turn 100, and we won't be here to celebrate with her (not that it would have mattered, she wrote a very helenesque letter to everyone in the family telling people to not be annoying and try to make a big deal out of her 100th birthday because she was tired and it would just make all this hassle for her and it was just a number and please could people just lay off and stop with the symbolism and just visit her whenever and for cry-eye please nobody throw her a surprise party or anything idiotic like that.

so we are here to just say hello and have an ash-visit and tell her how much we love her.

every time i see her i wonder if it'll be the last time.


and with THAT, i announce my south africa dates.

i came exactly three years ago for my epic house party (and it was epic) outside joburg...

and i swore i would come back. i'm coming back. neil and ash and i are going to be in cape town for the better part of february. if you're a patron in CAPE TOWN, PLEASE wave me down here in the comments and tell me where you're from, and what you do, and IF YOU WORK IN A GOOD COFFEE SHOP OR YOGA STUDIO or know about anything else that's going on in cape town...i'm keen to explore and hang out and meet and if there's enough of you in cape town i'll try to have a little patron-only coffee shop hang or park meet-up or whatever. 

while i was in joburg last time i did a huge ninja gig on a week's notice....1,000 people attended. 

photo by panchia photography 

it was a free gig, and i have no idea what kind of fans/sales/whatever i'm going to see when i hit these cities...it's always strange being me, with no album out, going to brand-new cities and putting shows on sale, not knowing what size venue to book and whether i'm going to get 200 people or 2,000. so as usual, if you're in south africa or have friends in south africa, PLEASE please spread the word about the gig.....i need you.

here's the details:

cape town
spier amphitheatre
february 17th
all ages


patron presale starts january 11th at 10am SAST time with the password justaride
public on sale starts at 10am SAST on january 12th

the fox junction
february 23rd
all ages


patron presale starts january 11th at 10am SAST time with the password justaride
public on sale starts at 10am SAST on january 12th

more soon.

reading the comments, as always.

i love you.



---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Hi Amanda <3 Sending hugs and stuff from Cape Town. Really amped for your show. A friend of mine has a coffee shop in Woodstock in Cape Town. I will just need to chat to her, but maybe something can happen there.


I was home alone recently and turned up Leeds United to jump around and shout-sing and de-stress; my husband's CT scan results came back NED from cancer on Friday. If I could bottle the feeling of relief and joy I had and send you some to sip to revive your spirits, I would. In lieu sending that bottle to say thanks for giving me that song to celebrate with - instead here are some words which perhaps you can savor, and have a sip of vicarious joy to tide you over during dark times.


Amanda, I have had to make a home in the darkness and I know my way around it intimately. In these moments when you hold out your fragile heart so that we can see the cracks I feel that I can see you most clearly by the love that shines out of you. I have nothing to offer but words, so please accept my humble poetic offering. So far away. In the cold slide of sheets on skin As you close your eyes to the night There is nothing of us We are not there to hold you Oh but we are with you now Softest of kind whispers Butterfly kisses and hope In the first morning breath The sharp ache in the lungs There is only the distance between Your life and ours Oh but we are with you now Every time you exhale We breathe in. In the words on the wire There is only interpretation No reality of contact or action To ground the truth of it all Oh but we are with you now Reaching across time To hold you within the dark In every moment of your life We are here for you in every way We are here for the hardest of times And we won’t go away Oh my friend, I am with you now Holding your hand as you weep I am with you…now. With much love, Katt.


HOW WE WISH we could make the darkness just GO AWAY. Of course we cannot, it comes as the earth turns. We in the USA have recently had to deal with the dramatic increase in the background radiation level of dread and terror, from our very own White House. People of Hawaii are the latest victims, and none of us know from day to day what insanity will issue from our president. I think keeping this in mind might be of some help. It help me, along with the "it could be worse" argument. Bleak, I know, but the light is there too. And the light, after all, is THE ACTUAL REALITY, while the darkness is real too, it represents an absence. Light lives in all our creations, our deeds, words, feelings and thoughts. Our brightest hope is that those things take their place in the universe and influence its unfolding for the better. We pass this along to our children as best we can.


My origin is in the darkness of the shadow, and my power is from there, too, and I am Warrior for the Light.


Its nice to know sometimes that we are not alone in the darkness. Light always finds us eventually its just a matter of holding on till it shines xoxox


This is me hugging you and sending you love. Whatever is happening, it will pass eventually, and we will all be here... now and when you feel more yourself. Trust your inner compass. It always knows the way. <3


Dear Amanda Palmer, here is a song for you, written by my niece. Please watch it :) xxx <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq3FR3Apf1s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq3FR3Apf1s</a>


Much love to you in this dark times! &lt;3


Hah! sorry, but I was just (as commented on your previous post) just playing catch up on blog and other reading and this is two posts in a row where I feel like it's amusing timing that what I've just posted about myself is not unlike what you've been sharing here - namely being surprised and grateful for a community of people who are not close or friends or such in any traditional fashion, but have become a kind of lifeline from a creative standpoint. I'm not even on the same level as you in terms of creative success and such, but I get it - for every 1000 people that pass me by and don't notice or care for what I do, that 1 person who smiles or enjoys it or talks to me about it, that's all it takes to renew my fire to keep doing this. You don't need dozens and hundreds and thousands, you don't need to have the world love you, all that one needs is to know that what they put out there is touching someone, teaching someone and making a positive mark on someones life. Keep being you Amanda, while we may all give you what you say, your energy and creativity and willingness to connect with people does the same for most if not all of us. Cheers.


All the love, AFP. From a big heart in a dismal spot reaching across the ether to yours.


oh i love this so much, i feel all of this, i too want a place to be me unfiltered to share the dark with the light, and now you have me thinking that although our Patreon crowd is small (our YouTube crowd is growing) that maybe i just need to make "the patreon" my place to go as well to share all things The Feel Better Way. Just picked up your book-I have been asking Universe how to let our YouTube community know we could really use their support and I feel like I am living a part fraud, sharing yoga and meditation to 20K people a month and watching every cent and then some just to get by. thanks for inspiring me to just carry on and be more and more me, fuck it all, let's start asking....i just sent email to accountant, don't really have the funds at this time for his (wonderful) services, and he wrote back and said yes :). A-fucking-men. Cheers love, big hugs to you