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hallo loves

i hope you're finding a lot of light in the dark this holiday season, unless you're in australia or new zealand or south africa and the sun is blazing all day, in which case all i can say is....curses, grumble.

anyway, this Thing is a revisiting of sorts. last year, at this time, i had about 9,000 patrons, and i surprised-dropped the video for "The Angel Gabriel" from down in cuba, where i was exploring with jason webley and jherek bischoff (and a handful of our friends and family, and one little one-year-old baby named ash). it was our first time there.

"The Angel Gabriel" was a track i already had in my vaults, and the beauty of the patreon meant i could afford to make a video for it, totally last minute, because i met the right people at the right time. the idea happened, a couple of phone calls were made, we threw the video together in under two weeks, and we released it as an Official Thing just in time for christmas....if you missed it last year, go watch it now.

it didn’t have a project page at the time because the whole thing happened so fast (and i was super-offline in cuba). 

but here's the surprise...i also brought in a cuban-american documentary filmmaker, juan carlos zaldivar, to capture our time there. his involvement was just as last minute as the music video...he literally found out i was going to cuba through a friend, called, and said: do you need help? do you want to document? and i was like: FUCK YES. come on down.


almost exactly one year later, this little 20(ish) minute video is finally edited and ready for you to watch. it’s about...a lot of things. art. the internet. progress. little back-stage snippets of this beautiful video being made. a lot of rehearsal footage with the (unbelievable) all-female string ensemble we played with. 

just watch. you’ll see. 

here is the link to the whole new project page, which houses the documentary (and this painting, by the way, is the same one you see being painted in the "gabriel" video, by alejandro pineira).




....and even though it’s on the project page, i’d like to share these words here in this patron-only post from Juan Carlos Zaldivar, the filmmaker who made the doc, the one who cold-called me.i want you guys to remember that the money you are giving to this patreon is getting spread so far and so wide to so many kinds of artists, musicians, filmmakers...it's so beautiful. from juan:

Though I am originally from Cuba, traveling to the island with Amanda and her colleagues was an incredibly unique experience and one that I will treasure for a long time. 

As an artist who has used the Internet to share her creative process fully and to democratize the economics of music-making, Amanda’s presence in Cuba at this historic threshold, when the Internet is about to be in homes throughout the country for the first time,  inspires  us around the world to  reconsider  what is it that being “connected” truly means.   

I believe  that  this short documentary also resonates with many of the current issues here in the US as the year 2017 comes to an end such as women’s lib; net neutrality & equal access; but also the importance & benefits of  tearing  down cultural borders and creating meaningful lateral exchanges.  For those of us whose  creative thrust is fueled by internal journeys, transformation and our relationship to our bodies as well as to our environments, Amanda’s intoxicating smile will inspire you to muse about our  relationship to the stories around us and to ourselves.   I hope you enjoy watching this film, talking about it and sharing it with your friends as much as we enjoyed making it.   

Happy Holidays! 

due to the size of the documentary video file, this Thing is streaming only, there's no download of the doc.

everyone: here are download codes for the angel gabriel song and video. these weren't available last year, so go nuts and add this to your holiday playlist.

download the angel gabriel video:

download "the angel gabriel" song: 
WAV: https://we.tl/HUieGlWJQe
MP3: https://we.tl/MQqkgeUcUM 




---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




My heart is just so full with all of this. The documentary was amazing. Thank you.

Amalija Vitezovic

The string ensemble is fantastic, and it's really great to see their perspective. And Ash learning to walk gave a whole new layer of meaning to the story :-)


Love it


Thank you everyone for adding this layer to the art. Educating us through story. I have a friend who found this video on social media and knowing that I'm a patron engaged me about how meaningful it was for her. She is a Cuban-Bolivian American born in Miami who has never been to Cuba. She saw her story in this documentary. I was both humbled and proud to be part of bringing this forth. Muchisimas Gracias and keep up the very good work!


I'm just now getting around to watching this because life, but this whole thing makes my heart full. You're an amazing human. A completely unrelated side anecdote - I have been having a really dark day today that I plan on dissecting with some self portraits tomorrow, but at one point I did make myself laugh because of you. It's something I realized I've been doing for a bit, but just caught on to. I was going through all of the things I could plausibly do to at least endure my foul mood in my head, like I could take a hot bath, I could journal, I could read a book, take a nap. And after each one, I would say, "Or I could go to Australiaaaaaa" subconsciously and it brought me momentary happiness. The End.


$5 patron here... I never received the download email for the documentary. Anyone have any ideas?


I totally missed the original video, but it was actually nice to watch it all together here. Absolutely beautiful. I had no idea of the situation in Cuba. It must be hard to be left behind like that, but I love how they've found a way to still share. And thank you for sharing Ash's fist steps with us. So lovely that you captured it on video!

Wendy S. Katz

This is wonderful. It sparks a tangle of complicated thoughts and feelings in me. Cuba has been special and mystical to me ever since I read an essay by Alice Walker many years ago. Postcard from Havana is special to me too because it's the first Thing I encountered when I wandered onto your Patreon page a bit less than a year ago. Thank you for both!


Beautiful :) And actually just what I needed post-celebratory season when that little bit of melancholy can set in after all of the communal festivities feel like they are over! It brings back a little peace and grounding. A reminder that nothing is over, it's all still rolling on by, there to be enjoyed, revisited, and lead to new creations and projects.

Jack Lowe

Really enjoyed this, thank you.


Absolute beautiful


Catching up on old emails... this post says that a download link was coming for $3+ Patreons. I never saw that email and can't seem to find the post... can someone direct me to it please?