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i just got to new york for two packed days of dresden dolls rehearsal …then we DO FOUR SHOWS and then i fly straight to london for the union chapel gig. i'm staying at my wonderful comrade lance horne's apartment for the weekend, and it's my longest time ever away from ash; 11 nights, while i do all the dolls touring. i think i might wean him this round. if anybody has any tips on keeping him away from my boobs when we reunite in london, feel free. i know nothing. (and i'm serious, advice welcome. he's two now, and he's been getting mighty aggressive and territorial about my boobs, and i'm like...last call.)

ok some housekeepings.

first up: $10+/webcast tier patrons...MARK YOUR CALENDARS, i'm going to do a long webcast/hang from my apartment in boston inbwteen the last two dolls shows: november 5th, 11 am. i'll remind you a few days before. i'm excited to talk. there's going to be a lot of things to discuss - there's something new coming out in just a couple days.

i’m still kind of in shock and joy mode from “The Ride” release. ahhhhhh.

i keep going back and reading all the comments from yesterday and i sort of can’t believe that this is working.

it’s WORKING. TRULY WORKING. i am actually making real art in real time and making money without having to deal with all the old bullshit. my dreams came true. LALALALALALA.

also: it’s heartening to see that a lot of new people have signed up for the patreon in the past day to peek in and support.

i’m gonna write more about this whole ride (no pun intended) when i have some bandwidth and i’m not running around like a crazy person….but things are moving, changing, 

i’m feeling this strange new chapter of possibilities in art-making kind of exploding in my head. it’s wonderful. i’m deeply grateful to you all. i can’t say it enough.

i’m still not sure what to do with this footage…i mean, i don’t want to keep it secret forever…but for now, if you want to share it with your loved ones, or there are fans you know would love it,

i feel fine having you cut and paste the video password as long as you aren’t posting it on social media (to the public). and maybe add a few words about how awesome and beautiful the patreon is becoming and encourage people to join in. here it is in front of you: 

Password: the ride! 

and seriously, if you more industry/media-minded people have thoughts about what i should do with this private/public dilemma, hit me. it’s all great problems to have (so much art! what to do with it??)…and i’m legit making this all up as i go along. if you think i have a hard-core strategy….watch me laugh, heartily. i’ve been changing plans on a dime and by the day. every project is a new experiment. some shit is working, some isn’t, we are all learning. i want your input and your help.

meanwhile….as i keep threatening, there’s a TON of new shit in the pike, most of it SECRET and SURPRISING. hold onto your hankies, your wine glasses, your headphones, your wallets, whatever. cap your pledges if budgets are tight. i’m going to possibly be Thing-ing up to three things a month this coming season. there’s shit i’ve had in the works for almost a YEAR that’s finally going to see the light of day. not planned, it just worked out that way. some art takes 3 days, some takes 10 months. you never know.



you voted on a day, we DID IT. SUNDAY: announcing THE NEXT DRAG NINJA SHOW at Her Upstairs, and this time ALL THE PROCEEDS are going to Mermaids UK which works with trans youth and their families (if you’d like to simply donate: http://www.mermaidsuk.org.uk). it’ll be a lot like last time: crazy, last-minute, sweaty, drinky, and i’m sure i’ll be using y’all to rehearse all this new material for the union chapel show, so bring hankies. and guess what, WE ARE RENTING AN INDESTRUCTIBLE KEYBOARD. no joke. last time was grand, but….yeah.

come EARLY!!!!! there will be, again, lots of pre-show entertainment from the fantastic queens we love so dearly. come come come early.

photo by elliott franks

THE SHOW IS BEING ANNOUNCED TO PATRONS ONLY!!! and these tickets will flyyyyyy if it's anything like last time. watch this space and your inboxes TOMORROW at  10 am london time for the link.

and one last note: brian and i (aka the dresden dolls) may well stream some of rehearsal today or tomorrow on periscope or facebook. make sure you've got notifications turned on!!!!




 ---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate by using the heart symbol. then i know who's reading :)

2. see All The Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




You’re doing great work and making great art. I’m really proud of you and proud to support your art. I’ve been waiting to share this video with everyone because it’s such a great work of art. Seriously you’ve really made something genuinely awesome on many levels but also ‘cause it’s got huge potential to bring everyone one from all walks of life together and help them get over everyone’s differences and grievances. It’s the message we all need right now so we can get over the silly things we think are to sacred to debate and discuss in a civil manner without launching into ad-hominem and character attacks. “Hey, relax... it’s just a ride.” I’ve secretly shown it to a couple of people who kinda don’t like me and it’s been amazing to see them realize how dumb it is to get angry at each other over our political differences. It’s also helped me in traffic to laugh more at myself and the people around me who get angry. I rolled down my window and told a guy who was yelling at me “hey guy, relax buddy it’s just a ride...” and let him go in front of me. He was confused and it almost immediately diffused the situation. We both kinda laughed and went on our way. I wish I could have thrown that video at him to watch later. “It’s just a ride” is my mantra and general philosophy for life for awhile now. I’m glad it got music to go with it now. I think it’s helping people understand each other more and making the world a little bit better everyday. So thanks.


I just joined in the Patreon support for you yesterday Amanda! How wonderful. Glad it is working and that you - with your gossamer skin (not like the typical clay skin we get around in) - can shine and share and remind us to be our shiny human gossamer selves! Thinking gossamer like spider's silk. That stuff is super strong. Good luck with the bub and boobs transition!


Wrap those boobs up on cabbage leaves and dry them up. He’ll still love you :) Thank you so much for being you.


(toooo much whisky) Speaking from the bottom to the top; love what you are doing (can't say much about child rearing) but "The Ride" was a serious moment of true "art" (ignoring that anything with a carousel motif has my vote). I don't cry easy, even when alone. I did cry with that, because I felt the connection; even if if in my own head ( where art grows....). Again, from the bottom up; trust your art. Look at your numbers, they may dance but they don't lie.


This story is dedicated to the author of "The Art of Asking" and "The Ride". This is my Thank You for both. She didn't realize it at the time, but Amanda was standing right next to me as I talked to the Spanish Lady who was afraid. Afraid of her kids going hungry. Afraid of the consequences of asking. I am so ANGRY that this story was necessary to tell in the U S of FUCKING A. But the story isn't about me. It's about my meeting one lady full of fear, but asking anyway; and another lady full of fear, but singing anyway. Thank you, Amanda. I hope...I really hope... this is good enough.


Tonight I bought a lady and her daughter a meal. The lady was standing outside a grocery store holding a carboard sign that started: "Have a job..." I don't recall the exact wording, but the sign claimed that she didn't make enough money to feed her four kids. And you know what? Maybe it was a total lie. Maybe I got scammed real good. Maybe her job made her bundles of money. Maybe she only had one daughter instead of four. Maybe...maybe...maybe. I know I might have been totally gullible for a sob story. So if you feel the need to point that out to me... YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT *OFF*. RIGHT NOW. I walked past her into the store and took care of my own errand. When I came back out, the lady and the girl had moved around the corner from the entrance to the exit. The wind was slightly less freezing there. Then I walked up to her and asked: "How can I help?" She started justifing her need to ask, but I interupted: "It's okay. You don't need to explain. What can I get for you?" "Food." was her simple reply. "I understand that. What kind of food would your family like?" "Hot food.", she said. My heart starting breaking at this point. But I persisted. "What kind of hot food?" She looked startled. She hadn't expected this kind of questioning. "Spa-spagetti", she stammered. Or shivered. It was really fucking cold and windy outside the store, but she didn't dare stand in the warm entryway where she might be chased off. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I promised. It took a bit out of me not to go faster than a walk to the gorcery store cafe inside. Looking back I should have asked her and her daughter to come inside the warm building with me. I would have growled at anyone who would have objected. I'm a fucking customer with cash--get the fuck out of my way. I'm not in the mood to be triffled with by some puffed up assistant manager. Not tonight. The cafe didn't have spagetti. But there was an Asian vegetable dish with lots of noodles. No doubt it was going to be thrown out after much longer--it was pretty late by that time. It came with two sides: I picked a double order of the sweet and sour chicken. How long had the lady been standing there anyway? Since 5 or 6 pm when her shift ended? I bought a double order of cheese bread, too. Enough for five people. The total came to 8-9 bucks, tops. I walked back outside. Handed the lady the last three dollars I had in my wallet and then handed her the big bag of hot food. "This is for you and your kids." I walked away so she didn't have to thank me more than a blessing in Spanish. I kept the fortune cookie that came with the Asian food. About 30 years ago, I met my best friend the morning after a party that had been going on since the previous afternoon. I hadn't eaten for over 12 hours and had only slept a bit on a basement couch. I didn't have my wallet on me and didn't own a car then. I had a long, cold, hungry walk home ahead of me before I would get any breakfast. My future best friend suddenly appeared around the corner of the steps that wound down into the basement. (This is the same best friend who offered me shelter and a place in his family when I had none of my own) He had brought a big armful of chinese food for the party-goers who had thought ahead. As they paid him for what they owed him, the delicious smells began to spread through the room as the little white cartons were opened. "Oh...great..just fucking perfect." I thought to myself. My friend looked at me and the hangdog look that must have been on my face. He didn't know me from Adam. "Hungry?" he asked, offering me his own share of the food. It was sweet and sour chicken. The fortune cookie that came with the food that I had brought to the lady in the cold read simply: "Love is around the corner."


Thank you. Shared The Ride with two of my sisters who are both fans. Made me feel all kinds of giddy ^_^ As for weaning . I remember weaning off my son the summer he turned 3 by wearing clothes that covered me up well. It left us both rather miserable and I'll never forget the look of haunted longing he gave all women with even a vague hint of cleavage. But it worked. Sort of. For a few months afterwards he'd wake up in the middle of nigjt and he'd crawl up in my bed snuggling to my back and I'd feel ice cold fingers worming their way underneath my t-shirt and flip my nipple a few times before falling asleep again. I didn't have the heart to stop him. It lasted a couple of months. Whatever works for you is fine. I wish you the best of luck 💜


my daughter grew up with the bottle. got zypadhera then and am a heavy smoker. breastfeeding never worked (although I tried). but you will manage


silly to write. not having any tips with weaning. still wanting to share my experience


I agree to share it with others non-patreon


the password is without the space ;)