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hallo loves
bathtime peace duck and i say hello

i’m about to read the almost 900 comments that have come in since last night. if you haven’t commented yet, you’ve got about an hour....i’m starting at the first and ending at the last

then, piano piano piano.

here’s the link (don’t comment here, please, i’ll miss it): https://www.patreon.com/posts/answer-me-this-i-14884736





Now there are more than 1000 to read for you! I love this new style of writing songs, it shows your deep connection with your fans - simply awesome! 😍


Holy shit that’s a lot of comments to read


I commented over there. :) My comment here is that I am loving your renewed song-writing creativity!


I am so fearful of the hatred that Trump is bringing out in people. I don't think a day goes by that someone I know personally or on Facebook is touched by this.


I am mildly afraid that I'll never get a job using my admittedly obscure (Medieval Studies) degree. It wouldn't be the end of the world not to get such a job (teaching, perhaps? I'm not sure what I can even use it for, which is probably part of the problem), but it would be nice, having spent the better part of four years pursuing the degree but not really doing well enough to get a doctorate. People who are much, much shorter than me (about half of the population, I'm rather tall) also unnerve me. But the real fear is that I'll just waste my life doing nothing of note,

Laura Wellner

I love the peace duck. :)


I hope you take some time for yourself after reading them. Listening and shouldering others fears must be exhausting. Sending lots of love and hopefully peace your way.


Honing fear into a tool to break through writer's block is raw work. Agreed...wear gloves and safety goggles as you chip away to protect yourself. Best of luck; I'm swathed in anticipation to see what you forge.

Michael C. Foy

Is there any joy left in the world? Is there anything beautiful to sing about? Those that pretend to be our Kings Want us to wallow in perpetual MISERY FEAR breaks us apart, turn inwards Thats how we pretend to let them... RULE

Michael Clark

You have a lovely upside down face, if I do say so myself. And I do say so myself. Who else would say so for me?


Nice photo)))


Hi lovely!