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hallo loves.

i've been meaning to write a long post for a while, but i've been jetlagged-depleted and getting more so by the minute and i'm about to hop on a flight back to the states and deal with the whole rigamarole again - i'm getting to old for this shit!!! wait no i'm not, i'm just grumpy and menstrual and tired. i'm also feeling crushed by the weight of the world news and my hair is turning more white than gray...everything is feeling slightly unmanageable at the moment. jetlag always just augments that.

BUT this made me feel amazing yesterday, i have to say. from tanya.solomon on instagram. it doesn't have to be addressed to hillary clinton, i don't think. it could basically be addressed to every single (western?) woman everywhere:

Dear @hillaryclinton, the time has come for you to reverse all the moderation and femininity you turned to decades ago and which has failed you.
Please reverse it. Please come out swinging as a #crone. Take off the makeup, let the hair go silver, practice #witchcraft, never mince another word.
It's not too late!
Costume @agnieszkaosipa Photo @marcin_nagraba
#hillaryclinton #thefuturethatliberalswant #thefutureisfemale #witch

thanks tanya. i'll work on my helmet. (direct link to her post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BZJ1DX9A_RX/)


i'll try to write something more substantial when i'm less zonked, but for the time being, i'm in a beautiful little (actually, big) rehearsal space in part of union chapel (it's the upstairs BAR, if you've ever come to one of my shows here) and the acoustics are wonderfully boomy, and there's decent wireless, so i'm going to do a quickie livestream on periscope and facebook. they'll probably each last about 10-15 minutes (or maybe longer), and as long as you're tuned into my stream on both/either channel, you'll see me there, barring disaster.

it'll be at about 2:45/3pmishhhhh london time - 9:45 or 10 NYC time.

see you soon....




---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:





What happened to Huzza?


10-15 minutes ? Haha thank you for being so generous with your time :)


I do love the feeling of being right there with you discussing arty things and political things and human things and world things, I often feel like I am being uncharacteristically silent though! ;-P Thanks for staying overtime. <3


doesn't the grey creeping in suck ass? I hate it... im nearing 45 and grey beard coming like some ugly nagging reminder ...I always miss ya when u are live and cant afford to up my patronage ...but I wanna talk to you so badly ...I accept that I probably wont be able to ... but hang in there as best you can ... n u know why... lol... I always respect u and care bout ya.. so I will hope u read the comments ... sorta 1 sided convos' on the web but hey... it what we have ,,, love ya stay tough.


Amanda, please read me. I need to talk to you. THANK YOU. I need to thank you. My world is upside-down. My dad just died...It's an intense situation because I haven't seen him since I was 12. I'm 32 now. It's such a long story...Long story short, I am absolutely broken. I am lost. I am alone. I was abandoned, I continue to be abandoned, I am alone. But your stream yesterday was SO HEALING. Your song is so healing. I hate to sound conceited because I'm not, but so many of the words in that song are applicable to me and my dad. Your song made me realize I'm not actually alone. There is a whole world of people who feel the same way I do, and your song proves it. We're all connected. I am okay. It is okay. Everything is okay. We're all going through this insane thing called life. We're going through such intense things. We're living through such trying times. But we're all in it together, it's okay, we're okay. Thank you so, so much for your song. It's so important. Thank you for sharing yourself with the world, you are important. You help so many people on DEEP levels and you aren't even aware. You are so special. Thank you for your help, thank you for everything that you do. I am so broken right now, but you are helping me so much. Thank you.


Dreaming Hands I am sitting here at midnight, holding your hand while you sleep, waiting to once again pierce your sweet little finger with a lancet, draw blood, and check your blood glucose. It's the only time that you let me hold your hand anymore, and I ache for when you were little, and I was the only place on the planet that you wanted to be. You told me that you were too big to hold your hand in public almost exactly a year ago, so FaceBook informs me. We were walking to the car after school and when I tried to take your glittery, painty kindergartener's hand in mine you pulled back, stomped your foot, and proclaimed your independence in front of your friends. My heart broke, and soared, as you grew before my eyes. I wanted to tell you that someday, you will want to hold my hand again. I think the hardest thing about being a mommy is that you know that there will be hard impossible days ahead, full of broken hearts, betrayed confidences, failed assignments, and shifting dreams. But there will also be impossibly beautiful moments, where the sun and the moon and the stars fall into perfect alignment at your feet, and everything within your imagination is perfectly possible. My darling Sunshine, I will be there for every exquisite, painful, beautiful moment, ready to hold your hand and walk with you. And for now, if you need to walk independently, I will watch, and wait, and quietly hold your hand as you dream.


Everything in my life right now is anxiety. Anxiety over being enough, not having control of my situation, not seeing my kid enough, not being able to help my family or my partner financially. The world is full of anxiety and nature is our Xanax but we are treating her like shit and flushing her down the drain because who wants to feel better right!? So we are under this big global suffering and what we need is peace, understanding, communication and love because that can get us to a better place. We all know it. The majority I think know it. It's just that the wrong people are in power and in control. They care more about their agendas then what's right for everybody. Or maybe they think they know what is right for everybody, but act poorly. The road to hell is paved with good intentions right? All we can do is try our best to do our part in being the change whether it's voicing our dissent or marching for our voice.

