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hello dear ones

just a 2am insomniac post...i was just about to shut down when i saw chiara ambrosio post the news about london. neil is there, and fine, and i'm over here on the other side of the channel, sad for our world, sad for this increasing sense of dull unease, and still keenly aware that we aren't in kabul.

my god, folks. and so soon after manchester. and the disaster of trump and the climate shitshow. it feels like the window is slapping down on our fingers.

we are here together.

so since i just saw and hugged so many of you in hay and am about to see so many of you in london in a few days...i'm just sending you my love and giant fucking hug and a small message from the deep bottom of my overwhelmed mother-heart that i am feeling very inspired, at this moment in time, to get to work. i feel things welling up inside - they're going to have to come out.

and now is the time when i have to share my favorite mister rogers quote:

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."

meanwhile - i played a killer set at the world biggest goth festival last night after sitting in a hospital waiting room for 5 hours (no big deal, had an infection and got some anti-biotics and will be drinking all the kefir) with an entire family from albania. i helped watch after their 2 year old a little by playing hide and seek with him. he was exactly ash's age.

ash is sleeping on me right now, his bare ribs heaving up and down as his mother reloads twitter and facebook, chatting with fans and friends in london and generally trying to set her kind at rest because she's misplaced (or he's misplaced) the rebecca solnit book (the faraway nearby) which has become me Calm Place at night.

look for the people who are helping.

his ribs
his ribs
and london bridge

i love you all so much

be safe.




Heather Law

My favourite JRR Tolkien quote in exchange for your Mr Rogers: "The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."


Amanda I wanted to let you know I have been watching the One Love Manchester livestream and bawling for hours and my pit of despair has been replaced with hope and love. I don't listen to a lot of pop and I don't know most of the songs, and harkening back to your polemic I don't always think of pop as art or pop stars as artists. But man, right now I do. Whatever you think of Miley Cyrus and Arianna Grande, watching them literally hold each other up as they sing "Don't Dream it's Over," knowing they have been friends since they were children and never expected their fans to feel they were risking death by coming to see them, brought new meaning to the lyrics "they come to build a wall between us, but we know they won't win." It would put a proud lump in anyone's throat. Art is the most important weapon against terror, and music in particular. I may not know the songs but those kids in that crowd who somehow convinced their moms to go to the show after what happened in London yesterday know every word. They are singing with tears streaming down their cheeks and they feel united and strong. I'm so proud of them. And I'm glad to think that even though their idol is a perky pop princess miles away from them on a stadium stage, they get to experience a fraction of the connection your fandom feels for you and for each other. Sometimes I think there is nothing more important in the world.


Thanks so much for this. As we work to change things, all we have is each other.


Love back. it so sad. the worlds feels like it is shifting perpetually. constant;. hard to keep track. harder to understand. My friend was in London when it happened. it's numbing sometimes.

Bernd Brecht

Wir werden es alle gemeinsam schaffen mit guter Kunst und Musk

Frank Boyle

So very awful, yet history always, always repeats itself. Human animal history, that is. Fear is the mother of all violence. Flight or fight. What makes us think we are so special? The religions. I am so tired of this, the bear and the parrot and the lemur and the bonobo... we are just another species. Take your awful, paternalistic creation stories (western religions) and go away. I will choose Hopi, although at this point in my life I am most definitely an atheist. ♥️ to you, Amanda and Ash we helpers are always with you.


Ash is so sweet as hell !!


I've seen you at the WGT. You were amazing, beautiful and touching. Thanks a lot for letting my thoughts stop for a moment about the things going wrong these days.


I'd really like to respond to the posts and send all the likes but the captcha takes all my energy. How many street signs must I tick to prove I'm not a robot?


I hold a great hope that as we all become more informed and aware and 'woke' these terrible things that humans do (have always done) will become more and more unacceptable to us all. That we will see behind the curtain of anger and aggression and see the fear that drives the machine. We will unmask the demagogues and the power-brokers and the greedy and choose to step over the chasms that they try to create between us all. That we will choose kindness and love and community. That we will find out how few monsters there really are and instead of fearing them or cheering them, reject their worldview. If we all refuse to be combatants and instead choose to be helpers, healers of the wounded no matter what caused the wounds, acceptors of the truth that humans are both complex and capable of redemption we can begin to dismantle the barricades and tear down the walls. Everyone here makes me believe that it is possible. Amanda you are doing great work in the world, stitching people together into a net that can catch and save, and even more is open to connecting with the nets others are weaving...I think that in the end it must be a grassroots movement of humans choosing to save each other that will save us all. Embrace your sorrow as part of loving and reject the fear and anger that only feeds the machinery of separation. Hope is alive and our love is an unquenchable light in the darkness. Much love to you all. xxx


Good job