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Hello loves.

Just here at the end of a long day to post some photos while I listen to one of my favorite songs of all time.

(Care of Stephen)

Most people don’t know what this part of a piano is called; the three pedal bit. It’s called a lyre. I played a tiny bit today.

Your love means so much to me. I feel it, in my bones, in my feet. There’s music in here, somewhere, at the bottom. It’s in there. I feel it floating in the hearts of my soles.



P.S. I had to stare at this for a long second. But it was worth it.





T Nonya

It’s my thirty-fifth birthday and I have covid. For the 4th time. Some of us have all the luck. Anyway, thank you for sharing these lovely photos and song. Be well 🤲

Valentin Shauger

afp late night posts are the best. god i love you. so much. im sending hugs. always. *3 am hug* you have no idea how hard im trying to stay. my damn hardest. love you afp. so much. you always have my support ♥️♥️

Blue Gemini

I've followed your career for so long now, and I've seen what kind of person you are at heart. I understand that all the comments right now are dancing around an elephant in the room, and that you cannot directly address the elephant for a variety of reasons that are out of your control. I also recognize how paralyzingly frustrating that must be as a person whose whole life ethos is about radical vulnerability and saying all the quiet parts out loud and engaging with mucky, messy nuances. I think throwing the word "complicit" around when we know next to nothing about your perspective is so disingenuous. We don't know what you were going through, what ways you were hamstrung or silenced, and we don't know how or what you may have done to try and help in any way you can while living in survival mode in another country during a global crisis with no obvious route to safety or comfort or support. We don't know why certain people left when they did or what your role was. I can imagine how much knowing all this has been eating you up inside for years. Often when we're in survival mode, we try to mitigate what damage we can while also dealing with the constant pressure of "How do I survive this day? How do I protect my kid on this day?" And I am a consciencious objector to the practice of immediately running to blame a woman the moment a powerful man is held publicly accountable for his behavior. I think we all know who you are, Amanda. You've been open about who you are from day one. As a fan I have watched you make so many well-intentioned missteps, and I have even rolled my eyes or pounded the table in frustration myself when I thought you missed the mark or screwed up, but I've never for a moment thought you had ill intentions, and the person I've listened to, watched and read for all these years is not someone who I believe would willingly put people in harms way. A few weeks ago at the 9:30 club you were having a rough time on stage performing all the new songs, and I think that makes a lot more sense now with some of this recent news. During a lull near the end of the night I shouted from the pit crowd, "Are you feeling any better?" and you laughed and said "I'm feeling a little better." And that's all you can do on days, weeks, months like these. That night at the 9:30 club I felt like shit, and I spent the first half of that show sitting against the back wall feeling overwhelmed by my trauma. But I approached the stage near the end of the night, and when Bad Habit came on, I let everything out, I was screeching along, and I felt so much better after. You signed my Dresden Dolls EP that night at the foot of the stage, and it was so surreal and lovely. You have so much benefit of the doubt here from people who know your character. I'm bracing for what I'm sure will be more news but I hope that you are taking care of yourself, and your son, in this moment.

Tara Timmsy

❤️‍🩹Beautifully said. Standing in solidarity ✊🏽. Agree; we all know next to nothing. And what we can infer from the flotsam, I worry that Amanda is retraumatized by what is surfacing and again dealing with being silenced. As part of this community, I encourage everyone to be patient and kind and not make demands of a person who may be in survival mode once again. I wish there was something we could do to show stoic support. Amanda, do you need anything? Can we make you a casserole?!? Or pull weeds out of the garden, do the dishes?

Dave Millar

I'd absolutely love to hear Another Year.