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Hi loves

I’m mostly offline. Coming at you in a few days with the Althing.

I ducked online tonight to watch the presidential debate for 5 minutes and wanted to leave the country.

I took this sunset picture of a cloud with a hole.

It all seems apt.

I love you all so much.

I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life right now. So there’s that.

Change is coming. It always does.

Hang in there.

Steady as she goes.

As above, so below.

It’s a lot. It’s a whole thing. It’s a hole thing.

It’s up in the air.





Laura Wellner

Thankfully, there's still beauty in the world. I did not watch the debate, I couldn't stomach it. I'm heartsick for our country. The presidential dumpster fire is what it is, it will either be put out by sensible people who want to fix this shit, or it could burn itself out and we'll get the charred leftovers. Or worse, the dumpster fire is never put out, the consequences of that is unthinkable. Happy thoughts! Love you!


I didn't watch the debate. I take piano lessons over zoom from an old Jewish hippy across the country. He asked if I had seen the debate....I was a bit embarrassed that I had no idea it had passed. That's a bit unheard of for me. I've unplugged from my obsessive political engagement . It's a tough balance, because if you don't sit at the table --you end up on the menu. But if you are too engaged the despair is overwhelming. While I love making people feel better as a job, it requires interfacing the consequences of capitalism, exploitative labor practices, abusive spouses/families, fighting with insurance companies to do the literal bare minimum...I may have a single spoon left by the end of the day. Which I use I just go home , cuddle my cats, play piano, then read scifi/fantasy smut. That said, being one of the weirdos born and raised in Delaware...Uncle Joe is a good guy. It makes me sad to hear how bad it went for him, I'm almost scared to watch/read about it. (Goes back to reading about chicks getting railed blue aliens on a primitive ice planet)