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My loves

Good morning from my random DC hotel.

I only have about an hour to get posts done before I head into the world of work and catching up with my family, but I just wanted to send a short note. Last night’s show was raw and not in the most comfortable way, the band sort of fell down the vortex well. It happens.

The venue was freezing (well, by my lizard standards) and the collapse went from there. It let to some really interesting moments, that’s for sure. I wrecked my voice trying to sing my way out of the collapse. I had hoped to try to chuck a new song at you, but it just wasn’t the right moment. It’ll come.

We are about to do night #2 at the 9:30. It was sold out but we just released some extra tickets at Dresdendolls.com if people are wondering. Bring comrades.

I apologize if I’m on the less-talky side today at the patron gathering … maybe I’ll use it as a chance to listen to YOU.

Come prepared to share.

All the nitty gritty info is in the last post, but basics:

Today at 1pm!! Til about 4-5pm

Whitlow’s Bar

901 U St NW, Washington, DC

All ages ok.


Dont forget we are STREAMING THE DRESDEN DOLLS SHOW TONIGHT - funded by patrons - free to the world.

Thank you. Your money means everybody else can watch.

It’s going live tonight at 8pm and the show will start around 9-9:10.

It’s streaming right to dresdendolls.com

I love you all. See you today.

Here’s the patron photo from last night.

Taken by Michael McComiskey.

And some shots of the show from Michael ♥️





Scott Meekins

That rough show you're referring to probably still sounded amazing! There's no such thing as a bad Dresden Dolls gig! ONLY IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN!

Lizz Lee

Amanda, thank you for being so kind today. I just wanted to cry and/or vomit but I managed to hold my shit together. It was lovely. Xo