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To have one, to be one, to see one, to find one, to make one.

I am thinking today about my own mom and everything she struggled through to raise two little kids after getting a divorce when I was a babe in arms. Here we are, at her mom’s house, when I was just wee. I love you, mom.

I’m thinking about her mother and how she came to this country as a little girl, confused, losing a brother to childhood illness, navigating America with a broken little heart.

I’m thinking about all the people of all genders who have parented and mothered me over the years…and there are countless. I am thinking about my mom friends who inspire me every day to keep persevering with a sense of humor.

I’m thinking about all the mothers I know who have lost children in so many ways, and there are so many ways. I’m thinking of all the moms out there whose children have ghosted them. I’m thinking of all my friends who’ve given birth to babies and had to say goodbye. I’m thinking of my friends and community members who’ve had abortions for a million different reasons and live in the emotional soup of quantum theory possibility.

I’m thinking of the people who have lost their moms, found new moms, been moms from a very young age. I’m thinking of my friend who just had a baby six days ago. I’m thinking about my friend who couldn’t have babies but wanted to. I’m thinking about the moms in wartorn countries and the moms living in refugee camps and the moms whose homes have been burned and flooded and lost who try against all odds to make this world, for their children, still seem - against all reason - normal, kind, reasonable and a compassionate place to want to hang around in.

I am thinking of my friend who just took her life. I am thinking about the moms who think about doing that and don’t. I am thinking about the kids who lose their moms.

I am thinking about a lot this morning.

Happy Mother’s Day. To literally everybody in the world, cos you pretty much all came out of a mother, honey, one way or another.

Stills by Kris Fox from our patron-funded “Drowning in the Sound” and “Mother” video shoots with Coco Karol, who choreographed and danced while heavily preggo and with baby wandering about.

Dance on, mothers.

We Dance On. I see you. I love you.




Emma Brown

Happy Mother's Day, you are an amazing mum to Ash! Mother's Day in the UK is is March but this is timely as I've just received another letter from my mother (trying to trick me by saying it's from my father) with another half-assed apology ("I'm sorry for the things that were said") asking for my forgiveness for 30+ years of emotional abuse. I'm staying no contact and will write to express this. I have fibromyalgia and complex-PTSD which I'm sure is a result of that trauma.

Natalie Gelman

Happy Mothers Day... especially to those as you say "of all genders who have parented and mothered me over the years…and there are countless." ❤️