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Hey my loves

I know I don’t need to feed the algorithm here on the patreon which makes it even more delicious to just gleefully post a hot photo of me and my yitties because, well, I can and I want to.

I didn’t know this photo was being taken which makes it even more delicious.

I just posted this photo (Brendon took it) to socials and had to add the Regina Spektor lyrics it called to mind:

(Listen here.)

“Summer in the city

Means cleavage, cleavage, cleavage

And I started miss you, baby, sometimes

I've been staying up drinking

In the late night establishments

Telling strangers personal things

Summer in the city

I'm so lonely, lonely, lonely

So I went to a protest

Just to rub up against strangers

And I did feel like coming

But I also felt like crying

And it doesn't seem so worth it right now….”

And then I plugged Regina’s new tour dates (see them below) and then a lot of people started talking about how they are boycotting her music and I just couldn’t get over the poetry and the sadness.

….. Life is always like this.


So I went to a protest

Just to rub up against strangers

And I did feel like coming

But I also felt like crying


Trying to keep it simple.

I am floating in time and space right now.

Trying real hard not to read too much into anything or make too much sense of things.

Just enjoying the weather - in and out - immensely.

Here we are in Harvard Square over the weekend. This photo by Geeta.

And this:

….Was a candle I lit the other night for my friend Casey who was in labor. The baby has been born and mama and baby are well and my god, the cycle keeps cycling. All these people gettin’ born and dyin’…

Today, in the car, I started writing a brand new song. It’s been months. Sometimes it just fills me with wonder, how these songs rain down with no warning.

I run around with buckets and try to catch them.


And I’m happy so many people are joining the patreon. It FILLS ME WITH HOPE!!!!

There’s a lotta new blood here, may I just say…..WELCOME! I’ve been slowly reading all your introductions on the last post (still catching up) and it’s so nice, and feeding my spring heart. Feel free to comment here, I’m reading everything. Today was mostly a blur of phone calls and I’m working on a HUGE and hopefully meaningful post of book recommendations, since it’s about that time of season and I wanna round up a lot of thoughts and plugs and loose ends.

I’m also working on ORGANIZING a lot of things: the upcoming patron gatherings (yay!! Stay tuned!!) and getting my emails answered and body and mind in shape for the upcoming dolls tours. I have a few songs to finish writing and with any luck I’ll have another demo for you this or next month. :)

You all help me write.

Regina’s upcoming dates!! She’s staying off social media, apparently, so I’m gonna just leave this here and help her get the word out.



Meanwhile…here’s MY upcoming dates if you wanna come be with and hug me.

I will have a lot to say more about these books and authors in my big-ass book recommendation list tomorrow, BUT….

I’m gonna almost definitely play music at these author events, so consider them PART CONCERT, especially the one on May 18th with Katherine Yeske Taylor!! The Leslie Jamison show is nearing sold out!! These are gonna be amazing conversations. Come to the woods with me. I really want to end this era with a bannng.

Tickets at gravesidevariety.com

Speaking of graveside, I sang “Coin-Operated Boy” with Lance Horne last night at the “Party around a piano” (our piano-karaoke request night) and it was so wild to sing that song without having my hands on the keys. It was….sadder. So many people sang so many beautiful songs.

The LAST “Party around a Piano” at our little venue in the woods is SUNDAY MAY 19th and you alllll gotta come! Sing a song? Bring a friend!! We are gonna do the Greatest Hits!!!

I got this photo of the jar of FUCKS that Lance was handing out. ;)

Tickets at gravesidevariety.com


Then …. Then ….

WITH THE DRESDEN DOLLS - all shows are nearing sold out or sold out!!!


June 14 & 15 - 9:30 CLUB - WASHINGTON DC


On sale now at DresdenDolls.com

November dates coming soon. Make sure you’re on the band mailing list. :)

See you all tomorrow.

With books and stories.

I love you.





Sara Blue

Please.. pls… Come To Europe again! No.. of course. Do what you Want, Do what you Need. Do what you can. I Love you (hui Never Wrote that in the Internet. But please… Come To Europe again Sometime. Things are getting weirder Here and music helps.)

Carmen Fitz

I Love candid photos, I Love yitties and I Love Love. These photos and the accompanying caption was such a splendid, heartwarming and thought provoking moment and a nice hit of dopamine and inspiration as I floated throughout the time and space of my own day. Thank you for sharing yours 🙏 💛 Love you too

Ruth Irving

Yay!!! Love the photos and looking forward to the books :)

Lauren Smith

I bought tickets to Bearsville, October. I want the vip but can't afford it. I just need to see you and be with people who get me.