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Hello my loves

Greetings from upstate New York …

Lance took this picture of me the morning I landed from tour (yesterday) when I was feeling crucified by the internet for posting AI-generated Drag Queen Jesus but I rotated it ninety degrees to the left and posted it to social media and I just looked…tired and happy.

Not crucified at ALL!!!!

And it just goes to show you

Perspective is feckin everything.

I’ve been texting with a lot of my (mainly female, but all genders really) musician friends about the internet, Beyoncé’s (amazing) new record, AI, art, parenthood and internet punishment and I gotta say, I have 6 essays in me that I ain’t got time to write but I sure as hell am gonna try.

Coming back from tour is such a bitch because I’m so artistically inspired and also so backed-up by mundane shit to do and so exhausted. I often get ahead of myself and twist myself into a pretzel trying to do it all too fast.

Pacing and cadence is the theme of the decade.


Anyway. Just a love note…if you missed the MASSIVELY LONG “state of all things” blog and catch-up that went out two days ago, it’s here, complete with long and rambling video from BED:



I’m now fully home from tour and doing laundry and I just love you all so so so much.

I’m feeling completely drained out but so so so happy and fuzzy after all the incredible Dolls shows. I’m so in love with my new songs and feeling so excited about recording them, now that I’ve seen how they work live in front of human hearts and ears and eyes. It changes eveyenrinf.

So…I’m buried deep.

Lots coming up…!!!!!! see many of you Thursday night for the little fundraiser wine party at Graveside Variety (there’s about 5 final tickets left if you wanna make the pilgrimage: https://www.gravesidevariety.com/spring-fundrasier)



THANK YOU AND WELCOME WELCOME AND I LOVE YOU and say hey and introduce yourself in the comments. I’m reading everything.

Reminder also to get on the dolls mailing list because we have some big basic announcements coming up in the next few months and I don’t want yall to miss out on ticket links.




Ps excellent morning coffee in Kington, NY at Rough Draft



Valentin Shauger

Hey afp. How are you feeling? Hopefully my comment finds you rested. You deserve it. Can only imagine how you must be feeling after touring the South. That was a huge reason I went. To see my favorite band destroy the South. Nashville was my third Dolls show and quite possibly my favorite I've been to. It was just on fucking fire. You and Brian are the reason I didn't kill myself. I'm lost right now. You are loved. Thank you for everything. 🫂

James from Wellington

I feel like I've just got back from your tour too, mainly just in the exhaustion perspective. I've now got a rental house in Christchurch, moving stuff down here some weekends, others I'm spending renovating the Wellington house, as well as my new full-time job down here, and yesterday I had to get a covid booster so now I am also in crucifixion pose on my spare bed (the other one is still in peices) hoping I feel better in the morning.


I didn’t do much of a proper intro, just kinda jumped in with a hello, so hi 👋🏽 again. I’m Stephanie, I’ve never had the opportunity to see you or The Dolls live, but have been listening since the early 2000s. I’m a national/international advocate/all things not covered under that job title for abused and exploited children specializing in familial trafficking and organized abuse. Qualifications aside my lived experience makes me a “subject matter expert” as we say in the field. Your music, words and authenticity have saved me many ways, many times. Thank you for that ongoing gift. 🤍