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A character design I had for a while but finally finished and submitted it to a contest!  I normally don't think of backstories for my characters because.. I just think of the designs randomly but for the contest it required one so here it is~

Inspired by the feathers of birds and the beauty of peacocks I wanted to make a character that carried power yet elegance. The bondage ropes show that she is still tied down although she walks with a strong gait.


She walks with her head held high with a pride called loneliness.

Since young she was the outcast out of jealousy and was made fun of by others as she had wings but could not fly. Through many hardships she learned to depend on her own strength. Living alone for centuries she developed a strong sense of independence. Other creatures and humans are intimidated by her presence as her demeanor gives off the impression of a leader yet a solemn look and atmosphere always encompasses her. Misunderstood even as years go by she continues to roam about in hopes of finding someone who can untie her bonds and free her feathers.



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