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I want to share a preview of a piece I have worked on! It will be a part of a cosplayers photo/artbook so I'm excited to announce it when it goes on sale! Until then I won't give any clues as to who the cosplayer is :3c I also cannot post the full piece but I am able to add the sketches up to the flat colors for this piece in the month's pack!

I also got to doodle Nana and the papa of papa's... Brian of Iron Vertex LOL I wanted to do it as a thank you for his hard and amazing work!

And finally,

Again with the "I've been so busy" line _(:3/

Not to vent but IRL issues and work has been kicking my ass physically, mentally and emotionally so I've been unable to draw as much as I'd like to this entire month.  I do have a few pieces for this month's pack but not as much as I'd hope to. Along with this, I will need to push the keychain creations to next month which I am sorry about TT

For the past 2 months I've been seeing the need to work less at my office job and have already put in a request with my office manager to cut down on my hours. My body is literally breaking down and I feel like my mentality is too. Only thing is... it's been a real shitstorm at work - for the past year actually, but even more so this year - so I don't know when this request can happen. There's a whole bunch of other complicated factors as to why I haven't left this office but if worse, comes to worst, I will have to quit for my own sake. I do see it being possible to pursue art as a career but it isn't quite enough just yet, but I believe if the worst case scenario happens- I'll be able to manage. I'm so thankful for you all supporting my work and I feel like without you guys, it wouldn't have been possible to even have art as a career option. So thank you.




thank you for your hard work i hope things turn out for the better


Wishing you the best Nana, don't feel pressured to draw if you're tired and need a break, you need to put yourself first, will all still be here for you!

William Cruz

Always do what you think is best for yourself. We will gladly follow you


You take things at whatever pace you need to Nana. Stay strong and we will be here to support you . Thank you for the images I love them !


I'm a firm believer in venting when you need to, take your time and try to rest when you can of course. I was in a shitty situation with my job last year too and I get how you're feeling. I hope you can get the hours cut quickly and find a way to decompress. ♥